// @ts-check const RangesTracker = require('@overleaf/ranges-tracker') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const Metrics = require('./Metrics') const _ = require('lodash') const { isInsert, isDelete, isComment, getDocLength } = require('./Utils') /** * @import { Comment, CommentOp, InsertOp, DeleteOp, HistoryOp, Op } from './types' * @import { HistoryCommentOp, HistoryDeleteOp, HistoryInsertOp, HistoryRetainOp } from './types' * @import { HistoryDeleteTrackedChange, HistoryUpdate, Ranges, TrackedChange, Update } from './types' */ const RANGE_DELTA_BUCKETS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50] const RangesManager = { MAX_COMMENTS: 500, MAX_CHANGES: 2000, /** * Apply an update to the given doc (lines and ranges) and return new ranges * * @param {string} projectId * @param {string} docId * @param {Ranges} ranges - ranges before the updates were applied * @param {Update[]} updates * @param {string[]} newDocLines - the document lines after the updates were applied * @param {object} opts * @param {boolean} [opts.historyRangesSupport] - whether history ranges support is enabled * @returns {{ newRanges: Ranges, rangesWereCollapsed: boolean, historyUpdates: HistoryUpdate[] }} */ applyUpdate(projectId, docId, ranges, updates, newDocLines, opts = {}) { if (ranges == null) { ranges = {} } if (updates == null) { updates = [] } const { changes, comments } = _.cloneDeep(ranges) const rangesTracker = new RangesTracker(changes, comments) const [emptyRangeCountBefore, totalRangeCountBefore] = RangesManager._emptyRangesCount(rangesTracker) const historyUpdates = [] for (const update of updates) { const trackingChanges = Boolean(update.meta?.tc) rangesTracker.track_changes = trackingChanges if (update.meta?.tc) { rangesTracker.setIdSeed(update.meta.tc) } const historyOps = [] for (const op of update.op) { let croppedCommentOps = [] if (opts.historyRangesSupport) { historyOps.push( getHistoryOp(op, rangesTracker.comments, rangesTracker.changes) ) if (isDelete(op) && trackingChanges) { // If a tracked delete overlaps a comment, the comment must be // cropped. The extent of the cropping is calculated before the // delete is applied, but the cropping operations are applied // later, after the delete is applied. croppedCommentOps = getCroppedCommentOps(op, rangesTracker.comments) } } else if (isInsert(op) || isDelete(op)) { historyOps.push(op) } rangesTracker.applyOp(op, { user_id: update.meta?.user_id }) if (croppedCommentOps.length > 0) { historyOps.push( ...croppedCommentOps.map(op => getHistoryOpForComment(op, rangesTracker.changes) ) ) } } if (historyOps.length > 0) { historyUpdates.push({ ...update, op: historyOps }) } } if ( rangesTracker.changes?.length > RangesManager.MAX_CHANGES || rangesTracker.comments?.length > RangesManager.MAX_COMMENTS ) { throw new Error('too many comments or tracked changes') } try { // This is a consistency check that all of our ranges and // comments still match the corresponding text rangesTracker.validate(newDocLines.join('\n')) } catch (err) { logger.error( { err, projectId, docId, newDocLines, updates }, 'error validating ranges' ) throw err } const [emptyRangeCountAfter, totalRangeCountAfter] = RangesManager._emptyRangesCount(rangesTracker) const rangesWereCollapsed = emptyRangeCountAfter > emptyRangeCountBefore || totalRangeCountAfter + 1 < totalRangeCountBefore // also include the case where multiple ranges were removed // monitor the change in range count, we may want to snapshot before large decreases if (totalRangeCountAfter < totalRangeCountBefore) { Metrics.histogram( 'range-delta', totalRangeCountBefore - totalRangeCountAfter, RANGE_DELTA_BUCKETS, { status_code: rangesWereCollapsed ? 'saved' : 'unsaved' } ) } const newRanges = RangesManager._getRanges(rangesTracker) logger.debug( { projectId, docId, changesCount: newRanges.changes?.length, commentsCount: newRanges.comments?.length, rangesWereCollapsed, }, 'applied updates to ranges' ) return { newRanges, rangesWereCollapsed, historyUpdates } }, acceptChanges(changeIds, ranges) { const { changes, comments } = ranges logger.debug(`accepting ${changeIds.length} changes in ranges`) const rangesTracker = new RangesTracker(changes, comments) rangesTracker.removeChangeIds(changeIds) const newRanges = RangesManager._getRanges(rangesTracker) return newRanges }, deleteComment(commentId, ranges) { const { changes, comments } = ranges logger.debug({ commentId }, 'deleting comment in ranges') const rangesTracker = new RangesTracker(changes, comments) rangesTracker.removeCommentId(commentId) const newRanges = RangesManager._getRanges(rangesTracker) return newRanges }, /** * * @param {object} args * @param {string} args.docId * @param {string[]} args.acceptedChangeIds * @param {TrackedChange[]} args.changes * @param {string} args.pathname * @param {string} args.projectHistoryId * @param {string[]} args.lines */ getHistoryUpdatesForAcceptedChanges({ docId, acceptedChangeIds, changes, pathname, projectHistoryId, lines, }) { /** @type {(change: TrackedChange) => boolean} */ const isAccepted = change => acceptedChangeIds.includes(change.id) const historyOps = [] // Keep ops in order of offset, with deletes before inserts const sortedChanges = changes.slice().sort(function (c1, c2) { const result = c1.op.p - c2.op.p if (result !