SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') sinon = require('sinon') require('chai').should() modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../app/js/WebsocketLoadBalancer' describe "WebsocketLoadBalancer", -> beforeEach -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "redis-sharelatex": createClient: () -> auth:-> @io = {} @WebsocketLoadBalancer.rclientPub = publish: sinon.stub() @WebsocketLoadBalancer.rclientSub = subscribe: sinon.stub() on: sinon.stub() @room_id = "room-id" @message = "message-to-editor" @payload = ["argument one", 42] describe "emitToRoom", -> beforeEach -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer.emitToRoom(@room_id, @message, @payload...) it "should publish the message to redis", -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer.rclientPub.publish .calledWith("editor-events", JSON.stringify( room_id: @room_id, message: @message payload: @payload )) .should.equal true describe "emitToAll", -> beforeEach -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer.emitToRoom = sinon.stub() @WebsocketLoadBalancer.emitToAll @message, @payload... it "should emit to the room 'all'", -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer.emitToRoom .calledWith("all", @message, @payload...) .should.equal true describe "listenForEditorEvents", -> beforeEach -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer._processEditorEvent = sinon.stub() @WebsocketLoadBalancer.listenForEditorEvents() it "should subscribe to the editor-events channel", -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer.rclientSub.subscribe .calledWith("editor-events") .should.equal true it "should process the events with _processEditorEvent", -> @WebsocketLoadBalancer.rclientSub.on .calledWith("message", sinon.match.func) .should.equal true describe "_processEditorEvent", -> describe "with a designated room", -> beforeEach -> @io.sockets = in: sinon.stub().returns(emit: @emit = sinon.stub()) data = JSON.stringify room_id: @room_id message: @message payload: @payload @WebsocketLoadBalancer._processEditorEvent(@io, "editor-events", data) it "should send the message to all clients in the room", -> .calledWith(@room_id) .should.equal true @emit.calledWith(@message, @payload...).should.equal true describe "when emitting to all", -> beforeEach -> @io.sockets = emit: @emit = sinon.stub() data = JSON.stringify room_id: "all" message: @message payload: @payload @WebsocketLoadBalancer._processEditorEvent(@io, "editor-events", data) it "should send the message to all clients", -> @emit.calledWith(@message, @payload...).should.equal true