'use strict' /** * Make custom error types that pass `instanceof` checks, have stack traces, * support custom messages and properties, and support wrapping errors (causes). * * @module */ /** * A base class for custom errors that handles: * * 1. Wrapping an optional 'cause'. * 2. Storing an 'info' object with additional data. * 3. Setting the name to the subclass name. * * @extends Error */ class OError extends Error { /** * @param {string} message as for built-in Error * @param {?object} info extra data to attach to the error */ constructor ({ message, info }) { super(message) this.name = this.constructor.name if (info) { this.info = info } } /** * Wrap the given error, which caused this error. * * @param {Error} cause * @return {this} */ withCause (cause) { this.cause = cause if (this.message && cause.message) { this.message += ': ' + cause.message } return this } } /** * Return the `info` property from `error` and recursively merge the `info` * properties from the error's causes, if any. * * If a property is repeated, the first one in the cause chain wins. * * @param {?Error} error assumed not to have circular causes * @return {Object} */ function getFullInfo (error) { if (!error) return {} const info = getFullInfo(error.cause) if (typeof error.info === 'object') Object.assign(info, error.info) return info } /** * Return the `stack` property from `error` and recursively append the `stack` * properties from the error's causes, if any. * * @param {?Error} error assumed not to have circular causes * @return {string} */ function getFullStack (error) { if (!error) return '' const causeStack = getFullStack(error.cause) if (causeStack) return (error.stack + '\ncaused by: ' + causeStack) return error.stack } /** * Is `error` or one of its causes an instance of `klass`? * * @param {?Error} error assumed not to have circular causes * @param {function} klass * @return {Boolean} */ function hasCauseInstanceOf (error, klass) { if (!error) return false return error instanceof klass || hasCauseInstanceOf(error.cause, klass) } OError.getFullInfo = getFullInfo OError.getFullStack = getFullStack OError.hasCauseInstanceOf = hasCauseInstanceOf module.exports = OError