const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const Errors = require('../../src/Errors') const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const MODULE_PATH = '../../src/S3Persistor.js' describe('S3PersistorTests', function () { const defaultS3Key = 'frog' const defaultS3Secret = 'prince' const defaultS3Credentials = { credentials: { accessKeyId: defaultS3Key, secretAccessKey: defaultS3Secret, }, } const filename = '/wombat/potato.tex' const bucket = 'womBucket' const key = 'monKey' const destKey = 'donKey' const objectSize = 5555 const genericError = new Error('guru meditation error') const files = [ { Key: 'llama', Size: 11 }, { Key: 'hippo', Size: 22 }, ] const filesSize = 33 const md5 = 'ffffffff00000000ffffffff00000000' const redirectUrl = 'https://wombat.potato/giraffe' let Logger, Transform, PassThrough, S3, Fs, ReadStream, Stream, StreamPromises, S3GetObjectRequest, S3Persistor, S3Client, S3NotFoundError, S3AccessDeniedError, FileNotFoundError, EmptyPromise, settings, Hash, crypto beforeEach(function () { settings = { secret: defaultS3Secret, key: defaultS3Key, partSize: 100 * 1024 * 1024, } Transform = class { once() {} } PassThrough = class {} Stream = { Transform, PassThrough, pipeline: sinon.stub().yields(), } StreamPromises = { pipeline: sinon.stub().resolves(), } EmptyPromise = { promise: sinon.stub().resolves(), } ReadStream = new EventEmitter() class FakeS3GetObjectRequest extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super() this.statusCode = 200 this.err = null this.aborted = false } abort() { this.aborted = true } createReadStream() { setTimeout(() => { if (this.err) return ReadStream.emit('error', this.err) this.emit('httpHeaders', this.statusCode) }) return ReadStream } } S3GetObjectRequest = new FakeS3GetObjectRequest() FileNotFoundError = new Error('File not found') FileNotFoundError.code = 'ENOENT' Fs = { createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns(ReadStream), } S3NotFoundError = new Error('not found') S3NotFoundError.code = 'NoSuchKey' S3AccessDeniedError = new Error('access denied') S3AccessDeniedError.code = 'AccessDenied' S3Client = { getObject: sinon.stub().returns(S3GetObjectRequest), headObject: sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ ContentLength: objectSize, ETag: md5, }), }), listObjectsV2: sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ Contents: files, }), }), upload: sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ ETag: `"${md5}"` }) }), copyObject: sinon.stub().returns(EmptyPromise), deleteObject: sinon.stub().returns(EmptyPromise), deleteObjects: sinon.stub().returns(EmptyPromise), getSignedUrlPromise: sinon.stub().resolves(redirectUrl), } S3 = sinon.stub().returns(S3Client) Hash = { end: sinon.stub(), read: sinon.stub().returns(md5), setEncoding: sinon.stub(), } crypto = { createHash: sinon.stub().returns(Hash), } Logger = { warn: sinon.stub(), } S3Persistor = new (SandboxedModule.require(MODULE_PATH, { requires: { 'aws-sdk/clients/s3': S3, '@overleaf/logger': Logger, './Errors': Errors, fs: Fs, stream: Stream, 'stream/promises': StreamPromises, crypto, }, globals: { console, Buffer }, }))(settings) }) describe('getObjectStream', function () { describe('when called with valid parameters', function () { let stream beforeEach(async function () { stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) }) it('returns a PassThrough stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('sets the AWS client up with credentials from settings', function () { expect(S3).to.have.been.calledWith(defaultS3Credentials) }) it('fetches the right key from the right bucket', function () { expect(S3Client.getObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) it('pipes the stream through the meter', async function () { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( ReadStream, sinon.match.instanceOf(Transform), sinon.match.instanceOf(PassThrough) ) }) it('does not abort the request', function () { expect(S3GetObjectRequest.aborted).to.equal(false) }) }) describe('when called with a byte range', function () { let stream beforeEach(async function () { stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key, { start: 5, end: 10, }) }) it('returns a PassThrough stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('passes the byte range on to S3', function () { expect(S3Client.getObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Range: 'bytes=5-10', }) }) }) describe('when streaming fails', function () { let stream beforeEach(async function () { Stream.pipeline.yields(new Error()) stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) }) it('returns a PassThrough stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('aborts the request', function () { expect(S3GetObjectRequest.aborted).to.equal(true) }) }) describe('when there are alternative credentials', function () { let stream const alternativeSecret = 'giraffe' const alternativeKey = 'hippo' const alternativeS3Credentials = { credentials: { accessKeyId: alternativeKey, secretAccessKey: alternativeSecret, }, } beforeEach(async function () { settings.bucketCreds = {} settings.bucketCreds[bucket] = { auth_key: alternativeKey, auth_secret: alternativeSecret, } stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) }) it('returns a PassThrough stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('sets the AWS client up with the alternative credentials', function () { expect(S3).to.have.been.calledWith(alternativeS3Credentials) }) it('fetches the right key from the right bucket', function () { expect(S3Client.getObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) it('uses the default credentials for an unknown bucket', async function () { stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream('anotherBucket', key) expect(S3).to.have.been.calledTwice expect(S3.firstCall).to.have.been.calledWith(alternativeS3Credentials) expect(S3.secondCall).to.have.been.calledWith(defaultS3Credentials) }) }) describe('without hard-coded credentials', function () { it('uses the default provider chain', async function () { delete settings.key delete settings.secret await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) expect(S3).to.have.been.calledOnce expect(S3.args[0].credentials).to.not.exist }) }) describe('when given S3 options', function () { const httpOptions = { timeout: 2000 } const maxRetries = 2 beforeEach(async function () { settings.httpOptions = httpOptions settings.maxRetries = maxRetries await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) }) it('configures the S3 client appropriately', function () { expect(S3).to.have.been.calledWithMatch({ httpOptions, maxRetries }) }) }) describe("when the file doesn't exist", function () { let error, stream beforeEach(async function () { S3GetObjectRequest.statusCode = 404 try { stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('does not return a stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('throws a NotFoundError', function () { expect(error) }) it('wraps the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.exist }) it('stores the bucket and key in the error', function () { expect({ bucketName: bucket, key }) }) }) describe('when access to the file is denied', function () { let error, stream beforeEach(async function () { S3GetObjectRequest.statusCode = 403 try { stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('does not return a stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('throws a NotFoundError', function () { expect(error) }) it('wraps the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.exist }) it('stores the bucket and key in the error', function () { expect({ bucketName: bucket, key }) }) }) describe('when S3 encounters an unknown error', function () { let error, stream beforeEach(async function () { S3GetObjectRequest.err = genericError try { stream = await S3Persistor.getObjectStream(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('does not return a stream', function () { expect(stream) }) it('throws a ReadError', function () { expect(error) }) it('wraps the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.exist }) it('stores the bucket and key in the error', function () { expect({ bucketName: bucket, key }) }) }) }) describe('getRedirectUrl', function () { let signedUrl beforeEach(async function () { signedUrl = await S3Persistor.getRedirectUrl(bucket, key) }) it('should request a signed URL', function () { expect(S3Client.getSignedUrlPromise).to.have.been.called }) it('should return the url', function () { expect(signedUrl).to.equal(redirectUrl) }) }) describe('getObjectSize', function () { describe('when called with valid parameters', function () { let size beforeEach(async function () { size = await S3Persistor.getObjectSize(bucket, key) }) it('should return the object size', function () { expect(size).to.equal(objectSize) }) it('should pass the bucket and key to S3', function () { expect(S3Client.headObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) }) describe('when the object is not found', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.headObject = sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(S3NotFoundError), }) try { await S3Persistor.getObjectSize(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should return a NotFoundError', function () { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.equal(S3NotFoundError) }) }) describe('when S3 returns an error', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.headObject = sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(genericError), }) try { await S3Persistor.getObjectSize(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should return a ReadError', function () { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) describe('sendStream', function () { describe('with valid parameters', function () { beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.sendStream(bucket, key, ReadStream) }) it('should upload the stream', function () { expect(S3Client.upload).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: sinon.match.instanceOf(Stream.Transform), }) }) it('should upload files in a single part', function () { expect(S3Client.upload).to.have.been.calledWith(sinon.match.any, { partSize: 100 * 1024 * 1024, }) }) it('should meter the stream', function () { expect(Stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith( ReadStream, sinon.match.instanceOf(Stream.Transform) ) }) }) describe('when a hash is supplied', function () { beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.sendStream(bucket, key, ReadStream, { sourceMd5: 'aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb', }) }) it('sends the hash in base64', function () { expect(S3Client.upload).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: sinon.match.instanceOf(Transform), ContentMD5: 'qqqqqru7u7uqqqqqu7u7uw==', }) }) }) describe('when metadata is supplied', function () { const contentType = 'text/csv' const contentEncoding = 'gzip' beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.sendStream(bucket, key, ReadStream, { contentType, contentEncoding, }) }) it('sends the metadata to S3', function () { expect(S3Client.upload).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: sinon.match.instanceOf(Transform), ContentType: contentType, ContentEncoding: contentEncoding, }) }) }) describe('when the upload fails', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.upload = sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(genericError), }) try { await S3Persistor.sendStream(bucket, key, ReadStream) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('throws a WriteError', function () { expect(error) }) }) }) describe('sendFile', function () { describe('with valid parameters', function () { beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.sendFile(bucket, key, filename) }) it('should create a read stream for the file', function () { expect(Fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(filename) }) it('should upload the stream', function () { expect(S3Client.upload).