const settings = require('settings-sharelatex') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const request = require('request') const FaultTolerantRequest = require('../../infrastructure/FaultTolerantRequest') const Errors = require('../Errors/Errors') // check that the request should be made: ignore smoke test user and ensure the // analytics service is configured const checkAnalyticsRequest = function(userId) { if ( settings.smokeTest && settings.smokeTest.userId && settings.smokeTest.userId.toString() === userId.toString() ) { // ignore smoke test user return { error: null, skip: true } } if (! { return { error: new Errors.ServiceNotConfiguredError( 'Analytics service not configured' ), skip: true } } return { error: null, skip: false } } // prepare the request: set `fromv2` param and full URL const prepareAnalyticsRequest = function(options) { if (settings.overleaf != null) { options.qs = Object.assign({}, options.qs, { fromV2: 1 }) } const urlPath = options.url options.url = `${}${urlPath}` options.timeout = options.timeout || 30000 return options } // make the request to analytics after checking and preparing it. // request happens asynchronously in the background and will be retried on error const makeAnalyticsBackgroundRequest = function(userId, options, callback) { let { error, skip } = checkAnalyticsRequest(userId) if (error || skip) { return callback(error) } prepareAnalyticsRequest(options) // With the tweaked parameter values (BACKOFF_BASE=3000, BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER=3): // - the 6th attempt (maxAttempts=6) will run after 5.5 to 11.5 minutes // - the 9th attempt (maxAttempts=9) will run after 86 to 250 minutes options.maxAttempts = options.maxAttempts || 9 options.backoffBase = options.backoffBase || 3000 options.backoffMultiplier = options.backoffMultiplier || 3 FaultTolerantRequest.backgroundRequest(options, callback) } // make synchronous request to analytics without retries after checking and // preparing it. const makeAnalyticsRequest = function(userId, options, callback) { let { error, skip } = checkAnalyticsRequest(userId) if (error || skip) { return callback(error) } prepareAnalyticsRequest(options) request(options, callback) } module.exports = { identifyUser(userId, oldUserId, callback) { if (!callback) { // callback is optional callback = () => {} } const opts = { body: { old_user_id: oldUserId }, json: true, method: 'POST', url: `/user/${userId}/identify` } makeAnalyticsBackgroundRequest(userId, opts, callback) }, recordEvent(userId, event, segmentation, callback) { if (segmentation == null) { // segmentation is optional segmentation = {} } if (!callback) { // callback is optional callback = () => {} } const opts = { body: { event, segmentation }, json: true, method: 'POST', url: `/user/${userId}/event` } makeAnalyticsBackgroundRequest(userId, opts, callback) }, updateEditingSession(userId, projectId, countryCode, callback) { if (!callback) { // callback is optional callback = () => {} } const query = { userId, projectId } if (countryCode) { query.countryCode = countryCode } const opts = { method: 'PUT', url: '/editingSession', qs: query, maxAttempts: 6 // dont retry for too long as session ping timestamp are // recorded when the request is received on the analytics } makeAnalyticsBackgroundRequest(userId, opts, callback) }, getLastOccurrence(userId, event, callback) { const opts = { body: { event }, json: true, method: 'POST', timeout: 1000, url: `/user/${userId}/event/last_occurrence` } makeAnalyticsRequest(userId, opts, function(err, response, body) { if (err != null) { logger.warn({ userId, err }, 'error getting last occurance of event') callback(err) } else { callback(null, body) } }) } }