const { callbackify } = require('util') const Path = require('path') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const { promiseMapWithLimit } = require('../../util/promises') const { Doc } = require('../../models/Doc') const { File } = require('../../models/File') const DocstoreManager = require('../Docstore/DocstoreManager') const DocumentUpdaterHandler = require('../DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler') const FileStoreHandler = require('../FileStore/FileStoreHandler') const ProjectCreationHandler = require('./ProjectCreationHandler') const ProjectDeleter = require('./ProjectDeleter') const ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler = require('./ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler') const ProjectEntityUpdateHandler = require('./ProjectEntityUpdateHandler') const ProjectGetter = require('./ProjectGetter') const ProjectLocator = require('./ProjectLocator') const ProjectOptionsHandler = require('./ProjectOptionsHandler') const SafePath = require('./SafePath') const TpdsProjectFlusher = require('../ThirdPartyDataStore/TpdsProjectFlusher') module.exports = { duplicate: callbackify(duplicate), promises: { duplicate } } async function duplicate(owner, originalProjectId, newProjectName) { await DocumentUpdaterHandler.promises.flushProjectToMongo(originalProjectId) const originalProject = await ProjectGetter.promises.getProject( originalProjectId, { compiler: true, rootFolder: true, rootDoc_id: true } ) const { path: rootDocPath } = await ProjectLocator.promises.findRootDoc({ project_id: originalProjectId }) const originalEntries = _getFolderEntries(originalProject.rootFolder[0]) // Now create the new project, cleaning it up on failure if necessary const newProject = await ProjectCreationHandler.promises.createBlankProject( owner._id, newProjectName ) try { await ProjectOptionsHandler.promises.setCompiler( newProject._id, originalProject.compiler ) const [docEntries, fileEntries] = await Promise.all([ _copyDocs(originalEntries.docEntries, originalProject, newProject), _copyFiles(originalEntries.fileEntries, originalProject, newProject) ]) const projectVersion = await ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.promises.createNewFolderStructure( newProject._id, docEntries, fileEntries ) // Silently ignore the rootDoc in case it's not valid per the new limits. if ( rootDocPath && ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.isPathValidForRootDoc(rootDocPath.fileSystem) ) { await _setRootDoc(newProject._id, rootDocPath.fileSystem) } await _notifyDocumentUpdater(newProject, owner._id, { newFiles: fileEntries, newDocs: docEntries, newProject: { version: projectVersion } }) await TpdsProjectFlusher.promises.flushProjectToTpds(newProject._id) } catch (err) { // Clean up broken clone on error. // Make sure we delete the new failed project, not the original one! await ProjectDeleter.promises.deleteProject(newProject._id) throw OError.tag(err, 'error cloning project, broken clone deleted', { originalProjectId, newProjectName, newProjectId: newProject._id }) } return newProject } function _getFolderEntries(folder, folderPath = '/') { const docEntries = [] const fileEntries = [] const docs = || [] const files = folder.fileRefs || [] const subfolders = folder.folders || [] for (const doc of docs) { if (doc == null || doc._id == null) { continue } const path = Path.join(folderPath, docEntries.push({ doc, path }) } for (const file of files) { if (file == null || file._id == null) { continue } const path = Path.join(folderPath, fileEntries.push({ file, path }) } for (const subfolder of subfolders) { if (subfolder == null || subfolder._id == null) { continue } const subfolderPath = Path.join(folderPath, const subfolderEntries = _getFolderEntries(subfolder, subfolderPath) for (const docEntry of subfolderEntries.docEntries) { docEntries.push(docEntry) } for (const fileEntry of subfolderEntries.fileEntries) { fileEntries.push(fileEntry) } } return { docEntries, fileEntries } } async function _copyDocs(sourceEntries, sourceProject, targetProject) { const docLinesById = await _getDocLinesForProject(sourceProject._id) const targetEntries = [] for (const sourceEntry of sourceEntries) { const sourceDoc = sourceEntry.doc const path = sourceEntry.path const doc = new Doc({ name: }) const docLines = docLinesById.get(sourceDoc._id.toString()) await DocstoreManager.promises.updateDoc( targetProject._id.toString(), doc._id.toString(), docLines, 0, {} ) targetEntries.push({ doc, path, docLines: docLines.join('\n') }) } return targetEntries } async function _getDocLinesForProject(projectId) { const docs = await DocstoreManager.promises.getAllDocs(projectId) const docLinesById = new Map( => [doc._id, doc.lines])) return docLinesById } async function _copyFiles(sourceEntries, sourceProject, targetProject) { const targetEntries = await promiseMapWithLimit( 5, sourceEntries, async sourceEntry => { const sourceFile = sourceEntry.file const path = sourceEntry.path const file = new File({ name: SafePath.clean( }) if (sourceFile.linkedFileData != null) { file.linkedFileData = sourceFile.linkedFileData } if (sourceFile.hash != null) { file.hash = sourceFile.hash } const url = await FileStoreHandler.promises.copyFile( sourceProject._id, sourceFile._id, targetProject._id, file._id ) return { file, path, url } } ) return targetEntries } async function _setRootDoc(projectId, path) { const { element: rootDoc } = await ProjectLocator.promises.findElementByPath({ project_id: projectId, path, exactCaseMatch: true }) await ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.promises.setRootDoc(projectId, rootDoc._id) } async function _notifyDocumentUpdater(project, userId, changes) { const projectHistoryId = project.overleaf && project.overleaf.history && await DocumentUpdaterHandler.promises.updateProjectStructure( project._id, projectHistoryId, userId, changes ) }