sinon = require "sinon" chai = require("chai") should = chai.should() {db, ObjectId, ISODate} = require "../../../app/js/mongojs" async = require "async" Settings = require("settings-sharelatex") DocArchiveManager = require("../../../app/js/DocArchiveManager.js") request = require "request" DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient" describe "Archiving", -> describe "multiple docs in a project", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @docs = [{ _id: ObjectId() lines: ["one", "two", "three"] ranges: {} version: 2 }, { _id: ObjectId() lines: ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"] ranges: {} version: 4 }] jobs = for doc in @docs do (doc) => (callback) => DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, doc._id, doc.lines, doc.version, doc.ranges, callback async.series jobs, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => done() it "should archive all the docs", (done) -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 done() it "should set inS3 and unset lines and ranges in each doc", (done) -> jobs = for doc in @docs do (doc) => (callback) => _id: doc._id, (error, doc) => should.not.exist doc.lines should.not.exist doc.ranges doc.inS3.should.equal true callback() async.series jobs, done it "should set the docs in s3 correctly", (done) -> jobs = for doc in @docs do (doc) => (callback) => DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, doc._id, (error, res, s3_doc) => s3_doc.lines.should.deep.equal doc.lines s3_doc.ranges.should.deep.equal doc.ranges callback() async.series jobs, done describe "after unarchiving from a request for the project", -> before (done) -> DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should return the docs", (done) -> for doc, i in @fetched_docs doc.lines.should.deep.equal @docs[i].lines done() it "should restore the docs to mongo", (done) -> jobs = for doc, i in @docs do (doc, i) => (callback) => _id: doc._id, (error, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @docs[i].lines doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @docs[i].ranges should.not.exist doc.inS3 callback() async.series jobs, done describe "a deleted doc", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @doc = { _id: ObjectId() lines: ["one", "two", "three"] ranges: {} version: 2 } DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc._id, @doc.lines, @doc.version, @doc.ranges, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @doc._id, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => throw error if error? done() it "should successully archive the docs", (done) -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 done() it "should set inS3 and unset lines and ranges in each doc", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? should.not.exist doc.lines should.not.exist doc.ranges doc.inS3.should.equal true doc.deleted.should.equal true done() it "should set the doc in s3 correctly", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc._id, (error, res, s3_doc) => throw error if error? s3_doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines s3_doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges done() describe "after unarchiving from a request for the project", -> before (done) -> DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should not included the deleted", (done) -> @fetched_docs.length.should.equal 0 done() it "should restore the doc to mongo", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges should.not.exist doc.inS3 doc.deleted.should.equal true done() describe "a doc with large lines", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @timeout 1000 * 30 quarterMegInBytes = 250000 big_line = require("crypto").randomBytes(quarterMegInBytes).toString("hex") @doc = { _id: ObjectId() lines: [big_line, big_line, big_line, big_line] ranges: {} version: 2 } DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc._id, @doc.lines, @doc.version, @doc.ranges, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => throw error if error? done() it "should successully archive the docs", (done) -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 done() it "should set inS3 and unset lines and ranges in each doc", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? should.not.exist doc.lines should.not.exist doc.ranges doc.inS3.should.equal true done() it "should set the doc in s3 