/* This test suite is a multi level matrix which allows us to test many cases with all kinds of setups. Users/Actors are defined in USERS and are a low level entity that does connect to a real-time pod. A typical UserItem is: someDescriptiveNameForTheTestSuite: { setup(cb) { // const options = { client: RealTimeClient.connect(), foo: 'bar' } cb(null, options) } } Sessions are a set of actions that a User performs in the life-cycle of a real-time session, before they try something weird. A typical SessionItem is: someOtherDescriptiveNameForTheTestSuite: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { rpc: 'RPC_ENDPOINT', args: [...] } ]) } } Finally there are InvalidRequests which are the weird actions I hinted on in the Sessions section. The defined actions may be marked as 'failed' to denote that real-time rejects them with an (for this test) expected error. A typical InvalidRequestItem is: joinOwnProject: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { rpc: 'RPC_ENDPOINT', args: [...], failed: true } ]) } } There is additional meta-data that UserItems and SessionItems may use to skip certain areas of the matrix. Theses are: - Has the User an own project that they join as part of the Session? UserItem: { hasOwnProject: true, setup(cb) { cb(null, { project_id, ... }) }} SessionItem: { needsOwnProject: true } */ const { expect } = require('chai') const async = require('async') const RealTimeClient = require('./helpers/RealTimeClient') const FixturesManager = require('./helpers/FixturesManager') const MockWebServer = require('./helpers/MockWebServer') const settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const Keys = settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema const redis = require('@overleaf/redis-wrapper') const rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.pubsub) function getPendingUpdates(docId, cb) { rclient.lrange(Keys.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: docId }), 0, 10, cb) } function cleanupPreviousUpdates(docId, cb) { rclient.del(Keys.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: docId }), cb) } describe('MatrixTests', function () { let privateProjectId, privateDocId, readWriteProjectId, readWriteDocId, readWriteAnonymousAccessToken let privateClient before(function setupPrivateProject(done) { FixturesManager.setUpEditorSession( { privilegeLevel: 'owner', publicAccessLevel: 'readAndWrite' }, (err, { project_id: projectId, doc_id: docId }) => { if (err) return done(err) privateProjectId = projectId privateDocId = docId privateClient = RealTimeClient.connect(projectId, err => { if (err) return done(err) privateClient.emit('joinDoc', privateDocId, done) }) } ) }) before(function setupReadWriteProject(done) { FixturesManager.setUpEditorSession( { publicAccess: 'readAndWrite', }, (err, { project_id: projectId, doc_id: docId, anonymousAccessToken }) => { readWriteProjectId = projectId readWriteDocId = docId readWriteAnonymousAccessToken = anonymousAccessToken done(err) } ) }) const USER_SETUP = { anonymous: { setup(cb) { RealTimeClient.setAnonSession( readWriteProjectId, readWriteAnonymousAccessToken, err => { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, {}) } ) }, }, registered: { setup(cb) { const userId = FixturesManager.getRandomId() const user = { _id: userId, first_name: 'Joe', last_name: 'Bloggs' } RealTimeClient.setSession({ user }, err => { if (err) return cb(err) MockWebServer.inviteUserToProject( readWriteProjectId, user, 'readAndWrite' ) cb(null, { user_id: userId, }) }) }, }, registeredWithOwnedProject: { setup(cb) { FixturesManager.setUpEditorSession( { privilegeLevel: 'owner' }, (err, { project_id: projectId, user_id: userId, doc_id: docId }) => { if (err) return cb(err) MockWebServer.inviteUserToProject( readWriteProjectId, { _id: userId }, 'readAndWrite' ) cb(null, { user_id: userId, project_id: projectId, doc_id: docId, }) } ) }, hasOwnProject: true, }, } Object.entries(USER_SETUP).forEach(level0 => { const [userDescription, userItem] = level0 let options, client const SESSION_SETUP = { joinReadWriteProject: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [{ connect: readWriteProjectId }]) }, needsOwnProject: false, }, joinReadWriteProjectAndDoc: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { connect: readWriteProjectId }, { rpc: 'joinDoc', args: [readWriteDocId] }, ]) }, needsOwnProject: false, }, joinOwnProject: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [{ connect: options.project_id }]) }, needsOwnProject: true, }, joinOwnProjectAndDoc: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { connect: options.project_id }, { rpc: 'joinDoc', args: [options.doc_id] }, ]) }, needsOwnProject: true, }, } function performActions(getActions, done) { getActions((err, actions) => { if (err) return done(err) async.eachSeries( actions, (action, next) => { const cb = (...returnedArgs) => { const error = returnedArgs.shift() if (action.fails) { expect(error).to.exist expect(returnedArgs).to.have.length(0) return next() } next(error) } if (action.connect) { client = RealTimeClient.connect(action.connect, cb) } else if (action.rpc) { if (client?.socket?.connected) { client.emit(action.rpc, ...action.args, cb) } else { cb(new Error('not connected!')) } } else { next(new Error('unexpected action')) } }, done ) }) } describe(userDescription, function () { beforeEach(function userSetup(done) { userItem.setup((err, _options) => { if (err) return done(err) options = _options done() }) }) Object.entries(SESSION_SETUP).forEach(level1 => { const [sessionSetupDescription, sessionSetupItem] = level1 const INVALID_REQUESTS = { noop: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, []) }, }, joinProjectWithBadAccessToken: { getActions(cb) { RealTimeClient.setAnonSession( privateProjectId, 'invalid-access-token', err => { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, [ { connect: privateProjectId, fails: 1, }, ]) } ) }, }, joinProjectWithDocId: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { connect: privateDocId, fails: 1, }, ]) }, }, joinDocWithDocId: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [{ rpc: 'joinDoc', args: [privateDocId], fails: 1 }]) }, }, joinProjectWithProjectId: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { connect: privateProjectId, fails: 1, }, ]) }, }, joinDocWithProjectId: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [{ rpc: 'joinDoc', args: [privateProjectId], fails: 1 }]) }, }, joinProjectWithProjectIdThenJoinDocWithDocId: { getActions(cb) { cb(null, [ { connect: privateProjectId, fails: 1, }, { rpc: 'joinDoc', args: [privateDocId], fails: 1 }, ]) }, }, } // skip some areas of the matrix // - some Users do not have an own project const skip = sessionSetupItem.needsOwnProject && !userItem.hasOwnProject describe(sessionSetupDescription, function () { beforeEach(function performSessionActions(done) { if (skip) return this.skip() performActions(sessionSetupItem.getActions, done) }) Object.entries(INVALID_REQUESTS).forEach(level2 => { const [InvalidRequestDescription, InvalidRequestItem] = level2 describe(InvalidRequestDescription, function () { beforeEach(function performInvalidRequests(done) { performActions(InvalidRequestItem.getActions, done) }) describe('rooms', function () { it('should not add the user into the privateProject room', function (done) { RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient( client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { if (error?.message === 'not found') return done() // disconnected if (error) return done(error) expect(client.rooms).to.not.include(privateProjectId) done() } ) }) it('should not add the user into the privateDoc room', function (done) { RealTimeClient.getConnectedClient( client.socket.sessionid, (error, client) => { if (error?.message === 'not found') return done() // disconnected if (error) return done(error) expect(client.rooms).to.not.include(privateDocId) done() } ) }) }) describe('receive updates', function () { const receivedMessages = [] beforeEach(function publishAnUpdateInRedis(done) { const update = { doc_id: privateDocId, op: { meta: { source: privateClient.publicId }, v: 42, doc: privateDocId, op: [{ i: 'foo', p: 50 }], }, } client.on('otUpdateApplied', update => { receivedMessages.push(update) }) privateClient.once('otUpdateApplied', () => { setTimeout(done, 10) }) rclient.publish('applied-ops', JSON.stringify(update)) }) it('should send nothing to client', function () { expect(receivedMessages).to.have.length(0) }) }) describe('receive messages from web', function () { const receivedMessages = [] beforeEach(function publishAMessageInRedis(done) { const event = { room_id: privateProjectId, message: 'removeEntity', payload: ['foo', 'convertDocToFile'], _id: 'web:123', } client.on('removeEntity', (...args) => { receivedMessages.push(args) }) privateClient.once('removeEntity', () => { setTimeout(done, 10) }) rclient.publish('editor-events', JSON.stringify(event)) }) it('should send nothing to client', function () { expect(receivedMessages).to.have.length(0) }) }) describe('send updates', function () { let receivedArgs, submittedUpdates, update beforeEach(function cleanup(done) { cleanupPreviousUpdates(privateDocId, done) }) beforeEach(function setupUpdateFields() { update = { doc_id: privateDocId, op: { v: 43, lastV: 42, doc: privateDocId, op: [{ i: 'foo', p: 50 }], }, } }) beforeEach(function sendAsUser(done) { if (!client?.socket?.connected) { // disconnected clients cannot emit messages return this.skip() } const userUpdate = Object.assign({}, update, { hash: 'user', }) client.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', privateDocId, userUpdate, (...args) => { receivedArgs = args done() } ) }) beforeEach(function sendAsPrivateUserForReferenceOp(done) { const privateUpdate = Object.assign({}, update, { hash: 'private', }) privateClient.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', privateDocId, privateUpdate, done ) }) beforeEach(function fetchPendingOps(done) { getPendingUpdates(privateDocId, (err, updates) => { submittedUpdates = updates done(err) }) }) it('should error out trying to send', function () { expect(receivedArgs).to.have.length(1) expect(receivedArgs[0]).to.have.property('message') // we are using an old version of chai: 1.9.2 // TypeError: expect(...).to.be.oneOf is not a function expect( [ 'no project_id found on client', 'not authorized', ].includes(receivedArgs[0].message) ).to.equal(true) }) it('should submit the private users message only', function () { expect(submittedUpdates).to.have.length(1) const update = JSON.parse(submittedUpdates[0]) expect(update.hash).to.equal('private') }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })