/* eslint-disable max-len, new-cap, no-return-assign, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ import App from '../../../base' export default App.directive( 'pdfPage', ($timeout, pdfHighlights, pdfSpinner) => ({ require: '^pdfViewer', template: `\
\ `, link(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { const canvasElement = $(element).find('.pdf-canvas') const textElement = $(element).find('.text-layer') const annotationsElement = $(element).find('.annotations-layer') const highlightsElement = $(element).find('.highlights-layer') const updatePageSize = function (size) { const h = Math.floor(size[0]) const w = Math.floor(size[1]) element.height(h) element.width(w) canvasElement.height(h) canvasElement.width(w) return (scope.page.sized = true) } // keep track of our page element, so we can access it in the // parent with scope.pages[i].element, and the contained // elements for each part scope.page.element = element scope.page.elementChildren = { canvas: canvasElement, text: textElement, annotations: annotationsElement, highlights: highlightsElement, container: element, } if (!scope.page.sized) { if (scope.defaultPageSize != null) { updatePageSize(scope.defaultPageSize) } else { // shouldn't get here - the default page size should now // always be set before redraw is called var handler = scope.$watch( 'defaultPageSize', function (defaultPageSize) { if (defaultPageSize == null) { return } updatePageSize(defaultPageSize) return handler() } ) } } if (scope.page.current) { // console.log 'we must scroll to this page', scope.page.pageNum, 'at position', scope.page.position // this is the current page, we want to scroll it into view // and render it immediately scope.document.renderPage(scope.page) ctrl.setPdfPosition(scope.page, scope.page.position) } element.on('dblclick', function (e) { const offset = $(element).find('.pdf-canvas').offset() const dx = e.pageX - offset.left const dy = e.pageY - offset.top return scope.document .getPdfViewport(scope.page.pageNum) .then(function (viewport) { const pdfPoint = viewport.convertToPdfPoint(dx, dy) const event = { page: scope.page.pageNum, x: pdfPoint[0], y: viewport.viewBox[3] - pdfPoint[1], } return scope.$emit('pdfDoubleClick', event) }) }) const highlightsLayer = new pdfHighlights({ highlights: highlightsElement, }) scope.$on('pdf:highlights', function (event, highlights) { let h if (highlights == null) { return } if (!(highlights.length > 0)) { return } if (scope.timeoutHandler) { $timeout.cancel(scope.timeoutHandler) highlightsLayer.clearHighlights() scope.timeoutHandler = null } // console.log 'got highlight watch in pdfPage', scope.page const pageHighlights = (() => { const result = [] for (h of Array.from(highlights)) { if (h.page === scope.page.pageNum) { result.push(h) } } return result })() if (!pageHighlights.length) { return } scope.document.getPdfViewport(scope.page.pageNum).then(viewport => (() => { const result1 = [] for (let hl of Array.from(pageHighlights)) { // console.log 'adding highlight', h, viewport const top = viewport.viewBox[3] - hl.v result1.push( highlightsLayer.addHighlight( viewport, hl.h, top, hl.width, hl.height ) ) } return result1 })() ) return (scope.timeoutHandler = $timeout(function () { highlightsLayer.clearHighlights() return (scope.timeoutHandler = null) }, 1000)) }) return scope.$on('$destroy', function () { if (scope.timeoutHandler != null) { $timeout.cancel(scope.timeoutHandler) return highlightsLayer.clearHighlights() } }) }, }) )