correctly", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc._id, (error, res, s3_doc) => throw error if error? s3_doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines s3_doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges done() describe "after unarchiving from a request for the project", -> before (done) -> DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should restore the doc to mongo", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges should.not.exist doc.inS3 done() describe "a doc with naughty strings", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @doc = { _id: ObjectId() lines: [ "", "undefined", "undef", "null", "NULL", "(null)", "nil", "NIL", "true", "false", "True", "False", "None", "\\", "\\\\", "0", "1", "1.00", "$1.00", "1/2", "1E2", "1E02", "1E+02", "-1", "-1.00", "-$1.00", "-1/2", "-1E2", "-1E02", "-1E+02", "1/0", "0/0", "-2147483648/-1", "-9223372036854775808/-1", "0.00", "0..0", ".", "0.0.0", "0,00", "0,,0", ",", "0,0,0", "0.0/0", "1.0/0.0", "0.0/0.0", "1,0/0,0", "0,0/0,0", "--1", "-", "-.", "-,", "999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity", "0x0", "0xffffffff", "0xffffffffffffffff", "0xabad1dea", "123456789012345678901234567890123456789", "1,000.00", "1 000.00", "1'000.00", "1,000,000.00", "1 000 000.00", "1'000'000.00", "1.000,00", "1 000,00", "1'000,00", "1.000.000,00", "1 000i̳̞v̢͇ḙ͎͟-҉̭̩̼͔m̤̭̫i͕͇̝̦n̗͙ḍ̟ ̯̲͕͞ǫ̟̯̰̲͙̻̝f ̪̰̰̗̖̭̘͘c̦͍̲̞͍̩̙ḥ͚a̮͎̟̙͜ơ̩̹͎s̤.̝̝ ҉Z̡̖̜͖̰̣͉̜a͖̰͙̬͡l̲̫̳͍̩g̡̟̼̱͚̞̬ͅo̗͜.̟", "̦H̬̤̗̤͝e͜ ̜̥̝̻͍̟́w̕h̖̯͓o̝͙̖͎̱̮ ҉̺̙̞̟͈W̷̼̭a̺̪͍į͈͕̭͙̯̜t̶̼̮s̘͙͖̕ ̠̫̠B̻͍͙͉̳ͅe̵h̵̬͇̫͙i̹͓̳̳̮͎̫̕n͟d̴̪̜̖ ̰͉̩͇͙̲͞ͅT͖̼͓̪͢h͏͓̮̻e̬̝̟ͅ ̤̹̝W͙̞̝͔͇͝ͅa͏͓͔̹̼̣l̴͔̰̤̟͔ḽ̫.͕", "Z̮̞̠͙͔ͅḀ̗̞͈̻̗Ḷ͙͎̯̹̞͓G̻O̭̗̮", "˙ɐnbᴉlɐ ɐuƃɐɯ ǝɹolop ʇǝ ǝɹoqɐl ʇn ʇunpᴉpᴉɔuᴉ ɹodɯǝʇ poɯsnᴉǝ op pǝs 'ʇᴉlǝ ƃuᴉɔsᴉdᴉpɐ ɹnʇǝʇɔǝsuoɔ 'ʇǝɯɐ ʇᴉs ɹolop ɯnsdᴉ ɯǝɹo˥", "00˙Ɩ$-", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐱 𝐣𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐠", "𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖋𝖔𝖝 𝖏𝖚𝖒𝖕𝖘 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝖉𝖔𝖌", "𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒙 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒔 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒈", "𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝔁 𝓳𝓾𝓶𝓹𝓼 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝔃𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓰", "𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕩 𝕛𝕦𝕞𝕡𝕤 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕘", "𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚡 𝚓𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚜 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚍𝚘𝚐", "⒯⒣⒠ ⒬⒰⒤⒞⒦ ⒝⒭⒪⒲⒩ ⒡⒪⒳ ⒥⒰⒨⒫⒮ ⒪⒱⒠⒭ ⒯⒣⒠ ⒧⒜⒵⒴ ⒟⒪⒢", "", "<script>alert('123');</script>", "", " ", "\">", "'>", ">", "", "< / script >< script >alert(123)< / script >", " onfocus=JaVaSCript:alert(123) autofocus ", "\" onfocus=JaVaSCript:alert(123) autofocus ", "' onfocus=JaVaSCript:alert(123) autofocus ", "<script>alert(123)</script>", "ript>alert(123)ript>", "-->", "\";alert(123);t=\"", "';alert(123);t='", "JavaSCript:alert(123)", ";alert(123);", "src=JaVaSCript:prompt(132)", "\"><\\x3Cscript>javascript:alert(1) ", "'`\"><\\x00script>javascript:alert(1)", "ABC
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Libshitz", "magna cum laude", "Super Bowl XXX", "medieval erection of parapets", "evaluate", "mocha", "expression", "Arsenal canal", "classic", "Tyson Gay", "If you're reading this, you've been in a coma for almost 20 years now. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope it works. Please wake up, we miss you.", "Roses are \u001b[0;31mred\u001b[0m, violets are \u001b[0;34mblue. Hope you enjoy terminal hue", "But now...\u001b[20Cfor my greatest trick...\u001b[8m", "The quic\b\b\b\b\b\bk brown fo\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007\u0007x... [Beeeep]", "Powerلُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ冗" ] ranges: {} version: 2 } DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc._id, @doc.lines, @doc.version, @doc.ranges, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => throw error if error? done() it "should successully archive the docs", (done) -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 done() it "should set inS3 and unset lines and ranges in each doc", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? should.not.exist doc.lines should.not.exist doc.ranges