FROM sharelatex/sharelatex:5.0.3 # apply an override to the swagger-tools package to force security updates to multer and qs # from COPY pr_18433.patch . RUN patch -p1 < pr_18433.patch && rm pr_18433.patch RUN npm install --include-workspace-root -w services/history-v1 swagger-tools@0.10.4 && rm -rf /root/.cache /root/.npm $(find /tmp/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1) # remove google-cloud packages which are unused in server-pro have a vulnerable dependency RUN npm uninstall -w libraries/logger @google-cloud/logging-bunyan RUN npm uninstall -w libraries/metrics @google-cloud/opentelemetry-cloud-trace-exporter @google-cloud/profiler # the passport-twitter package has been removed from the monorepo RUN npm uninstall -w services/web passport-twitter # remove the unused services/web/scripts/translations directory RUN rm -r services/web/scripts/translations # Validate URL protocol before opening from Visual Editor tooltip # from COPY pr_18393.patch . RUN patch -p1 < pr_18393.patch && rm pr_18393.patch # Set isEvalSupported to false when loading a PDF document # from COPY pr_18444.patch . RUN patch -p1 < pr_18444.patch && rm pr_18444.patch # ensure that the vulnerability audit is run after all changes RUN npm audit --audit-level=high