import React, { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useReducer, useMemo, } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { useApplicationContext } from '../../../shared/context/application-context' import { useEditorContext } from '../../../shared/context/editor-context' import { getJSON, postJSON } from '../../../infrastructure/fetch-json' import { appendMessage, prependMessages } from '../utils/message-list-appender' import useBrowserWindow from '../../../infrastructure/browser-window-hook' import { useLayoutContext } from '../../../shared/context/layout-context' const PAGE_SIZE = 50 export function chatReducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'INITIAL_FETCH_MESSAGES': return { ...state, status: 'pending', initialMessagesLoaded: true, } case 'FETCH_MESSAGES': return { ...state, status: 'pending', } case 'FETCH_MESSAGES_SUCCESS': return { ...state, status: 'idle', messages: prependMessages(state.messages, action.messages), lastTimestamp: action.messages[0] ? action.messages[0].timestamp : null, atEnd: action.messages.length < PAGE_SIZE, } case 'SEND_MESSAGE': return { ...state, messages: appendMessage(state.messages, { // Messages are sent optimistically, so don't have an id (used for // React keys). The uuid is valid for this session, and ensures all // messages have an id. It will be overwritten by the actual ids on // refresh id: uuid(), user: action.user, content: action.content, timestamp:, }), messageWasJustSent: true, } case 'RECEIVE_MESSAGE': return { ...state, messages: appendMessage(state.messages, action.message), messageWasJustSent: false, unreadMessageCount: state.unreadMessageCount + 1, } case 'MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ': return { ...state, unreadMessageCount: 0, } case 'ERROR': return { ...state, status: 'error', error: action.error, } default: throw new Error('Unknown action') } } const initialState = { status: 'idle', messages: [], initialMessagesLoaded: false, lastTimestamp: null, atEnd: false, messageWasJustSent: false, unreadMessageCount: 0, error: null, } export const ChatContext = createContext() ChatContext.Provider.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.shape({ status: PropTypes.string.isRequired, messages: PropTypes.array.isRequired, initialMessagesLoaded: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, atEnd: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, unreadMessageCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired, loadInitialMessages: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadMoreMessages: PropTypes.func.isRequired, sendMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, markMessagesAsRead: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, } export function ChatProvider({ children }) { const { user } = useApplicationContext({ user: PropTypes.shape({ id: PropTypes.string.isRequired }.isRequired), }) const { projectId } = useEditorContext({ projectId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }) const { chatIsOpen } = useLayoutContext({ chatIsOpen: PropTypes.bool }) const { hasFocus: windowHasFocus, flashTitle, stopFlashingTitle, } = useBrowserWindow() const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(chatReducer, initialState) const { loadInitialMessages, loadMoreMessages } = useMemo(() => { function fetchMessages() { if (state.atEnd) return const query = { limit: PAGE_SIZE } if (state.lastTimestamp) { query.before = state.lastTimestamp } const queryString = new URLSearchParams(query) const url = `/project/${projectId}/messages?${queryString.toString()}` getJSON(url).then((messages = []) => { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_SUCCESS', messages: messages.reverse(), }) }) } function loadInitialMessages() { if (state.initialMessagesLoaded) return dispatch({ type: 'INITIAL_FETCH_MESSAGES' }) fetchMessages() } function loadMoreMessages() { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES' }) fetchMessages() } return { loadInitialMessages, loadMoreMessages, } }, [projectId, state.atEnd, state.initialMessagesLoaded, state.lastTimestamp]) const sendMessage = useCallback( content => { if (!content) return dispatch({ type: 'SEND_MESSAGE', user, content, }) const url = `/project/${projectId}/messages` postJSON(url, { body: { content }, }) }, [projectId, user] ) const markMessagesAsRead = useCallback(() => { dispatch({ type: 'MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ' }) }, []) // Handling receiving messages over the socket const socket = window._ide?.socket useEffect(() => { if (!socket) return function receivedMessage(message) { // If the message is from the current user and they just sent a message, // then we are receiving the sent message back from the socket. Ignore it // to prevent double message const messageIsFromSelf = message?.user?.id === if (messageIsFromSelf && state.messageWasJustSent) return dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_MESSAGE', message }) // Temporary workaround to pass state to unread message balloon in Angular window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('Chat.MessageReceived', { detail: { message } }) ) } socket.on('new-chat-message', receivedMessage) return () => { if (!socket) return socket.removeListener('new-chat-message', receivedMessage) } // We're adding and removing the socket listener every time we send a // message (and messageWasJustSent changes). Not great, but no good way // around it }, [socket, state.messageWasJustSent, state.unreadMessageCount,]) // Handle unread messages useEffect(() => { if (windowHasFocus) { stopFlashingTitle() if (chatIsOpen) { markMessagesAsRead() } } if (!windowHasFocus && state.unreadMessageCount > 0) { flashTitle('New Message') } }, [ windowHasFocus, chatIsOpen, state.unreadMessageCount, flashTitle, stopFlashingTitle, markMessagesAsRead, ]) const value = { status: state.status, messages: state.messages, initialMessagesLoaded: state.initialMessagesLoaded, atEnd: state.atEnd, unreadMessageCount: state.unreadMessageCount, loadInitialMessages, loadMoreMessages, sendMessage, markMessagesAsRead, } return {children} } ChatProvider.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.any, } export function useChatContext(propTypes) { const data = useContext(ChatContext) PropTypes.checkPropTypes(propTypes, data, 'data', 'ChatContext.Provider') return data }