SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') require('chai').should() expect = require("chai").expect sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/Dropbox/DropboxWebhookHandler.js' describe 'DropboxWebhookHandler', -> beforeEach -> @DropboxWebhookHandler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "../../models/User": User: @User = {} "../ThirdPartyDataStore/TpdsUpdateSender": @TpdsUpdateSender = {} "redis": createClient: () => @rclient = auth: sinon.stub() 'settings-sharelatex': redis: web: {} 'logger-sharelatex': log:-> err:-> @callback = sinon.stub() describe "pollDropboxUids", -> beforeEach (done) -> @dropbox_uids = [ "123456", "789123" ] @DropboxWebhookHandler.pollDropboxUid = sinon.stub().callsArg(1) @DropboxWebhookHandler.pollDropboxUids @dropbox_uids, done it "should call pollDropboxUid for each uid", -> for uid in @dropbox_uids @DropboxWebhookHandler.pollDropboxUid .calledWith(uid) .should.equal true describe "pollDropboxUid", -> beforeEach -> @dropbox_uid = "dropbox-123456" @user_id = "sharelatex-user-id" @User.find = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, [ _id: @user_id ]) @TpdsUpdateSender.pollDropboxForUser = sinon.stub().callsArg(1) describe "when there is already a poll in progress", () -> beforeEach -> @DropboxWebhookHandler._delayAndBatchPoll = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, false) @DropboxWebhookHandler.pollDropboxUid @dropbox_uid, @callback it "should not go ahead with the poll", -> @TpdsUpdateSender.pollDropboxForUser.called.should.equal false describe "when we are the one to do the delayed poll", () -> beforeEach -> @DropboxWebhookHandler._delayAndBatchPoll = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, true) @DropboxWebhookHandler.pollDropboxUid @dropbox_uid, @callback it "should look up the user", -> @User.find .calledWith({ "dropbox.access_token.uid": @dropbox_uid, "features.dropbox": true }) .should.equal true it "should poll the user's Dropbox", -> @TpdsUpdateSender.pollDropboxForUser .calledWith(@user_id) .should.equal true it "should call the callback", -> @callback.called.should.equal true describe "_delayAndBatchPoll", () -> beforeEach -> @dropbox_uid = "dropbox-uid-123" @DropboxWebhookHandler.POLL_DELAY_IN_MS = 100 describe "when no one else is polling yet", -> beforeEach (done) -> @rclient.set = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(5, null, "OK") @start = @DropboxWebhookHandler._delayAndBatchPoll @dropbox_uid, (error, @shouldPoll) => @end = done() it "should set the lock", -> @rclient.set .calledWith("dropbox-poll-lock:#{@dropbox_uid}", "LOCK", "PX", @DropboxWebhookHandler.POLL_DELAY_IN_MS, "NX") .should.equal true it "should return the callback after the delay with shouldPoll=true", -> @shouldPoll.should.equal true expect(@end - @start) describe "when someone else is already polling", -> beforeEach -> @rclient.set = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(5, null, null) @DropboxWebhookHandler._delayAndBatchPoll @dropbox_uid, @callback it "should return the callback immediately with shouldPoll=false", -> @callback.calledWith(null, false).should.equal true