define [ "base" ], (App) -> affiliationFormController = ($scope, $element, $attrs, UserAffiliationsDataService) -> ctrl = @ ctrl.roles = [] ctrl.departments = [] ctrl.countries = [] ctrl.universities = [] _defaultDepartments = [] ctrl.addUniversityToSelection = (universityName) -> { name: universityName, isUserSuggested: true } ctrl.handleFreeformInputChange = ($select, propertyToMatch) -> if !$ or $ == "" return resultingItem = $ if $select.tagging?.fct? resultingItem = $select.tagging.fct $ if propertyToMatch? matchingItem = _.find $select.items, (item) -> item[propertyToMatch] == $ if matchingItem? resultingItem = matchingItem $select.searchInput.scope().$broadcast "uis:select", resultingItem # Populates the countries dropdown UserAffiliationsDataService .getCountries() .then (countries) -> ctrl.countries = countries # Populates the roles dropdown UserAffiliationsDataService .getDefaultRoleHints() .then (roles) -> ctrl.roles = roles # Fetches the default department hints UserAffiliationsDataService .getDefaultDepartmentHints() .then (departments) -> _defaultDepartments = departments # Populates the universities dropdown (after selecting a country) $scope.$watch "$", (newSelectedCountry, prevSelectedCountry) -> if newSelectedCountry? and newSelectedCountry != prevSelectedCountry = null ctrl.affiliationData.role = null ctrl.affiliationData.department = null UserAffiliationsDataService .getUniversitiesFromCountry(newSelectedCountry) .then (universities) -> ctrl.universities = universities # Populates the departments dropdown (after selecting a university) $scope.$watch "$", (newSelectedUniversity, prevSelectedUniversity) -> if newSelectedUniversity? and newSelectedUniversity != prevSelectedUniversity and newSelectedUniversity.departments?.length > 0 ctrl.departments = _.uniq newSelectedUniversity.departments else ctrl.departments = _defaultDepartments return App.component "affiliationForm", { bindings: affiliationData: "=" showUniversityAndCountry: "<" showRoleAndDepartment: "<" controller: affiliationFormController templateUrl: "affiliationFormTpl" }