const { expect } = require('chai') const { promisify } = require('util') const OError = require('..') const { expectError, expectFullStackWithoutStackFramesToEqual, } = require('./support') describe('OError.tag', function () { it('tags errors thrown from an async function', async function () { const delay = promisify(setTimeout) async function foo() { await delay(10) throw new Error('foo error') } async function bar() { try { await foo() } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to bar', { bar: 'baz' }) } } async function baz() { try { await bar() } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to baz', { baz: 'bat' }) } } try { await baz()'should have thrown') } catch (error) { expectError(error, { name: 'Error', klass: Error, message: 'Error: foo error', firstFrameRx: /at foo/, }) expectFullStackWithoutStackFramesToEqual(error, [ 'Error: foo error', 'TaggedError: failed to bar', 'TaggedError: failed to baz', ]) expect(OError.getFullInfo(error)).to.eql({ bar: 'baz', baz: 'bat', }) } }) it('tags errors thrown from a promise rejection', async function () { function foo() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(function () { reject(new Error('foo error')) }, 10) }) } async function bar() { try { await foo() } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to bar', { bar: 'baz' }) } } async function baz() { try { await bar() } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to baz', { baz: 'bat' }) } } try { await baz()'should have thrown') } catch (error) { expectError(error, { name: 'Error', klass: Error, message: 'Error: foo error', firstFrameRx: /_onTimeout/, }) expectFullStackWithoutStackFramesToEqual(error, [ 'Error: foo error', 'TaggedError: failed to bar', 'TaggedError: failed to baz', ]) expect(OError.getFullInfo(error)).to.eql({ bar: 'baz', baz: 'bat', }) } }) it('tags errors yielded through callbacks', function (done) { function foo(cb) { setTimeout(function () { cb(new Error('foo error')) }, 10) } function bar(cb) { foo(function (err) { if (err) { return cb(OError.tag(err, 'failed to bar', { bar: 'baz' })) } cb() }) } function baz(cb) { bar(function (err) { if (err) { return cb(OError.tag(err, 'failed to baz', { baz: 'bat' })) } cb() }) } baz(function (err) { if (err) { expectError(err, { name: 'Error', klass: Error, message: 'Error: foo error', firstFrameRx: /_onTimeout/, }) expectFullStackWithoutStackFramesToEqual(err, [ 'Error: foo error', 'TaggedError: failed to bar', 'TaggedError: failed to baz', ]) expect(OError.getFullInfo(err)).to.eql({ bar: 'baz', baz: 'bat', }) return done() }'should have yielded an error') }) }) }) describe('OError.getFullInfo', function () { it('works on a normal error', function () { const err = new Error('foo') expect(OError.getFullInfo(err)).to.deep.equal({}) }) it('works on an error with tags', function () { const err = OError.tag(new Error('foo'), 'bar', { userId: 123 }) expect(OError.getFullInfo(err)).to.deep.equal({ userId: 123 }) }) it('merges info from an error and its tags', function () { const err = new OError('foo').withInfo({ projectId: 456 }) OError.tag(err, 'failed to foo', { userId: 123 }) expect(OError.getFullInfo(err)).to.deep.equal({ projectId: 456, userId: 123, }) }) it('does not merge info from a cause', function () { const err1 = new Error('foo') const err2 = new Error('bar') err1.cause = err2 = { userId: 123 } expect(OError.getFullInfo(err1)).to.deep.equal({}) }) it('merges info from tags with duplicate keys', function () { const err1 = OError.tag(new Error('foo'), 'bar', { userId: 123 }) const err2 = OError.tag(err1, 'bat', { userId: 456 }) expect(OError.getFullInfo(err2)).to.deep.equal({ userId: 456 }) }) it('works on an error with .info set to a string', function () { const err = new Error('foo') = 'test' expect(OError.getFullInfo(err)).to.deep.equal({}) }) }) describe('OError.getFullStack', function () { it('works on a normal error', function () { const err = new Error('foo') const fullStack = OError.getFullStack(err) expect(fullStack).to.match(/^Error: foo$/m) expect(fullStack).to.match(/^\s+at /m) }) it('works on an error with a cause', function () { const err1 = new Error('foo') const err2 = new Error('bar') err1.cause = err2 const fullStack = OError.getFullStack(err1) expect(fullStack).to.match(/^Error: foo$/m) expect(fullStack).to.match(/^\s+at /m) expect(fullStack).to.match(/^caused by:\n\s+Error: bar$/m) }) it('works on both tags and causes', async function () { // Here's the actual error. function tryToFoo() { try { throw Error('foo') } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to foo', { foo: 1 }) } } // Inside another function that wraps it. function tryToBar() { try { tryToFoo() } catch (error) { throw new OError('failed to bar').withCause(error) } } // And it is in another try. try { try { tryToBar()'should have thrown') } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to bat', { bat: 1 }) } } catch (error) { // We catch the wrapping error. expectError(error, { name: 'OError', klass: OError, message: 'OError: failed to bar', firstFrameRx: /tryToBar/, }) // But the stack contains all of the errors and tags. expectFullStackWithoutStackFramesToEqual(error, [ 'OError: failed to bar', 'TaggedError: failed to bat', 'caused by:', ' Error: foo', ' TaggedError: failed to foo', ]) // The info from the wrapped cause should not leak out. expect(OError.getFullInfo(error)).to.eql({ bat: 1 }) // But it should still be recorded. expect(OError.getFullInfo(error.cause)).to.eql({ foo: 1 }) } }) })