import { fallbackRequest, fetchRange } from './pdf-caching' import getMeta from '../../../utils/meta' import { captureException } from '../../../infrastructure/error-reporter' import { getPdfCachingMetrics } from './metrics' export function generatePdfCachingTransportFactory(PDFJS) { if (getMeta('ol-pdfCachingMode') !== 'enabled') { return () => null } let failedOnce = false const cached = new Set() const metrics = Object.assign(getPdfCachingMetrics(), { failedCount: 0, tooLargeOverheadCount: 0, tooManyRequestsCount: 0, cachedCount: 0, cachedBytes: 0, fetchedCount: 0, fetchedBytes: 0, requestedCount: 0, requestedBytes: 0, }) const verifyChunks = new URLSearchParams('verify_chunks') === 'true' class PDFDataRangeTransport extends PDFJS.PDFDataRangeTransport { constructor(url, pdfFile, reject) { super(pdfFile.size, new Uint8Array()) this.url = url this.pdfFile = pdfFile this.reject = reject this.abortController = new AbortController() } abort() { this.abortController.abort() } requestDataRange(start, end) { const abortSignal = this.abortController.signal fetchRange({ url: this.url, start, end, file: this.pdfFile, metrics, cached, verifyChunks, abortSignal, }) .catch(err => { metrics.failedCount++ failedOnce = true console.error('optimized pdf download error', err) captureException(err) return fallbackRequest({ url: this.url, start, end, abortSignal }) }) .then(blob => { this.onDataRange(start, blob) }) .catch(err => { console.error('fatal pdf download error', err) captureException(err) this.reject(err) }) } } return function (url, pdfFile, reject) { if (failedOnce) { // Disable pdf caching once any fetch request failed. // Be trigger-happy here until we reached a stable state of the feature. return null } return new PDFDataRangeTransport(url, pdfFile, reject) } }