SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') sinon = require('sinon') require('chai').should() modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../app/js/CompileController' tk = require("timekeeper") describe "CompileController", -> beforeEach -> @CompileController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./CompileManager": @CompileManager = {} "./RequestParser": @RequestParser = {} "settings-sharelatex": @Settings = apis: clsi: url: "" "./ProjectPersistenceManager": @ProjectPersistenceManager = {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() } @Settings.externalUrl = "" @req = {} @res = {} describe "compile", -> beforeEach -> @req.body = { compile: "mock-body" } @req.params = project_id: @project_id = "project-id-123" @request = { compile: "mock-parsed-request" } @request_with_project_id = compile: @request.compile project_id: @project_id @output_files = [{ path: "output.pdf" type: "pdf" }, { path: "output.log" type: "log" }] @RequestParser.parse = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @request) @ProjectPersistenceManager.markProjectAsJustAccessed = sinon.stub().callsArg(1) @res.send = sinon.stub() describe "successfully", -> beforeEach -> @CompileManager.doCompile = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @output_files) @CompileController.compile @req, @res it "should parse the request", -> @RequestParser.parse .calledWith(@req.body) .should.equal true it "should run the compile for the specified project", -> @CompileManager.doCompile .calledWith(@request_with_project_id) .should.equal true it "should mark the project as accessed", -> @ProjectPersistenceManager.markProjectAsJustAccessed .calledWith(@project_id) .should.equal true it "should return the JSON response", -> @res.send .calledWith(JSON.stringify compile: status: "success" error: null outputFiles: (file) => url: "#{@Settings.apis.clsi.url}/project/#{@project_id}/output/#{file.path}" type: file.type ) .should.equal true describe "with an error", -> beforeEach -> @CompileManager.doCompile = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error(@message = "error message"), null) @CompileController.compile @req, @res it "should return the JSON response with the error", -> @res.send .calledWith(JSON.stringify compile: status: "failure" error: @message outputFiles: [] ) .should.equal true