== 0) { return result } else if (isInsert(c1.op) && isDelete(c2.op)) { return 1 } else if (isDelete(c1.op) && isInsert(c2.op)) { return -1 } else { return 0 } }) const docLength = getDocLength(lines) let historyDocLength = docLength for (const change of sortedChanges) { if (isDelete(change.op)) { historyDocLength += change.op.d.length } } let unacceptedDeletes = 0 for (const change of sortedChanges) { /** @type {HistoryOp | undefined} */ let op if (isDelete(change.op)) { if (isAccepted(change)) { op = { p: change.op.p, d: change.op.d, } if (unacceptedDeletes > 0) { op.hpos = op.p + unacceptedDeletes } } else { unacceptedDeletes += change.op.d.length } } else if (isInsert(change.op)) { if (isAccepted(change)) { op = { p: change.op.p, r: change.op.i, tracking: { type: 'none' }, } if (unacceptedDeletes > 0) { op.hpos = op.p + unacceptedDeletes } } } if (!op) { continue } /** @type {HistoryUpdate} */ const historyOp = { doc: docId, op: [op], meta: { ...change.metadata, ts: Date.now(), doc_length: docLength, pathname, }, } if (projectHistoryId) { historyOp.projectHistoryId = projectHistoryId } if (historyOp.meta && historyDocLength !== docLength) { historyOp.meta.history_doc_length = historyDocLength } historyOps.push(historyOp) if (isDelete(change.op) && isAccepted(change)) { historyDocLength -= change.op.d.length } } return historyOps }, _getRanges(rangesTracker) { // Return the minimal data structure needed, since most documents won't have any // changes or comments const response = {} if (rangesTracker.changes != null && rangesTracker.changes.length > 0) { response.changes = rangesTracker.changes } if (rangesTracker.comments != null && rangesTracker.comments.length > 0) { response.comments = rangesTracker.comments } return response }, _emptyRangesCount(ranges) { let emptyCount = 0 let totalCount = 0 for (const comment of ranges.comments || []) { totalCount++ if (comment.op.c === '') { emptyCount++ } } for (const change of ranges.changes || []) { totalCount++ if (change.op.i != null) { if (change.op.i === '') { emptyCount++ } } } return [emptyCount, totalCount] }, } /** * Calculate ops to be sent to the history system. * * @param {Op} op - the editor op * @param {TrackedChange[]} changes - the list of tracked changes in the * document before the op is applied. That list, coming from * RangesTracker is ordered by position. * @returns {HistoryOp} */ function getHistoryOp(op, comments, changes, opts = {}) { if (isInsert(op)) { return getHistoryOpForInsert(op, comments, changes) } else if (isDelete(op)) { return getHistoryOpForDelete(op, changes) } else if (isComment(op)) { return getHistoryOpForComment(op, changes) } else { throw new OError('Unrecognized op', { op }) } } /** * Calculate history ops for an insert * * Inserts are moved forward by tracked deletes placed strictly before the * op. When an insert is made at the same position as a tracked delete, the * insert is placed before the tracked delete. * * We also add a commentIds property when inserts are made inside a comment. * The current behaviour is to include the insert in the comment only if the * insert is made strictly inside the comment. Inserts made at the edges are * not included in the comment. * * @param {InsertOp} op * @param {Comment[]} comments * @param {TrackedChange[]} changes * @returns {HistoryInsertOp} */ function getHistoryOpForInsert(op, comments, changes) { let hpos = op.p let trackedDeleteRejection = false const commentIds = new Set() for (const comment of comments) { if (comment.op.p < op.p && op.p < comment.op.p + comment.op.c.length) { // Insert is inside the comment; add the comment id commentIds.add(comment.op.t) } } for (const change of changes) { if (!isDelete(change.op)) { // We're only interested in tracked deletes continue } if (change.op.p < op.p) { // Tracked delete is before the op. Move the op forward. hpos += change.op.d.length } else if (change.op.p === op.p) { // Tracked delete is at the same position as the op. The insert comes before // the tracked delete so it doesn't move. if (op.u && change.op.d.startsWith(op.i)) { // We're undoing and the insert matches the start of the tracked // delete. RangesManager treats this as a tracked delete rejection. We // will note this in the op so that project-history can take the // appropriate action. trackedDeleteRejection = true } } else { // Tracked delete is after the insert. Tracked deletes are ordered, so // we know that all subsequent tracked deletes will be after the insert // and we can bail out. break } } /** @type {HistoryInsertOp} */ const historyOp = { ...op } if (commentIds.size > 0) { historyOp.commentIds = Array.from(commentIds) } if (hpos !