import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { isExcludedBySharding, startWith } from './helpers/config' import { ensureUserExists, login } from './helpers/login' import { createProject, enableLinkSharing, shareProjectByEmailAndAcceptInviteViaDash, shareProjectByEmailAndAcceptInviteViaEmail, } from './helpers/project' import { throttledRecompile } from './helpers/compile' import { beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry } from './helpers/beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry' describe('Project Sharing', function () { if (isExcludedBySharding('CE_CUSTOM_2')) return ensureUserExists({ email: '' }) startWith({ withDataDir: true }) let projectName: string beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry(function () { projectName = `Project ${uuid()}` setupTestProject() }) beforeEach(() => { // Always start with a fresh session cy.session([uuid()], () => {}) }) let linkSharingReadOnly: string let linkSharingReadAndWrite: string function setupTestProject() { login('') cy.visit('/project') createProject(projectName) // Add chat message cy.findByText('Chat').click() // wait for lazy loading of the chat pane cy.findByText('Send your first message to your collaborators') cy.get( 'textarea[placeholder="Send a message to your collaborators…"]' ).type('New Chat Message{enter}') // Get link sharing links enableLinkSharing().then( ({ linkSharingReadOnly: ro, linkSharingReadAndWrite: rw }) => { linkSharingReadAndWrite = rw linkSharingReadOnly = ro } ) } function expectContentReadOnlyAccess() { cy.url().should('match', /\/project\/[a-fA-F0-9]{24}/) cy.get('.cm-content').should('contain.text', '\\maketitle') cy.get('.cm-content').should('have.attr', 'contenteditable', 'false') } function expectContentWriteAccess() { const section = `Test Section ${uuid()}` cy.url().should('match', /\/project\/[a-fA-F0-9]{24}/) const recompile = throttledRecompile() // wait for the editor to finish loading cy.get('.cm-content').should('contain.text', '\\maketitle') // the editor should be writable cy.get('.cm-content').should('have.attr', 'contenteditable', 'true') cy.findByText('\\maketitle').parent().click() cy.findByText('\\maketitle').parent().type(`\n\\section{{}${section}}`) // should have written cy.get('.cm-content').should('contain.text', `\\section{${section}}`) // check PDF recompile() cy.get('.pdf-viewer').should('contain.text', projectName) cy.get('.pdf-viewer').should('contain.text', section) } function expectNoAccess() { // try read only access link cy.visit(linkSharingReadOnly) cy.url().should('match', /\/login/) // Cypress bugs: cypress resolves the link-sharing link outside the browser, and it carries over the hash of the link-sharing link to the login page redirect (bug 1). // Effectively, cypress then instructs the browser to change the page from /login#read-only-hash to /login#read-and-write-hash. // This is turn does not trigger a "page load", but rather just "scrolling", which in turn trips up the "page loaded" detection in cypress (bug 2). // Work around this by navigating away from the /login page in between checks. cy.visit('/user/password/reset') // try read and write access link cy.visit(linkSharingReadAndWrite) cy.url().should('match', /\/login/) } function expectChatAccess() { cy.findByText('Chat').click() cy.findByText('New Chat Message') } function expectHistoryAccess() { cy.findByText('History').click() cy.findByText('Labels') cy.findByText(/\\begin\{document}/) cy.findAllByTestId('history-version-metadata-users') .last() .should('have.text', 'user') cy.findByText('Back to editor').click() } function expectNoChatAccess() { cy.findByText('Layout') // wait for lazy loading cy.findByText('Chat').should('not.exist') } function expectNoHistoryAccess() { cy.findByText('Layout') // wait for lazy loading cy.findByText('History').should('not.exist') } function expectFullReadOnlyAccess() { expectContentReadOnlyAccess() expectChatAccess() expectHistoryAccess() } function expectRestrictedReadOnlyAccess() { expectContentReadOnlyAccess() expectNoChatAccess() expectNoHistoryAccess() } function expectReadAndWriteAccess() { expectContentWriteAccess() expectChatAccess() expectHistoryAccess() } function expectProjectDashboardEntry() { cy.visit('/project') cy.findByText(projectName) } function expectEditAuthoredAs(author: string) { cy.findByText('History').click() cy.findAllByTestId('history-version-metadata-users') .first() .should('contain.text', author) // might have other edits in the same group } describe('via email', function () { const email = '' ensureUserExists({ email }) beforeEach(function () { login('') shareProjectByEmailAndAcceptInviteViaEmail( projectName, email, 'Read only' ) }) it('should grant the collaborator read access', () => { cy.visit('/project') cy.findByText(projectName).click() expectFullReadOnlyAccess() expectProjectDashboardEntry() }) }) describe('read only', () => { const email = '' ensureUserExists({ email }) beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry(function () { login('') shareProjectByEmailAndAcceptInviteViaDash(projectName, email, 'Read only') }) it('should grant the collaborator read access', () => { login(email) cy.visit('/project') cy.findByText(projectName).click() expectFullReadOnlyAccess() expectProjectDashboardEntry() }) }) describe('read and write', () => { const email = '' ensureUserExists({ email }) beforeWithReRunOnTestRetry(function () { login('') shareProjectByEmailAndAcceptInviteViaDash(projectName, email, 'Can edit') }) it('should grant the collaborator write access', () => { login(email) cy.visit('/project') cy.findByText(projectName).click() expectReadAndWriteAccess() expectEditAuthoredAs('You') expectProjectDashboardEntry() }) }) describe('token access', () => { describe('logged in', () => { describe('read only', () => { const email = '' ensureUserExists({ email }) it('should grant restricted read access', () => { login(email) cy.visit(linkSharingReadOnly) cy.findByText(projectName) // wait for lazy loading cy.findByText('Join Project').click() expectRestrictedReadOnlyAccess() expectProjectDashboardEntry() }) }) describe('read and write', () => { const email = '' ensureUserExists({ email }) it('should grant full write access', () => { login(email) cy.visit(linkSharingReadAndWrite) cy.findByText(projectName) // wait for lazy loading cy.findByText('Join Project').click() expectReadAndWriteAccess() expectEditAuthoredAs('You') expectProjectDashboardEntry() }) }) }) describe('with OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS=false', () => { describe('wrap startup', () => { startWith({ vars: { OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS: 'false', }, withDataDir: true, }) it('should block access', () => { expectNoAccess() }) }) describe('with OVERLEAF_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING=true', () => { startWith({ vars: { OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS: 'false', OVERLEAF_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING: 'true', }, withDataDir: true, }) it('should block access', () => { expectNoAccess() }) }) }) describe('with OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS=true', () => { describe('wrap startup', () => { startWith({ vars: { OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS: 'true', }, withDataDir: true, }) it('should grant read access with read link', () => { cy.visit(linkSharingReadOnly) expectRestrictedReadOnlyAccess() }) it('should prompt for login with write link', () => { cy.visit(linkSharingReadAndWrite) cy.url().should('match', /\/login/) }) }) describe('with OVERLEAF_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING=true', () => { startWith({ vars: { OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS: 'true', OVERLEAF_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING: 'true', }, withDataDir: true, }) it('should grant read access with read link', () => { cy.visit(linkSharingReadOnly) expectRestrictedReadOnlyAccess() }) // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-skipped-tests it.skip('should grant write access with write link', () => { cy.visit(linkSharingReadAndWrite) expectReadAndWriteAccess() expectEditAuthoredAs('Anonymous') }) }) }) }) })