const { db, ObjectId } = require('./mongodb') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const Errors = require('./Errors') const { callbackify } = require('util') const ARCHIVING_LOCK_DURATION_MS = Settings.archivingLockDurationMs async function findDoc(projectId, docId, projection) { const doc = await { _id: new ObjectId(docId.toString()), project_id: new ObjectId(projectId.toString()), }, { projection } ) if (doc && projection.version && !doc.version) { doc.version = 0 } return doc } async function getProjectsDeletedDocs(projectId, projection) { const docs = await .find( { project_id: new ObjectId(projectId.toString()), deleted: true, }, { projection, sort: { deletedAt: -1 }, limit: Settings.max_deleted_docs, } ) .toArray() return docs } async function getProjectsDocs(projectId, options, projection) { const query = { project_id: new ObjectId(projectId.toString()) } if (!options.include_deleted) { query.deleted = { $ne: true } } const queryOptions = { projection, } if (options.limit) { queryOptions.limit = options.limit } const docs = await, queryOptions).toArray() return docs } async function getArchivedProjectDocs(projectId, maxResults) { const query = { project_id: new ObjectId(projectId.toString()), inS3: true, } const docs = await .find(query, { projection: { _id: 1 }, limit: maxResults }) .toArray() return docs } async function getNonArchivedProjectDocIds(projectId) { const docs = await .find( { project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), inS3: { $ne: true }, }, { projection: { _id: 1 } } ) .map(doc => doc._id) .toArray() return docs } async function getNonDeletedArchivedProjectDocs(projectId, maxResults) { const query = { project_id: new ObjectId(projectId.toString()), deleted: { $ne: true }, inS3: true, } const docs = await .find(query, { projection: { _id: 1 }, limit: maxResults }) .toArray() return docs } async function upsertIntoDocCollection(projectId, docId, previousRev, updates) { if (previousRev) { const update = { $set: updates, $unset: { inS3: true }, } if (updates.lines || updates.ranges) { update.$inc = { rev: 1 } } const result = await { _id: new ObjectId(docId), project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), rev: previousRev, }, update ) if (result.matchedCount !== 1) { throw new Errors.DocRevValueError() } } else { try { await{ _id: new ObjectId(docId), project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), rev: 1, ...updates, }) } catch (err) { if (err.code === 11000) { // duplicate doc _id throw new Errors.DocRevValueError() } else { throw err } } } } async function patchDoc(projectId, docId, meta) { await { _id: new ObjectId(docId), project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), }, { $set: meta } ) } /** * Fetch a doc and lock it for archiving * * This will return null if the doc is not found, if it's already archived or * if the lock can't be acquired. */ async function getDocForArchiving(projectId, docId) { const archivingUntil = new Date( + ARCHIVING_LOCK_DURATION_MS) const result = await { _id: new ObjectId(docId), project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), inS3: { $ne: true }, $or: [{ archivingUntil: null }, { archivingUntil: { $lt: new Date() } }], }, { $set: { archivingUntil } }, { projection: { lines: 1, ranges: 1, rev: 1 }, includeResultMetadata: true, } ) return result.value } /** * Clear the doc contents from Mongo and release the archiving lock */ async function markDocAsArchived(projectId, docId, rev) { await { _id: new ObjectId(docId), rev }, { $set: { inS3: true }, $unset: { lines: 1, ranges: 1, archivingUntil: 1 }, } ) } /** * Restore an archived doc * * This checks that the archived doc's rev matches. */ async function restoreArchivedDoc(projectId, docId, archivedDoc) { const query = { _id: new ObjectId(docId), project_id: new ObjectId(projectId), rev: archivedDoc.rev, } const update = { $set: { lines: archivedDoc.lines, ranges: archivedDoc.ranges || {}, }, $unset: { inS3: true, }, } const result = await, update) if (result.matchedCount === 0) { throw new Errors.DocRevValueError('failed to unarchive doc', { docId, rev: archivedDoc.rev, }) } } async function getDocRev(docId) { const doc = await { _id: new ObjectId(docId.toString()) }, { projection: { rev: 1 } } ) return doc && doc.rev } /** * Helper method to support optimistic locking. * * Check that the rev of an existing doc is unchanged. If the rev has * changed, return a DocModifiedError. */ async function checkRevUnchanged(doc) { const currentRev = await getDocRev(doc._id) if (isNaN(currentRev) || isNaN(doc.rev)) { throw new Errors.DocRevValueError('doc rev is NaN', { doc_id: doc._id, rev: doc.rev, currentRev, }) } if (doc.rev !== currentRev) { throw new Errors.DocModifiedError('doc rev has changed', { doc_id: doc._id, rev: doc.rev, currentRev, }) } } async function destroyProject(projectId) { await{ project_id: new ObjectId(projectId) }) } module.exports = { findDoc: callbackify(findDoc), getProjectsDeletedDocs: callbackify(getProjectsDeletedDocs), getProjectsDocs: callbackify(getProjectsDocs), getArchivedProjectDocs: callbackify(getArchivedProjectDocs), getNonArchivedProjectDocIds: callbackify(getNonArchivedProjectDocIds), getNonDeletedArchivedProjectDocs: callbackify( getNonDeletedArchivedProjectDocs ), upsertIntoDocCollection: callbackify(upsertIntoDocCollection), restoreArchivedDoc: callbackify(restoreArchivedDoc), patchDoc: callbackify(patchDoc), getDocForArchiving: callbackify(getDocForArchiving), markDocAsArchived: callbackify(markDocAsArchived), checkRevUnchanged: callbackify(checkRevUnchanged), destroyProject: callbackify(destroyProject), promises: { findDoc, getProjectsDeletedDocs, getProjectsDocs, getArchivedProjectDocs, getNonArchivedProjectDocIds, getNonDeletedArchivedProjectDocs, upsertIntoDocCollection, restoreArchivedDoc, patchDoc, getDocForArchiving, markDocAsArchived, checkRevUnchanged, destroyProject, }, }