const { expect } = require('chai') const { promisifyAll, promisifyClass, callbackifyMultiResult, callbackifyClass, callbackifyAll, expressify, expressifyErrorHandler, } = require('../..') describe('promisifyAll', function () { describe('basic functionality', function () { before(function () { this.module = { SOME_CONSTANT: 1, asyncAdd(a, b, callback) { callback(null, a + b) }, asyncDouble(x, callback) { this.asyncAdd(x, x, callback) }, } this.promisified = promisifyAll(this.module) }) it('promisifies functions in the module', async function () { const sum = await this.promisified.asyncAdd(29, 33) expect(sum).to.equal(62) }) it('binds this to the original module', async function () { const sum = await this.promisified.asyncDouble(38) expect(sum).to.equal(76) }) it('does not copy over non-functions', async function () { expect(this.promisified)'SOME_CONSTANT') }) it('does not modify the prototype of the module', async function () { expect(this.promisified.toString()).to.equal('[object Object]') }) }) describe('without option', function () { before(function () { this.module = { asyncAdd(a, b, callback) { callback(null, a + b) }, syncAdd(a, b) { return a + b }, } this.promisified = promisifyAll(this.module, { without: ['syncAdd'] }) }) it('does not promisify excluded functions', function () { expect(this.promisified.syncAdd) }) it('promisifies other functions', async function () { const sum = await this.promisified.asyncAdd(12, 89) expect(sum).to.equal(101) }) }) describe('multiResult option', function () { before(function () { this.module = { asyncAdd(a, b, callback) { callback(null, a + b) }, asyncArithmetic(a, b, callback) { callback(null, a + b, a * b) }, } this.promisified = promisifyAll(this.module, { multiResult: { asyncArithmetic: ['sum', 'product'] }, }) }) it('promisifies multi-result functions', async function () { const result = await this.promisified.asyncArithmetic(3, 6) expect(result).to.deep.equal({ sum: 9, product: 18 }) }) it('promisifies other functions normally', async function () { const sum = await this.promisified.asyncAdd(6, 1) expect(sum).to.equal(7) }) }) }) describe('promisifyClass', function () { describe('basic functionality', function () { before(function () { this.Class = class { constructor(a) { this.a = a } asyncAdd(b, callback) { callback(null, this.a + b) } } this.Promisified = promisifyClass(this.Class) }) it('promisifies the class methods', async function () { const adder = new this.Promisified(1) const sum = await adder.asyncAdd(2) expect(sum).to.equal(3) }) }) describe('without option', function () { before(function () { this.Class = class { constructor(a) { this.a = a } asyncAdd(b, callback) { callback(null, this.a + b) } syncAdd(b) { return this.a + b } } this.Promisified = promisifyClass(this.Class, { without: ['syncAdd'] }) }) it('does not promisify excluded functions', function () { const adder = new this.Promisified(10) const sum = adder.syncAdd(12) expect(sum).to.equal(22) }) it('promisifies other functions', async function () { const adder = new this.Promisified(23) const sum = await adder.asyncAdd(3) expect(sum).to.equal(26) }) }) describe('multiResult option', function () { before(function () { this.Class = class { constructor(a) { this.a = a } asyncAdd(b, callback) { callback(null, this.a + b) } asyncArithmetic(b, callback) { callback(null, this.a + b, this.a * b) } } this.Promisified = promisifyClass(this.Class, { multiResult: { asyncArithmetic: ['sum', 'product'] }, }) }) it('promisifies multi-result functions', async function () { const adder = new this.Promisified(3) const result = await adder.asyncArithmetic(6) expect(result).to.deep.equal({ sum: 9, product: 18 }) }) it('promisifies other functions normally', async function () { const adder = new this.Promisified(6) const sum = await adder.asyncAdd(1) expect(sum).to.equal(7) }) }) }) describe('callbackifyMultiResult', function () { it('callbackifies a multi-result function', function (done) { async function asyncArithmetic(a, b) { return { sum: a + b, product: a * b } } const callbackified = callbackifyMultiResult(asyncArithmetic, [ 'sum', 'product', ]) callbackified(3, 11, (err, sum, product) => { if (err != null) { return done(err) } expect(sum).to.equal(14) expect(product).to.equal(33) done() }) }) it('propagates errors', function (done) { async function asyncBomb() { throw new Error('BOOM!') } const callbackified = callbackifyMultiResult(asyncBomb, [ 'explosives', 'dynamite', ]) callbackified(err => { expect(err).to.exist done() }) }) }) describe('callbackifyAll', function () { describe('basic functionality', function () { before(function () { this.module = { SOME_CONSTANT: 1, async asyncAdd(a, b) { return a + b }, async asyncDouble(x, callback) { return await this.asyncAdd(x, x) }, dashConcat(a, b) { return `${a}-${b}` }, } this.callbackified = callbackifyAll(this.module) }) it('callbackifies async functions in the module', function (done) { this.callbackified.asyncAdd(77, 18, (err, sum) => { if (err) { return done(err) } expect(sum).to.equal(95) done() }) }) it('binds this to the original module', function (done) { this.callbackified.asyncDouble(20, (err, double) => { if (err) { return done(err) } expect(double).to.equal(40) done() }) }) it('copies over regular functions', function () { const s = this.callbackified.dashConcat('ping', 'pong') expect(s).to.equal('ping-pong') }) it('copies over non-functions', function () { expect(this.callbackified.SOME_CONSTANT).to.equal(1) }) }) describe('multiResult option', function () { before(function () { this.module = { async asyncAdd(a, b) { return a + b }, async asyncArithmetic(a, b) { return { sum: a + b, product: a * b } }, } this.callbackified = callbackifyAll(this.module, { multiResult: { asyncArithmetic: ['sum', 'product'] }, }) }) it('callbackifies multi-result functions', function (done) { this.callbackified.asyncArithmetic(4, 5, (err, sum, product) => { if (err) { return done(err) } expect(sum).to.equal(9) expect(product).to.equal(20) done() }) }) it('callbackifies other functions normally', function (done) { this.callbackified.asyncAdd(77, 18, (err, sum) => { if (err) { return done(err) } expect(sum).to.equal(95) done() }) }) }) describe('without option', function () { before(function () { this.module = { async asyncAdd(a, b) { return a + b }, async asyncArithmetic(a, b) { return { sum: a + b, product: a * b } }, } this.callbackified = callbackifyAll(this.module, { without: ['asyncAdd'], }) }) it('does not callbackify excluded functions', function () { expect(this.callbackified.asyncAdd) }) it('callbackifies other functions', async function () { this.callbackified.asyncArithmetic(5, 6, (err, { sum, product }) => { expect(err) expect(sum).to.equal(11) expect(product).to.equal(30) }) }) }) }) describe('callbackifyClass', function () { describe('basic functionality', function () { before(function () { this.Class = class { constructor(a) { this.a = a } async asyncAdd(b) { return this.a + b } } this.Callbackified = callbackifyClass(this.Class) }) it('callbackifies the class methods', function (done) { const adder = new this.Callbackified(1) adder.asyncAdd(2, (err, sum) => { expect(err) expect(sum).to.equal(3) done() }) }) }) describe('without option', function () { before(function () { this.Class = class { constructor(a) { this.a = a } async asyncAdd(b) { return this.a + b } syncAdd(b) { return this.a + b } } this.Callbackified = callbackifyClass(this.Class, { without: ['syncAdd'], }) }) it('does not callbackify excluded functions', function () { const adder = new this.Callbackified(10) const sum = adder.syncAdd(12) expect(sum).to.equal(22) }) it('callbackifies other functions', function (done) { const adder = new this.Callbackified(1) adder.asyncAdd(2, (err, sum) => { expect(err) expect(sum).to.equal(3) done() }) }) }) describe('multiResult option', function () { before(function () { this.Class = class { constructor(a) { this.a = a } async asyncAdd(b) { return this.a + b } async asyncArithmetic(b) { return { sum: this.a + b, product: this.a * b } } } this.Callbackified = callbackifyClass(this.Class, { multiResult: { asyncArithmetic: ['sum', 'product'] }, }) }) it('callbackifies multi-result functions', function (done) { const adder = new this.Callbackified(3) adder.asyncArithmetic(6, (err, sum, product) => { expect(err) expect(sum).to.equal(9) expect(product).to.equal(18) done() }) }) it('callbackifies other functions normally', function (done) { const adder = new this.Callbackified(6) adder.asyncAdd(2, (err, sum) => { expect(err) expect(sum).to.equal(8) done() }) }) }) }) describe('expressify', function () { it('should propagate any rejection to the "next" callback', function (done) { const fn = () => Promise.reject(new Error('rejected')) expressify(fn)({}, {}, error => { expect(error.message).to.equal('rejected') done() }) }) }) describe('expressifyErrorHandler', function () { it('should propagate any rejection to the "next" callback', function (done) { const fn = () => Promise.reject(new Error('rejected')) expressifyErrorHandler(fn)({}, {}, {}, error => { expect(error.message).to.equal('rejected') done() }) }) })