import { createContext, useCallback, useReducer, useContext, useMemo, useState, } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import useScopeValue from '../hooks/use-scope-value' import { renameInTree, deleteInTree, moveInTree, createEntityInTree, } from '../../features/file-tree/util/mutate-in-tree' import { countFiles } from '../../features/file-tree/util/count-in-tree' import useDeepCompareEffect from '../../shared/hooks/use-deep-compare-effect' import { docsInFolder } from '@/features/file-tree/util/docs-in-folder' import useScopeValueSetterOnly from '@/shared/hooks/use-scope-value-setter-only' const FileTreeDataContext = createContext() const fileTreeDataPropType = PropTypes.shape({ _id: PropTypes.string.isRequired, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, docs: PropTypes.array.isRequired, fileRefs: PropTypes.array.isRequired, folders: PropTypes.array.isRequired, }) FileTreeDataContext.Provider.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.shape({ // fileTreeData is the up-to-date representation of the files list, updated // by the file tree fileTreeData: fileTreeDataPropType, hasFolders: PropTypes.bool, }), } const ACTION_TYPES = { RENAME: 'RENAME', RESET: 'RESET', DELETE: 'DELETE', MOVE: 'MOVE', CREATE: 'CREATE', } function fileTreeMutableReducer({ fileTreeData }, action) { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPES.RESET: { const newFileTreeData = action.fileTreeData return { fileTreeData: newFileTreeData, fileCount: countFiles(newFileTreeData), } } case ACTION_TYPES.RENAME: { const newFileTreeData = renameInTree(fileTreeData,, { newName: action.newName, }) return { fileTreeData: newFileTreeData, fileCount: countFiles(newFileTreeData), } } case ACTION_TYPES.DELETE: { const newFileTreeData = deleteInTree(fileTreeData, return { fileTreeData: newFileTreeData, fileCount: countFiles(newFileTreeData), } } case ACTION_TYPES.MOVE: { const newFileTreeData = moveInTree( fileTreeData, action.entityId, action.toFolderId ) return { fileTreeData: newFileTreeData, fileCount: countFiles(newFileTreeData), } } case ACTION_TYPES.CREATE: { const newFileTreeData = createEntityInTree( fileTreeData, action.parentFolderId, action.entity ) return { fileTreeData: newFileTreeData, fileCount: countFiles(newFileTreeData), } } default: { throw new Error(`Unknown mutable file tree action type: ${action.type}`) } } } const initialState = rootFolder => { const fileTreeData = rootFolder?.[0] return { fileTreeData, fileCount: countFiles(fileTreeData), } } export function useFileTreeData(propTypes) { const context = useContext(FileTreeDataContext) if (!context) { throw new Error( 'useFileTreeData is only available inside FileTreeDataProvider' ) } PropTypes.checkPropTypes( propTypes, context, 'data', 'FileTreeDataContext.Provider' ) return context } export function FileTreeDataProvider({ children }) { const [project] = useScopeValue('project') const [openDocId] = useScopeValue('editor.open_doc_id') const [, setOpenDocName] = useScopeValueSetterOnly('editor.open_doc_name') const { rootFolder } = project || {} const [{ fileTreeData, fileCount }, dispatch] = useReducer( fileTreeMutableReducer, rootFolder, initialState ) const [selectedEntities, setSelectedEntities] = useState([]) const docs = useMemo( () => (fileTreeData ? docsInFolder(fileTreeData) : undefined), [fileTreeData] ) useDeepCompareEffect(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.RESET, fileTreeData: rootFolder?.[0], }) }, [rootFolder]) const dispatchCreateFolder = useCallback((parentFolderId, entity) => { entity.type = 'folder' dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CREATE, parentFolderId, entity, }) }, []) const dispatchCreateDoc = useCallback((parentFolderId, entity) => { entity.type = 'doc' dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CREATE, parentFolderId, entity, }) }, []) const dispatchCreateFile = useCallback((parentFolderId, entity) => { entity.type = 'fileRef' dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CREATE, parentFolderId, entity, }) }, []) const dispatchRename = useCallback( (id, newName) => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.RENAME, newName, id, }) if (id === openDocId) { setOpenDocName(newName) } }, [openDocId, setOpenDocName] ) const dispatchDelete = useCallback(id => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.DELETE, id }) }, []) const dispatchMove = useCallback((entityId, toFolderId) => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.MOVE, entityId, toFolderId }) }, []) const value = useMemo(() => { return { dispatchCreateDoc, dispatchCreateFile, dispatchCreateFolder, dispatchDelete, dispatchMove, dispatchRename, fileCount, fileTreeData, hasFolders: fileTreeData?.folders.length > 0, selectedEntities, setSelectedEntities, docs, } }, [ dispatchCreateDoc, dispatchCreateFile, dispatchCreateFolder, dispatchDelete, dispatchMove, dispatchRename, fileCount, fileTreeData, selectedEntities, setSelectedEntities, docs, ]) return ( {children} ) } FileTreeDataProvider.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.any, }