const { promisify } = require('util') const { ReadPreference, ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const { getNativeDb } = require('../../app/src/infrastructure/Mongoose') const BATCH_SIZE = parseInt(process.env.BATCH_SIZE, 10) || 1000 let BATCH_LAST_ID if (process.env.BATCH_LAST_ID) { BATCH_LAST_ID = ObjectId(process.env.BATCH_LAST_ID) } async function getNextBatch(collection, query, maxId) { if (maxId) { query['_id'] = { $gt: maxId } } const entries = await collection .find(query, { _id: 1 }) .sort({ _id: 1 }) .limit(BATCH_SIZE) .setReadPreference(ReadPreference.SECONDARY) .toArray() return => entry._id) } async function performUpdate(collection, nextBatch, update) { return collection.updateMany({ _id: { $in: nextBatch } }, update) } async function batchedUpdate(collectionName, query, update) { // Apparently the mongo driver returns the connection too early. // Some secondary connections are not ready as it returns, leading to // failing cursor actions with a readPreference set to 'secondary'. // TODO(das7pad): revisit/remove this delay after the mongo-driver update. await Promise.all([getNativeDb(), promisify(setTimeout)(10 * 1000)]) const db = await getNativeDb() const collection = db.collection(collectionName) let nextBatch let updated = 0 let maxId = BATCH_LAST_ID while ((nextBatch = await getNextBatch(collection, query, maxId)).length) { maxId = nextBatch[nextBatch.length - 1] updated += nextBatch.length console.log(JSON.stringify(nextBatch)) await performUpdate(collection, nextBatch, update) } return updated } function batchedUpdateWithResultHandling(collection, query, update) { batchedUpdate(collection, query, update) .then(updated => { console.error({ updated }) process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error({ error }) process.exit(1) }) } module.exports = { batchedUpdate, batchedUpdateWithResultHandling }