// This file is shared between the frontend and server code of web, so that // filename validation is the same in both implementations. // The logic in all copies must be kept in sync: // app/src/Features/Project/SafePath.js // frontend/js/ide/directives/SafePath.js // frontend/js/features/file-tree/util/safe-path.js // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-regex-literals const BADCHAR_RX = new RegExp( `\ [\ \\/\ \\\\\ \\*\ \\u0000-\\u001F\ \\u007F\ \\u0080-\\u009F\ \\uD800-\\uDFFF\ ]\ `, 'g' ) // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-regex-literals const BADFILE_RX = new RegExp( `\ (^\\.$)\ |(^\\.\\.$)\ |(^\\s+)\ |(\\s+$)\ `, 'g' ) // Put a block on filenames which match javascript property names, as they // can cause exceptions where the code puts filenames into a hash. This is a // temporary workaround until the code in other places is made safe against // property names. // // The list of property names is taken from // ['prototype'].concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype)) // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-regex-literals const BLOCKEDFILE_RX = new RegExp(`\ ^(\ prototype\ |constructor\ |toString\ |toLocaleString\ |valueOf\ |hasOwnProperty\ |isPrototypeOf\ |propertyIsEnumerable\ |__defineGetter__\ |__lookupGetter__\ |__defineSetter__\ |__lookupSetter__\ |__proto__\ )$\ `) const MAX_PATH = 1024 // Maximum path length, in characters. This is fairly arbitrary. export function clean(filename) { filename = filename.replace(BADCHAR_RX, '_') // for BADFILE_RX replace any matches with an equal number of underscores filename = filename.replace(BADFILE_RX, match => new Array(match.length + 1).join('_') ) // replace blocked filenames 'prototype' with '@prototype' filename = filename.replace(BLOCKEDFILE_RX, '@$1') return filename } export function isCleanFilename(filename) { return ( isAllowedLength(filename) && !filename.match(BADCHAR_RX) && !filename.match(BADFILE_RX) ) } export function isBlockedFilename(filename) { return BLOCKEDFILE_RX.test(filename) } // returns whether a full path is 'clean' - e.g. is a full or relative path // that points to a file, and each element passes the rules in 'isCleanFilename' export function isCleanPath(path) { const elements = path.split('/') const lastElementIsEmpty = elements[elements.length - 1].length === 0 if (lastElementIsEmpty) { return false } for (let element of Array.from(elements)) { if (element.length > 0 && !isCleanFilename(element)) { return false } } // check for a top-level reserved name if (BLOCKEDFILE_RX.test(path.replace(/^\/?/, ''))) { return false } // remove leading slash if present return true } export function isAllowedLength(pathname) { return pathname.length > 0 && pathname.length <= MAX_PATH }