const metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex') const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const Stream = require('stream') const { callbackify, promisify } = require('util') const { NotFoundError, WriteError } = require('./Errors') const pipeline = promisify(Stream.pipeline) // Persistor that wraps two other persistors. Talks to the 'primary' by default, // but will fall back to an older persistor in the case of a not-found error. // If `Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss` is set, this will copy files from the fallback // to the primary, in the event that they are missing. // // It is unlikely that the bucket/location name will be the same on the fallback // as the primary. The bucket names should be overridden in `Settings.filestore.fallback.buckets` // e.g. // Settings.filestore.fallback.buckets = { // myBucketOnS3: 'myBucketOnGCS' // } module.exports = function(primary, fallback) { function _wrapMethodOnBothPersistors(method) { return async function(bucket, key, ...moreArgs) { const fallbackBucket = _getFallbackBucket(bucket) await Promise.all([ primary.promises[method](bucket, key, ...moreArgs), fallback.promises[method](fallbackBucket, key, ...moreArgs) ]) } } async function getFileStreamWithFallback(bucket, key, opts) { const shouldCopy = Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss && !opts.start && !opts.end try { return await primary.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key, opts) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof NotFoundError) { const fallbackBucket = _getFallbackBucket(bucket) const fallbackStream = await fallback.promises.getFileStream( fallbackBucket, key, opts ) // tee the stream to the client, and as a copy to the primary (if necessary) // start listening on both straight away so that we don't consume bytes // in one place before the other const returnStream = new Stream.PassThrough() pipeline(fallbackStream, returnStream) if (shouldCopy) { const copyStream = new Stream.PassThrough() pipeline(fallbackStream, copyStream) _copyStreamFromFallbackAndVerify( copyStream, fallbackBucket, bucket, key, key ).catch(() => { // swallow errors, as this runs in the background and will log a warning }) } return returnStream } throw err } } async function copyFileWithFallback(bucket, sourceKey, destKey) { try { return await primary.promises.copyFile(bucket, sourceKey, destKey) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof NotFoundError) { const fallbackBucket = _getFallbackBucket(bucket) const fallbackStream = await fallback.promises.getFileStream( fallbackBucket, sourceKey, {} ) const copyStream = new Stream.PassThrough() pipeline(fallbackStream, copyStream) if (Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss) { const missStream = new Stream.PassThrough() pipeline(fallbackStream, missStream) // copy from sourceKey -> sourceKey _copyStreamFromFallbackAndVerify( missStream, fallbackBucket, bucket, sourceKey, sourceKey ).then(() => { // swallow errors, as this runs in the background and will log a warning }) } // copy from sourceKey -> destKey return _copyStreamFromFallbackAndVerify( copyStream, fallbackBucket, bucket, sourceKey, destKey ) } throw err } } function _getFallbackBucket(bucket) { return Settings.filestore.fallback.buckets[bucket] || bucket } function _wrapFallbackMethod(method) { return async function(bucket, key, ...moreArgs) { try { return await primary.promises[method](bucket, key, ...moreArgs) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof NotFoundError) { const fallbackBucket = _getFallbackBucket(bucket) if (Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss) { const fallbackStream = await fallback.promises.getFileStream( fallbackBucket, key, {} ) // run in background _copyStreamFromFallbackAndVerify( fallbackStream, fallbackBucket, bucket, key, key ).catch(err => { logger.warn({ err }, 'failed to copy file from fallback') }) } return fallback.promises[method](fallbackBucket, key, ...moreArgs) } throw err } } } async function _copyStreamFromFallbackAndVerify( stream, sourceBucket, destBucket, sourceKey, destKey ) { try { let sourceMd5 try { sourceMd5 = await fallback.promises.getFileMd5Hash( sourceBucket, sourceKey ) } catch (err) { logger.warn(err, 'error getting md5 hash from fallback persistor') } await primary.promises.sendStream(destBucket, destKey, stream, sourceMd5) } catch (err) { const error = new WriteError({ message: 'unable to copy file to destination persistor', info: { sourceBucket, destBucket, sourceKey, destKey } }).withCause(err)'fallback.copy.failure') try { await primary.promises.deleteFile(destBucket, destKey) } catch (err) { = new WriteError({ message: 'unable to clean up destination copy artifact', info: { destBucket, destKey } }).withCause(err) } logger.warn({ error }, 'failed to copy file from fallback') throw error } } return { primaryPersistor: primary, fallbackPersistor: fallback, sendFile: primary.sendFile, sendStream: primary.sendStream, getFileStream: callbackify(getFileStreamWithFallback), getRedirectUrl: primary.getRedirectUrl, getFileMd5Hash: callbackify(_wrapFallbackMethod('getFileMd5Hash')), deleteDirectory: callbackify( _wrapMethodOnBothPersistors('deleteDirectory') ), getFileSize: callbackify(_wrapFallbackMethod('getFileSize')), deleteFile: callbackify(_wrapMethodOnBothPersistors('deleteFile')), copyFile: callbackify(copyFileWithFallback), checkIfFileExists: callbackify(_wrapFallbackMethod('checkIfFileExists')), directorySize: callbackify(_wrapFallbackMethod('directorySize')), promises: { sendFile: primary.promises.sendFile, sendStream: primary.promises.sendStream, getFileStream: getFileStreamWithFallback, getRedirectUrl: primary.promises.getRedirectUrl, getFileMd5Hash: _wrapFallbackMethod('getFileMd5Hash'), deleteDirectory: _wrapMethodOnBothPersistors('deleteDirectory'), getFileSize: _wrapFallbackMethod('getFileSize'), deleteFile: _wrapMethodOnBothPersistors('deleteFile'), copyFile: copyFileWithFallback, checkIfFileExists: _wrapFallbackMethod('checkIfFileExists'), directorySize: _wrapFallbackMethod('directorySize') } } }