== op.p) { historyOp.hpos = hpos } if (trackedDeleteRejection) { historyOp.trackedDeleteRejection = true } return historyOp } /** * Calculate history op for a delete * * Deletes are moved forward by tracked deletes placed before or at the position of the * op. If a tracked delete is inside the delete, the delete is split in parts * so that characters are deleted around the tracked delete, but the tracked * delete itself is not deleted. * * @param {DeleteOp} op * @param {TrackedChange[]} changes * @returns {HistoryDeleteOp} */ function getHistoryOpForDelete(op, changes, opts = {}) { let hpos = op.p const opEnd = op.p + op.d.length /** @type HistoryDeleteTrackedChange[] */ const changesInsideDelete = [] for (const change of changes) { if (change.op.p <= op.p) { if (isDelete(change.op)) { // Tracked delete is before or at the position of the incoming delete. // Move the op forward. hpos += change.op.d.length } else if (isInsert(change.op)) { const changeEnd = change.op.p + change.op.i.length const endPos = Math.min(changeEnd, opEnd) if (endPos > op.p) { // Part of the tracked insert is inside the delete changesInsideDelete.push({ type: 'insert', offset: 0, length: endPos - op.p, }) } } } else if (change.op.p < op.p + op.d.length) { // Tracked change inside the deleted text. Record it for the history system. if (isDelete(change.op)) { changesInsideDelete.push({ type: 'delete', offset: change.op.p - op.p, length: change.op.d.length, }) } else if (isInsert(change.op)) { changesInsideDelete.push({ type: 'insert', offset: change.op.p - op.p, length: Math.min(change.op.i.length, opEnd - change.op.p), }) } } else { // We've seen all tracked changes before or inside the delete break } } /** @type {HistoryDeleteOp} */ const historyOp = { ...op } if (hpos !== op.p) { historyOp.hpos = hpos } if (changesInsideDelete.length > 0) { historyOp.trackedChanges = changesInsideDelete } return historyOp } /** * Calculate history ops for a comment * * Comments are moved forward by tracked deletes placed before or at the * position of the op. If a tracked delete is inside the comment, the length of * the comment is extended to include the tracked delete. * * @param {CommentOp} op * @param {TrackedChange[]} changes * @returns {HistoryCommentOp} */ function getHistoryOpForComment(op, changes) { let hpos = op.p let hlen = op.c.length for (const change of changes) { if (!isDelete(change.op)) { // We're only interested in tracked deletes continue } if (change.op.p <= op.p) { // Tracked delete is before or at the position of the incoming comment. // Move the op forward. hpos += change.op.d.length } else if (change.op.p < op.p + op.c.length) { // Tracked comment inside the comment. Extend the length hlen += change.op.d.length } else { // We've seen all tracked deletes before or inside the comment break } } /** @type {HistoryCommentOp} */ const historyOp = { ...op } if (hpos !== op.p) { historyOp.hpos = hpos } if (hlen !== op.c.length) { historyOp.hlen = hlen } return historyOp } /** * Return the ops necessary to properly crop comments when a tracked delete is * received * * The editor treats a tracked delete as a proper delete and updates the * comment range accordingly. The history doesn't do that and remembers the * extent of the comment in the tracked delete. In order to keep the history * consistent with the editor, we'll send ops that will crop the comment in * the history. * * @param {DeleteOp} op * @param {Comment[]} comments * @returns {CommentOp[]} */ function getCroppedCommentOps(op, comments) { const deleteStart = op.p const deleteLength = op.d.length const deleteEnd = deleteStart + deleteLength /** @type {HistoryCommentOp[]} */ const historyCommentOps = [] for (const comment of comments) { const commentStart = comment.op.p const commentLength = comment.op.c.length const commentEnd = commentStart + commentLength if (deleteStart <= commentStart && deleteEnd > commentStart) { // The comment overlaps the start of the comment or all of it. const overlapLength = Math.min(deleteEnd, commentEnd) - commentStart /** @type {CommentOp} */ const commentOp = { p: deleteStart, c: comment.op.c.slice(overlapLength), t: comment.op.t, } if (comment.op.resolved) { commentOp.resolved = true } historyCommentOps.push(commentOp) } else if ( deleteStart > commentStart && deleteStart < commentEnd && deleteEnd >= commentEnd ) { // The comment overlaps the end of the comment. const overlapLength = commentEnd - deleteStart /** @type {CommentOp} */ const commentOp = { p: commentStart, c: comment.op.c.slice(0, -overlapLength), t: comment.op.t, } if (comment.op.resolved) { commentOp.resolved = true } historyCommentOps.push(commentOp) } } return historyCommentOps } module.exports = RangesManager