import CheckoutPanel from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/subscription/components/new/checkout/checkout-panel' import { PaymentProvider } from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/subscription/context/payment-context' import { plans } from '../../fixtures/plans' import { createFakeRecurly, defaultSubscription, ElementsBase, } from '../../fixtures/recurly-mock' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import { TokenHandler, RecurlyError } from 'recurly__recurly-js' function CheckoutPanelWithPaymentProvider() { return ( ) } function fillForm() { cy.findByTestId('test-card-element').within(() => { cy.get('input').each(el => { cy.wrap(el).type('123', { delay: 0 }) }) }) cy.findByLabelText(/first name/i).type('123', { delay: 0 }) cy.findByLabelText(/last name/i).type('123', { delay: 0 }) cy.findByLabelText('Address').type('123', { delay: 0 }) cy.findByLabelText(/postal code/i).type('123', { delay: 0 }) cy.findByLabelText(/country/i).select('Bulgaria') } describe('checkout panel', function () { const itmCampaign = 'fake_itm_campaign' const itmContent = 'fake_itm_content' const itmReferrer = 'fake_itm_referrer' beforeEach(function () { const plan = plans.find(({ planCode }) => planCode === 'student-annual') if (!plan) { throw new Error('No plan was found while running the test!') } cy.window().then(win => { win.metaAttributesCache = new Map() win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-countryCode', '') win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-recurlyApiKey', '0000') win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-recommendedCurrency', 'USD') win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-plan', plan) win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-planCode', plan.planCode) win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-showCouponField', true) win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-itm_campaign', itmCampaign) win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-itm_content', itmContent) win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-itm_referrer', itmReferrer) cy.wrap(plan).as('plan') // init default recurly win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(defaultSubscription) cy.interceptEvents() }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').as('form') }) it('renders heading', function () { cy.contains(/select a payment method/i) }) it('renders student disclaimer', function () { cy.contains( 'The educational discount applies to all students at secondary and postsecondary institutions ' + '(schools and universities). We may contact you to confirm that you’re eligible for the discount.' ) }) it('renders payment method toggle', function () { cy.findByTestId('payment-method-toggle').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/card payment/i) cy.findByLabelText(/paypal/i) }) }) it('renders address first line input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText('Address') cy.findByLabelText(/this address will be shown on the invoice/i) }) }) it('renders address second line input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/address second line/i).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: /add another address line/i }).click() cy.findByLabelText(/address second line/i) }) }) it('renders postal code input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/postal code/i) }) }) it('renders country dropdown', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/country/i) }) }) it('renders company details', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/add company details/i).as('checkbox') cy.get('@checkbox').should('') cy.findByLabelText(/company name/i).should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText(/vat number/i).should('not.exist') cy.get('@checkbox').click() cy.findByLabelText(/company name/i) cy.findByLabelText(/vat number/i) }) }) it('renders coupon field', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/coupon code/i) }) }) it('renders tos agreement notice', function () { cy.contains(/by subscribing, you agree to our terms of service/i) }) it('renders recurly error', function () { cy.window().then(win => { win.recurly = undefined! }) cy.mount() cy.contains( /sorry, there was an error talking to our payment provider. Please try again in a few moments/i ) cy.contains( /if you are using any ad or script blocking extensions in your browser, you may need to temporarily disable them/i ) }) it('calls recurly.token on submit', function () { cy.window().then(win => { cy.stub(win.recurly, 'token') }) cy.mount() cy.get('@form').within(() => fillForm()) cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).click() cy.window().then(win => { expect(win.recurly.token) Cypress.sinon.match.instanceOf(ElementsBase), { first_name: '123', last_name: '123', postal_code: '123', address1: '123', address2: '', state: '', city: '', country: 'BG', coupon: '', }, Cypress.sinon.match.func ) }) }) it('renders generic error', function () { const errorMessage = 'generic error' cy.window().then(win => { win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(defaultSubscription, { token: (_1: unknown, _2: unknown, handler: TokenHandler) => { const err = new Error(errorMessage) as RecurlyError setTimeout(() => handler(err, { id: '1', type: 'abc' }), 100) }, }) }) cy.mount() cy.get('@form').within(() => fillForm()) cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).as('button') cy.get('@button').click() cy.get('@button').within(() => { cy.contains(/processing/i) }) cy.findByRole('alert').should('have.text', errorMessage) cy.get('@button').within(() => { cy.findByText(/processing/i).should('not.exist') }) }) it('renders prefilled coupon input', function () { const couponCode = 'promo_code' cy.window().then(win => { win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-couponCode', couponCode) }) cy.mount() cy.findByLabelText(/coupon code/i).should('have.value', couponCode) }) it('calls coupon method