Metrics = require "metrics-sharelatex"
ProjectGetter = require('../Project/ProjectGetter')
CompileManager = require("./CompileManager")
ClsiManager = require("./ClsiManager")
logger  = require "logger-sharelatex"
request = require "request"
sanitize = require('sanitizer')
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
AuthenticationController = require "../Authentication/AuthenticationController"
UserGetter = require "../User/UserGetter"
RateLimiter = require("../../infrastructure/RateLimiter")
ClsiCookieManager = require("./ClsiCookieManager")(Settings.apis.clsi?.backendGroupName)
Path = require("path")

module.exports = CompileController =

	compile: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		res.setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000)
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		isAutoCompile = !!req.query?.auto_compile
		user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId req
		options = {
			isAutoCompile: isAutoCompile
		if req.body?.rootDoc_id?
			options.rootDoc_id = req.body.rootDoc_id
		else if req.body?.settingsOverride?.rootDoc_id? # Can be removed after deploy
			options.rootDoc_id = req.body.settingsOverride.rootDoc_id
		if req.body?.compiler
			options.compiler = req.body.compiler
		if req.body?.draft
			options.draft = req.body.draft
		if req.body?.check in ['validate', 'error', 'silent']
			options.check = req.body.check
		if req.body?.incrementalCompilesEnabled
			options.incrementalCompilesEnabled = true
		logger.log {options:options, project_id:project_id, user_id:user_id}, "got compile request"
		CompileManager.compile project_id, user_id, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits, validationProblems) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			res.status(200).send JSON.stringify {
				status: status
				outputFiles: outputFiles
				compileGroup: limits?.compileGroup
				pdfDownloadDomain: Settings.pdfDownloadDomain

	stopCompile: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId req
		logger.log {project_id:project_id, user_id:user_id}, "stop compile request"
		CompileManager.stopCompile project_id, user_id, (error) ->
			return next(error) if error?

	# Used for submissions through the public API
	compileSubmission: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		res.setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000)
		submission_id = req.params.submission_id
		options = {}
		if req.body?.rootResourcePath?
			options.rootResourcePath = req.body.rootResourcePath
		if req.body?.compiler
			options.compiler = req.body.compiler
		if req.body?.draft
			options.draft = req.body.draft
		if req.body?.check in ['validate', 'error', 'silent']
			options.check = req.body.check
		options.compileGroup = req.body?.compileGroup || Settings.defaultFeatures.compileGroup
		options.timeout = req.body?.timeout || Settings.defaultFeatures.compileTimeout
		logger.log {options:options, submission_id:submission_id}, "got compileSubmission request"
		ClsiManager.sendExternalRequest submission_id, req.body, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			logger.log {submission_id:submission_id, files:outputFiles}, "compileSubmission output files"
			res.status(200).send JSON.stringify {
				status: status
				outputFiles: outputFiles
				clsiServerId: clsiServerId
				validationProblems: validationProblems

	_compileAsUser: (req, callback) ->
		# callback with user_id if per-user, undefined otherwise
		if not Settings.disablePerUserCompiles
			user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId req
			return callback(null, user_id)
			callback() # do a per-project compile, not per-user

	_downloadAsUser: (req, callback) ->
		# callback with user_id if per-user, undefined otherwise
		if not Settings.disablePerUserCompiles
			user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId req
			return callback(null, user_id)
			callback() # do a per-project compile, not per-user

	downloadPdf: (req, res, next = (error) ->)-> "pdf-downloads"
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		isPdfjsPartialDownload = req.query?.pdfng
		rateLimit = (callback)->
			if isPdfjsPartialDownload
				callback null, true
				rateLimitOpts =
					endpointName: "full-pdf-download"
					throttle: 1000
					subjectName : req.ip
					timeInterval : 60 * 60
				RateLimiter.addCount rateLimitOpts, callback

		ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, name: 1, (err, project) ->
			filename = "#{CompileController._getSafeProjectName(project)}.pdf"

			if !!req.query.popupDownload
				logger.log project_id: project_id, "download pdf as popup download"
				res.setContentDisposition('attachment', {filename})
				logger.log project_id: project_id, "download pdf to embed in browser"
				res.setContentDisposition('', {filename})

			rateLimit (err, canContinue)->
				if err?
					logger.err err:err, "error checking rate limit for pdf download"
					return res.send 500
				else if !canContinue
					logger.log project_id:project_id, ip:req.ip, "rate limit hit downloading pdf"
					res.send 500
					CompileController._downloadAsUser req, (error, user_id) ->
						url = CompileController._getFileUrl project_id, user_id, req.params.build_id, "output.pdf"
						CompileController.proxyToClsi(project_id, url, req, res, next)

	_getSafeProjectName: (project) ->
		safeProjectName = RegExp("\\W", "g"), '_')

	deleteAuxFiles: (req, res, next) ->
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		CompileController._compileAsUser req, (error, user_id) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			CompileManager.deleteAuxFiles project_id, user_id, (error) ->
				return next(error) if error?

