import App from '../../base' const layoutOptions = { center: { paneSelector: '[vertical-resizable-top]', paneClass: 'vertical-resizable-top', size: 'auto', }, south: { paneSelector: '[vertical-resizable-bottom]', paneClass: 'vertical-resizable-bottom', resizerClass: 'vertical-resizable-resizer', resizerCursor: 'ns-resize', size: 'auto', resizable: true, closable: false, slidable: false, spacing_open: 6, spacing_closed: 6, maxSize: '75%', }, } export default App.directive('verticalResizablePanes', (localStorage, ide) => ({ restrict: 'A', link(scope, element, attrs) { const name = attrs.verticalResizablePanes const minSize = attrs.verticalResizablePanesMinSize const maxSize = attrs.verticalResizablePanesMaxSize const defaultSize = attrs.verticalResizablePanesDefaultSize let storedSize = null let manualResizeIncoming = false if (name) { const storageKey = `vertical-resizable:${name}:south-size` storedSize = localStorage(storageKey) $(window).unload(() => { if (storedSize) { localStorage(storageKey, storedSize) } }) } const toggledExternally = attrs.verticalResizablePanesToggledExternallyOn const hiddenExternally = attrs.verticalResizablePanesHiddenExternallyOn const hiddenInitially = attrs.verticalResizablePanesHiddenInitially const resizeOn = attrs.verticalResizablePanesResizeOn const resizerDisabledClass = `${layoutOptions.south.resizerClass}-disabled` function enableResizer() { if (layoutHandle.resizers && layoutHandle.resizers.south) { layoutHandle.resizers.south.removeClass(resizerDisabledClass) } } function disableResizer() { if (layoutHandle.resizers && layoutHandle.resizers.south) { layoutHandle.resizers.south.addClass(resizerDisabledClass) } } function handleDragEnd() { manualResizeIncoming = true } function handleResize(paneName, paneEl, paneState) { if (manualResizeIncoming) { storedSize = paneState.size } manualResizeIncoming = false } if (toggledExternally) { scope.$on(toggledExternally, (e, open) => { let newSize = 'auto' if (open) { if (storedSize) { newSize = storedSize } enableResizer() } else { disableResizer() } layoutHandle.sizePane('south', newSize) }) } if (hiddenExternally) { ide.$scope.$on(hiddenExternally, (e, open) => { if (open) {'south') } else { layoutHandle.hide('south') } }) } if (resizeOn) { scope.$on(resizeOn, () => { layoutHandle.resizeAll() }) } if (maxSize) { layoutOptions.south.maxSize = maxSize } if (minSize) { layoutOptions.south.minSize = minSize } if (defaultSize) { layoutOptions.south.size = defaultSize } // The `drag` event fires only when the user manually resizes the panes; the `resize` event fires even when // the layout library internally resizes itself. In order to get explicit user-initiated resizes, we need to // listen to `drag` events. However, when the `drag` event fires, the panes aren't yet finished sizing so we // get the pane size *before* the resize happens. We do get the correct size in the next `resize` event. // The solution to work around this is to set up a flag in `drag` events which tells the next `resize` event // that it was user-initiated (therefore, storing the value). layoutOptions.south.ondrag_end = handleDragEnd layoutOptions.south.onresize = handleResize const layoutHandle = element.layout(layoutOptions) if (hiddenInitially === 'true') { layoutHandle.hide('south') } }, }))