when entering coupon code', function () { const couponCode = 'promo_code' cy.window().then(win => { const couponStub = cy.stub().as('coupon') couponStub.returnsThis() win.recurly = createFakeRecurly({ ...defaultSubscription, coupon: couponStub, }) }) cy.mount() cy.get('@coupon').should('be.calledOnce') cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/coupon code/i) .type(couponCode, { delay: 0 }) .blur() }) cy.get('@coupon').should('be.calledTwice').and('be.calledWith', couponCode) }) it('enters invalid coupon code', function () { cy.window().then(win => { const catchStub = cy.stub().as('catch') catchStub.onFirstCall().returnsThis() catchStub .onSecondCall() .callsFake(function (this: unknown, cb: (err: RecurlyError) => void) { const err = { name: 'api-error', code: 'not-found', } as RecurlyError cb(err) return this }) win.recurly = createFakeRecurly({ ...defaultSubscription, catch: catchStub, }) }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/coupon code/i) .type('promo_code', { delay: 0 }) .blur() }) cy.findByRole('alert').within(() => { cy.contains(/coupon code is not valid for selected plan/i) }) }) it('fails coupon verification', function () { cy.window().then(win => { const catchStub = cy.stub().as('catch') // call original method on change event catchStub.onFirstCall().returnsThis() catchStub .onSecondCall() .callsFake(function (this: unknown, cb: (err: RecurlyError) => void) { const err = {} as RecurlyError try { cb(err) } catch (e) {} return this }) win.recurly = createFakeRecurly({ ...defaultSubscription, catch: catchStub, }) }) cy.mount() cy.get('@catch').should('be.calledOnce') cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/coupon code/i) .type('promo_code', { delay: 0 }) .blur() }) cy.get('@catch').should('be.calledTwice') cy.findByRole('alert').within(() => { cy.contains(/an error occurred when verifying the coupon code/i) }) }) /* The test is disabled due to it.skip('creates a new subscription', function () { cy.stub(locationModule, 'assign').as('assign') cy.intercept('POST', 'user/subscription/create', { statusCode: 201, }).as('create') cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => fillForm()) cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).click() // verify itm params are also passed cy.get('@create') .its('request.body.subscriptionDetails') .should('contain', { ITMCampaign: itmCampaign, ITMContent: itmContent, ITMReferrer: itmReferrer, }) cy.get('@assign') .should('be.calledOnce') .and('be.calledWith', '/user/subscription/thank-you') }) */ it('fails to create a new subscription', function () { cy.intercept('POST', 'user/subscription/create', { statusCode: 404, }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => fillForm()) cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).click() cy.findByRole('alert').within(() => { cy.contains(/something went wrong processing the request/i) }) }) describe('3D challenge', function () { it('shows three d secure challenge', function () { cy.intercept('POST', 'user/subscription/create', { statusCode: 404, body: { threeDSecureActionTokenId: '123', }, }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => fillForm()) cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).click() cy.findByRole('alert').within(() => { cy.contains( /your card must be authenticated with 3D Secure before continuing/i ) }) cy.contains('3D challenge content') }) }) describe('card payments', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.findByLabelText(/card payment/i).click() }) it('renders card element', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByText(/card details/i, { selector: 'label' }) cy.findByTestId('test-card-element') }) }) it('verifies the card element does not disappear when switching between payment methods', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByText(/card details/i, { selector: 'label' }) cy.findByTestId('test-card-element') cy.findByLabelText(/paypal/i).click() cy.findByLabelText(/card payment/i).click() cy.findByText(/card details/i, { selector: 'label' }) cy.findByTestId('test-card-element') }) }) it('renders first name input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/first name/i) }) }) it('renders last name input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/last name/i) }) }) describe('submit button', function () { it('renders trial button', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now, pay after \d+ days/i }) }) }) it('renders non-trial button', function () { cy.window().then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription) clone.items.plan!.trial = undefined win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('checkout-form').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Upgrade Now' }) }) }) it('handles the disabled state of submit button', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).should( 'be.disabled' ) fillForm() cy.findByRole('button', { name: /upgrade now/i }).should( '' ) }) }) }) }) describe('paypal payments', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.findByLabelText(/paypal/i).click() }) it('should not render card element', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/card details/i).should('not.exist') }) }) it('should not render first name input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/first name/i).should('not.exist') }) }) it('should not render last name input', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByLabelText(/last name/i).should('not.exist') }) }) it('renders proceeding to PayPal notice', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.contains( /proceeding to PayPal will take you to the PayPal site to pay for your subscription/i ) }) }) it('handles the disabled state of submit button', function () { cy.get('@form').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: /proceed to paypal/i }).should( 'be.disabled' ) cy.findByLabelText(/country/i).select('Bulgaria') cy.findByRole('button', { name: /proceed to paypal/i }).should( '' ) }) }) }) })