const { exec } = require('child_process') const { promisify } = require('util') const { expect } = require('chai') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const { db } = require('../../../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const BATCH_SIZE = 100 let n = 0 function getUniqueReferralId() { return `unique_${n++}` } function getUserWithReferralId(referralId) { const email = `${Math.random()}` return { referal_id: referralId, // Make the unique indexes happy. email, emails: [{ email }] } } async function getBatch(batchCounter) { return ( await db.users .find( {}, { projection: { _id: 1 }, skip: BATCH_SIZE * --batchCounter, limit: BATCH_SIZE } ) .toArray() ).map(user => user._id) } describe('RegenerateDuplicateReferralIds', function() { let firstBatch, secondBatch, thirdBatch, forthBatch, duplicateAcrossBatch beforeEach('insert duplicates', async function() { // full batch of duplicates await db.users.insertMany( Array(BATCH_SIZE) .fill(0) .map(() => { return getUserWithReferralId('duplicate1') }) ) firstBatch = await getBatch(1) // batch of 999 duplicates and 1 unique await db.users.insertMany( Array(BATCH_SIZE - 1) .fill(0) .map(() => { return getUserWithReferralId('duplicate2') }) .concat([getUserWithReferralId(getUniqueReferralId())]) ) secondBatch = await getBatch(2) // duplicate outside batch duplicateAcrossBatch = getUniqueReferralId() await db.users.insertMany( Array(BATCH_SIZE - 1) .fill(0) .map(() => { return getUserWithReferralId(getUniqueReferralId()) }) .concat([getUserWithReferralId(duplicateAcrossBatch)]) ) thirdBatch = await getBatch(3) // no new duplicates onwards await db.users.insertMany( Array(BATCH_SIZE - 1) .fill(0) .map(() => { return getUserWithReferralId(getUniqueReferralId()) }) .concat([getUserWithReferralId(duplicateAcrossBatch)]) ) forthBatch = await getBatch(4) }) let result beforeEach('run script', async function() { try { result = await promisify(exec)( [ // set low BATCH_SIZE `BATCH_SIZE=${BATCH_SIZE}`, // log details on duplicate matching 'VERBOSE_LOGGING=true', // disable verbose logging from logger-sharelatex 'LOG_LEVEL=ERROR', // actual command 'node', 'scripts/regenerate_duplicate_referral_ids' ].join(' ') ) } catch (err) { // dump details like exit code, stdErr and stdOut logger.error({ err }, 'script failed') throw err } }) it('should do the correct operations', function() { let { stderr: stdErr, stdout: stdOut } = result stdErr = stdErr .split('\n') .filter(line => !line.includes('DeprecationWarning')) stdOut = stdOut .split('\n') .filter(line => !line.includes('Using settings from')) expect(stdErr).to.deep.equal([ `Completed batch ending ${firstBatch[BATCH_SIZE - 1]}`, `Completed batch ending ${secondBatch[BATCH_SIZE - 1]}`, `Completed batch ending ${thirdBatch[BATCH_SIZE - 1]}`, `Completed batch ending ${forthBatch[BATCH_SIZE - 1]}`, 'Done.', '' ]) expect(stdOut).to.deep.equal([ // only duplicates `Running update on batch with ids ${JSON.stringify(firstBatch)}`, 'Got duplicates from looking at batch.', 'Found duplicate: duplicate1', // duplicate in batch `Running update on batch with ids ${JSON.stringify(secondBatch)}`, 'Got duplicates from looking at batch.', 'Found duplicate: duplicate2', // duplicate with next batch `Running update on batch with ids ${JSON.stringify(thirdBatch)}`, 'Got duplicates from running count.', `Found duplicate: ${duplicateAcrossBatch}`, // no new duplicates `Running update on batch with ids ${JSON.stringify(forthBatch)}`, '' ]) }) it('should give all users a unique refereal_id', async function() { const users = await db.users .find({}, { projection: { referal_id: 1 } }) .toArray() const uniqueReferralIds = Array.from( new Set( => user.referal_id)) ) expect(users).to.have.length(4 * BATCH_SIZE) expect(uniqueReferralIds).to.have.length(users.length) }) })