	# this is only used by templates, so is not called with a user_id
	compileAndDownloadPdf: (req, res, next)->
		project_id = req.params.project_id
		# pass user_id as null, since templates are an "anonymous" compile
		CompileManager.compile project_id, null, {}, (err)->
			if err?
				logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "something went wrong compile and downloading pdf"
				res.sendStatus 500
			url = "/project/#{project_id}/output/output.pdf"
			CompileController.proxyToClsi project_id, url, req, res, next

	getFileFromClsi: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		CompileController._downloadAsUser req, (error, user_id) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			url = CompileController._getFileUrl project_id, user_id, req.params.build_id, req.params.file
			CompileController.proxyToClsi(project_id, url, req, res, next)

	getFileFromClsiWithoutUser: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		submission_id = req.params.submission_id
		url = CompileController._getFileUrl submission_id, null, req.params.build_id, req.params.file
		limits = { compileGroup: req.body?.compileGroup || Settings.defaultFeatures.compileGroup }
		CompileController.proxyToClsiWithLimits(submission_id, url, limits, req, res, next)

	# compute a GET file url for a given project, user (optional), build (optional) and file
	_getFileUrl: (project_id, user_id, build_id, file) ->
		if user_id? and build_id?
			url = "/project/#{project_id}/user/#{user_id}/build/#{build_id}/output/#{file}"
		else if user_id?
			url = "/project/#{project_id}/user/#{user_id}/output/#{file}"
		else if build_id?
			url = "/project/#{project_id}/build/#{build_id}/output/#{file}"
			url = "/project/#{project_id}/output/#{file}"
		return url

	# compute a POST url for a project, user (optional) and action
	_getUrl: (project_id, user_id, action) ->
		path = "/project/#{project_id}"
		path += "/user/#{user_id}" if user_id?
		return "#{path}/#{action}"

	proxySyncPdf: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		{page, h, v} = req.query
		if not page?.match(/^\d+$/)
			return next(new Error("invalid page parameter"))
		if not h?.match(/^-?\d+\.\d+$/)
			return next(new Error("invalid h parameter"))
		if not v?.match(/^-?\d+\.\d+$/)
			return next(new Error("invalid v parameter"))
		# whether this request is going to a per-user container
		CompileController._compileAsUser req, (error, user_id) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			url = CompileController._getUrl(project_id, user_id, "sync/pdf")
			destination = {url: url, qs: {page, h, v}}
			CompileController.proxyToClsi(project_id, destination, req, res, next)

	proxySyncCode: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		{file, line, column} = req.query
		if not file?
			return next(new Error("missing file parameter"))
		# Check that we are dealing with a simple file path (this is not
		# strictly needed because synctex uses this parameter as a label
		# to look up in the synctex output, and does not open the file
		# itself).  Since we have valid synctex paths like foo/./bar we
		# allow those by replacing /./ with /
		testPath = file.replace '/./', '/'
		if Path.resolve("/", testPath) isnt "/#{testPath}"
			return next(new Error("invalid file parameter"))
		if not line?.match(/^\d+$/)
			return next(new Error("invalid line parameter"))
		if not column?.match(/^\d+$/)
			return next(new Error("invalid column parameter"))
		CompileController._compileAsUser req, (error, user_id) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			url = CompileController._getUrl(project_id, user_id, "sync/code")
			destination = {url:url, qs: {file, line, column}}
			CompileController.proxyToClsi(project_id, destination, req, res, next)

	proxyToClsi: (project_id, url, req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		if req.query?.compileGroup
			CompileController.proxyToClsiWithLimits(project_id, url, {compileGroup: req.query.compileGroup}, req, res, next)
			CompileManager.getProjectCompileLimits project_id, (error, limits) ->
				return next(error) if error?
				CompileController.proxyToClsiWithLimits(project_id, url, limits, req, res, next)

	proxyToClsiWithLimits: (project_id, url, limits, req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
		ClsiCookieManager.getCookieJar project_id, (err, jar)->
			if err?
				logger.err err:err, "error getting cookie jar for clsi request"
				return callback(err)
			# expand any url parameter passed in as {url:..., qs:...}
			if typeof url is "object"
				{url, qs} = url
			compilerUrl = Settings.apis.clsi.url
			url = "#{compilerUrl}#{url}"
			logger.log url: url, "proxying to CLSI"
			oneMinute = 60 * 1000
			# the base request
			options = { url: url, method: req.method, timeout: oneMinute, jar : jar }
			# add any provided query string
			options.qs = qs if qs?
			# if we have a build parameter, pass it through to the clsi
			if req.query?.pdfng && req.query?.build? # only for new pdf viewer
				options.qs ?= {} =
			# if we are byte serving pdfs, pass through If-* and Range headers
			# do not send any others, there's a proxying loop if Host: is passed!
			if req.query?.pdfng
				newHeaders = {}
				for h, v of req.headers
					newHeaders[h] = req.headers[h] if /^(If-|Range)/i.test(h)
				options.headers = newHeaders
			proxy = request(options)
			proxy.on "error", (error) ->
				logger.warn err: error, url: url, "CLSI proxy error"

	wordCount: (req, res, next) ->
		project_id = req.params.Project_id
		file   = req.query.file || false
		CompileController._compileAsUser req, (error, user_id) ->
			return next(error) if error?
			CompileManager.wordCount project_id, user_id, file, (error, body) ->
				return next(error) if error?
				res.send body