import sessionStorage from '../infrastructure/session-storage' const CACHE_KEY = 'mbEvents' function alreadySent(key) { const eventCache = sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_KEY) || {} return !!eventCache[key] } function markAsSent(key) { const eventCache = sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_KEY) || {} eventCache[key] = true sessionStorage.setItem(CACHE_KEY, eventCache) } export function send(category, action, label, value) { if (typeof === 'function') {'send', 'event', category, action, label, value) } } export function sendOnce(category, action, label, value) { if (alreadySent(category)) return if (typeof !== 'function') return'send', 'event', category, action, label, value) markAsSent(category) } export function sendMB(key, segmentation = {}) { if (! { = window.location.pathname } sendBeacon(key, segmentation) if (typeof window.gtag !== 'function') return if (['paywall-click', 'paywall-prompt', 'plans-page-click'].includes(key)) { window.gtag('event', key, segmentation) } } export function sendMBOnce(key, segmentation = {}) { if (alreadySent(key)) return sendMB(key, segmentation) markAsSent(key) } export function sendMBSampled(key, body = {}, rate = 0.01) { if (Math.random() < rate) { sendMB(key, body) } } // Use breakpoint @screen-xs-max from less: // @screen-xs-max: (@screen-sm-min - 1); // @screen-sm-min: @screen-sm; // @screen-sm: 768px; export const isSmallDevice = window.screen.width < 768 function sendBeacon(key, data) { if (!navigator || !navigator.sendBeacon) return data._csrf = window.csrfToken const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], { type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }) try { navigator.sendBeacon(`/event/${key}`, blob) } catch (error) { // Ignored. There's a range of browser for which `navigator.sendBeacon` is available but // will throw an error if it's called with an unacceptable mime-typed Blob as the data. } }