define [ "utils/Modal" ], (Modal) -> describe "Modal", -> describe "initialization", -> beforeEach -> @modal = Modal.createModal title: "Test modal" message : "Test modal message" buttons: [{ text : "OK" class : "btn-primary" }, { text : "Cancel" class : "btn-danger" }] afterEach -> @modal.remove() it "should display the modal", -> @modal.$":visible").should.equal true it "should include the buttons in reverse order", -> buttons = @modal.$(".modal-footer a") $(buttons[0]).text().should.equal "Cancel" $(buttons[0]).hasClass("btn-danger").should.equal true $(buttons[1]).text().should.equal "OK" $(buttons[1]).hasClass("btn-primary").should.equal true it "should include the title", -> @modal.$("h3").text().should.equal "Test modal" it "should include the message", -> @modal.$(".message").text().should.equal "Test modal message" describe "clicking buttons", -> beforeEach -> @callbackCalled = false @modal = Modal.createModal title: "Test modal" message : "Test modal message" buttons: [{ text : "OK" class : "btn-primary" callback : () => @callbackCalled = true }] @modal.$(".modal-footer a").click() it "should call the callback", -> @callbackCalled.should.equal true it "should remove the modal", -> @modal.$":visible").should.equal false @modal.$el.parent().length.should.equal 0