const WRITE_CONCURRENCY = parseInt(process.env.WRITE_CONCURRENCY, 10) || 10 const minimist = require('minimist') const { waitForDb } = require('../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const ChatApiHandler = require('../app/src/Features/Chat/ChatApiHandler') const DocstoreManager = require('../app/src/Features/Docstore/DocstoreManager') const DocumentUpdaterHandler = require('../app/src/Features/DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler') const { promiseMapWithLimit } = require('@overleaf/promise-utils') /** * Remove doc comment ranges that are "orphaned" as they do have matching chat * threads. This can happen when adding comments and the HTTP request fails, but * the ShareJS op succeeded (eventually). See * for more detail. */ async function main() { await waitForDb() const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) const { projectId, docId } = argv const threads = await ChatApiHandler.promises.getThreads(projectId) const threadIds = Object.keys(threads) const doc = await DocstoreManager.promises.getDoc(projectId, docId) const comments = doc.ranges.comments const orphanedCommentIds = comments.filter(comment => { const commentThreadId = comment.op.t return !threadIds.includes(commentThreadId) }) await promiseMapWithLimit( WRITE_CONCURRENCY, orphanedCommentIds, async comment => { await DocumentUpdaterHandler.promises.deleteThread( projectId, docId, comment.op.t ) } ) await DocumentUpdaterHandler.promises.flushDocToMongo(projectId, docId) } main() .then(() => { console.log('Done.') process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error({ error }) process.exit(1) })