doc.inS3.should.equal true done() it "should set the doc in s3 correctly", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc._id, (error, res, s3_doc) => throw error if error? s3_doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines s3_doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges done() describe "after unarchiving from a request for the project", -> before (done) -> DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should restore the doc to mongo", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges should.not.exist doc.inS3 done() describe "a doc with ranges", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @doc = { _id: ObjectId() lines: ["one", "two", "three"] ranges: { changes: [{ id : ObjectId(), op : { "i" : "foo", "p" : 24 } metadata : { "user_id" : ObjectId(), "ts" : new Date("2017-01-27T16:10:44.194Z") } }, { id : ObjectId(), op : { "d" : "bar", "p" : 50 } metadata : { "user_id" : ObjectId(), "ts" : new Date("2017-01-27T18:10:44.194Z") } }] comments: [{ id: ObjectId(), op: { "c" : "comment", "p" : 284, "t" : ObjectId() }, metadata: { "user_id" : ObjectId(), "ts" : new Date("2017-01-26T14:22:04.869Z") } }] } version: 2 } DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc._id, @doc.lines, @doc.version, @doc.ranges, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => throw error if error? done() it "should successully archive the docs", (done) -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 done() it "should set inS3 and unset lines and ranges in each doc", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? should.not.exist doc.lines should.not.exist doc.ranges doc.inS3.should.equal true done() it "should set the doc in s3 correctly", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc._id, (error, res, s3_doc) => throw error if error? s3_doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines ranges = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(@doc.ranges)) # ObjectId -> String s3_doc.ranges.should.deep.equal ranges done() describe "after unarchiving from a request for the project", -> before (done) -> DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should restore the doc to mongo", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges should.not.exist doc.inS3 done() describe "a doc that is archived twice", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @doc = { _id: ObjectId() lines: ["abc", "def", "ghi"] ranges: {} version: 2 } DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc._id, @doc.lines, @doc.version, @doc.ranges, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => throw error if error? @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (error, @res) => throw error if error? @res.statusCode.should.equal 204 done() it "should set inS3 and unset lines and ranges in each doc", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? should.not.exist doc.lines should.not.exist doc.ranges doc.inS3.should.equal true done() it "should set the doc in s3 correctly", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc._id, (error, res, s3_doc) => throw error if error? s3_doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines s3_doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges done() describe "after unarchiving from a request for the project", -> before (done) -> DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should restore the doc to mongo", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @doc.ranges should.not.exist doc.inS3 done() describe "a doc with the old schema (just an array of lines)", -> before (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @doc = { _id: ObjectId() lines: ["abc", "def", "ghi"] ranges: {} version: 2 } options = DocArchiveManager.buildS3Options("#{@project_id}/#{@doc._id}") options.json = @doc.lines request.put options, (error, res, body) => throw error if error? res.statusCode.should.equal 200 { project_id: @project_id _id: @doc._id rev: @doc.version inS3: true }, (error) => throw error if error? DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, @fetched_docs) => throw error if error? done() it "should restore the doc to mongo", (done) -> _id: @doc._id, (error, doc) => throw error if error? doc.lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines should.not.exist doc.inS3 done() it "should return the doc", (done) -> @fetched_docs[0].lines.should.deep.equal @doc.lines done()