const { promisify } = require('util') const crypto = require('crypto') const ALGORITHM = 'aes-256-ctr' const cryptoHkdf = promisify(crypto.hkdf) const cryptoRandomBytes = promisify(crypto.randomBytes) class AbstractAccessTokenScheme { constructor(cipherLabel, cipherPassword) { this.cipherLabel = cipherLabel this.cipherPassword = cipherPassword } /** * @param {Object} json * @return {Promise} */ async encryptJson(json) { throw new Error('encryptJson is not implemented') } /** * @param {string} encryptedJson * @return {Promise} */ async decryptToJson(encryptedJson) { throw new Error('decryptToJson is not implemented') } } class AccessTokenSchemeWithGenericKeyFn extends AbstractAccessTokenScheme { /** * @param {Buffer} salt * @return {Promise} */ async keyFn(salt) { throw new Error('keyFn is not implemented') } async encryptJson(json) { const plainText = JSON.stringify(json) const bytes = await cryptoRandomBytes(32) const salt = bytes.slice(0, 16) const iv = bytes.slice(16, 32) const key = await this.keyFn(salt) const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGORITHM, key, iv) const cipherText = cipher.update(plainText, 'utf8', 'base64') +'base64') return [ this.cipherLabel, salt.toString('hex'), cipherText, iv.toString('hex'), ].join(':') } async decryptToJson(encryptedJson) { const [, salt, cipherText, iv] = encryptedJson.split(':', 4) const key = await this.keyFn(Buffer.from(salt, 'hex')) const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv( ALGORITHM, key, Buffer.from(iv, 'hex') ) const plainText = decipher.update(cipherText, 'base64', 'utf8') +'utf8') try { return JSON.parse(plainText) } catch (e) { throw new Error('error decrypting token') } } } class AccessTokenSchemeV3 extends AccessTokenSchemeWithGenericKeyFn { async keyFn(salt) { const optionalInfo = '' return await cryptoHkdf( 'sha512', this.cipherPassword, salt, optionalInfo, 32 ) } } class AccessTokenEncryptor { constructor(settings) { /** * @type {Map} */ this.schemeByCipherLabel = new Map() for (const cipherLabel of Object.keys(settings.cipherPasswords)) { if (!cipherLabel) { throw new Error('cipherLabel cannot be empty') } if (cipherLabel.match(/:/)) { throw new Error( `cipherLabel must not contain a colon (:), got ${cipherLabel}` ) } const [, version] = cipherLabel.split('-') if (!version) { throw new Error( `cipherLabel must contain version suffix (e.g. 2042.1-v42), got ${cipherLabel}` ) } const cipherPassword = settings.cipherPasswords[cipherLabel] if (!cipherPassword) { throw new Error(`cipherPasswords['${cipherLabel}'] is missing`) } if (cipherPassword.length < 16) { throw new Error(`cipherPasswords['${cipherLabel}'] is too short`) } let scheme switch (version) { case 'v3': scheme = new AccessTokenSchemeV3(cipherLabel, cipherPassword) break default: throw new Error(`unknown version '${version}' for ${cipherLabel}`) } this.schemeByCipherLabel.set(cipherLabel, scheme) } /** @type {AbstractAccessTokenScheme} */ this.defaultScheme = this.schemeByCipherLabel.get(settings.cipherLabel) if (!this.defaultScheme) { throw new Error(`unknown default cipherLabel ${settings.cipherLabel}`) } } promises = { encryptJson: async json => await this.defaultScheme.encryptJson(json), decryptToJson: async encryptedJson => { const [label] = encryptedJson.split(':', 1) const scheme = this.schemeByCipherLabel.get(label) if (!scheme) { throw new Error('unknown access-token-encryptor label ' + label) } return await scheme.decryptToJson(encryptedJson) }, } encryptJson(json, callback) { this.promises.encryptJson(json).then(s => callback(null, s), callback) } decryptToJson(encryptedJson, callback) { this.promises .decryptToJson(encryptedJson) .then(o => callback(null, o), callback) } } module.exports = AccessTokenEncryptor