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: sinon.match.instanceOf(Transform), }) }) }) }) describe('getObjectMd5Hash', function () { describe('when the etag is a valid md5 hash', function () { let hash beforeEach(async function () { hash = await S3Persistor.getObjectMd5Hash(bucket, key) }) it('should return the object hash', function () { expect(hash).to.equal(md5) }) it('should get the hash from the object metadata', function () { expect(S3Client.headObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) it('should not download the object', function () { expect(S3Client.getObject) }) }) describe("when the etag isn't a valid md5 hash", function () { let hash beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.headObject = sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ ETag: 'somethingthatisntanmd5', Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }), }) hash = await S3Persistor.getObjectMd5Hash(bucket, key) }) it('should re-fetch the file to verify it', function () { expect(S3Client.getObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) it('should calculate the md5 hash from the file', function () { expect( }) it('should return the md5 hash', function () { expect(hash).to.equal(md5) }) }) }) describe('copyObject', function () { describe('with valid parameters', function () { beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.copyObject(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should copy the object', function () { expect(S3Client.copyObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: destKey, CopySource: `${bucket}/${key}`, }) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.copyObject = sinon.stub().returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(S3NotFoundError), }) try { await S3Persistor.copyObject(bucket, key, destKey) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should throw a NotFoundError', function () { expect(error) }) }) }) describe('deleteObject', function () { describe('with valid parameters', function () { beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.deleteObject(bucket, key) }) it('should delete the object', function () { expect(S3Client.deleteObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) }) }) describe('deleteDirectory', function () { describe('with valid parameters', function () { beforeEach(async function () { return S3Persistor.deleteDirectory(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function () { expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, }) }) it('should delete the objects using their keys', function () { expect(S3Client.deleteObjects).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Delete: { Objects: [{ Key: 'llama' }, { Key: 'hippo' }], Quiet: true, }, }) }) }) describe('when there are no files', function () { beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.listObjectsV2 = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ Contents: [] }) }) return S3Persistor.deleteDirectory(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function () { expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, }) }) it('should not try to delete any objects', function () { expect(S3Client.deleteObjects) }) }) describe('when there are more files available', function () { const continuationToken = 'wombat' beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.listObjectsV2.onCall(0).returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ Contents: files, IsTruncated: true, NextContinuationToken: continuationToken, }), }) return S3Persistor.deleteDirectory(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects a second time, with a continuation token', function () { expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2) expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2){ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, }) expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2){ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, ContinuationToken: continuationToken, }) }) it('should delete both sets of files', function () { expect(S3Client.deleteObjects).to.have.been.calledTwice }) }) describe('when there is an error listing the objects', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.listObjectsV2 = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) }) try { await S3Persistor.deleteDirectory(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a ReadError', function () { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) it('should not try to delete any objects', function () { expect(S3Client.deleteObjects) }) }) describe('when there is an error deleting the objects', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.deleteObjects = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) }) try { await S3Persistor.deleteDirectory(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a WriteError', function () { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) describe('directorySize', function () { describe('with valid parameters', function () { let size beforeEach(async function () { size = await S3Persistor.directorySize(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function () { expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, }) }) it('should return the directory size', function () { expect(size).to.equal(filesSize) }) }) describe('when there are no files', function () { let size beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.listObjectsV2 = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ Contents: [] }) }) size = await S3Persistor.directorySize(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects in the directory', function () { expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, }) }) it('should return zero', function () { expect(size).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('when there are more files available', function () { const continuationToken = 'wombat' let size beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.listObjectsV2.onCall(0).returns({ promise: sinon.stub().resolves({ Contents: files, IsTruncated: true, NextContinuationToken: continuationToken, }), }) size = await S3Persistor.directorySize(bucket, key) }) it('should list the objects a second time, with a continuation token', function () { expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2) expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2){ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, }) expect(S3Client.listObjectsV2){ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: key, ContinuationToken: continuationToken, }) }) it('should return the size of both sets of files', function () { expect(size).to.equal(filesSize * 2) }) }) describe('when there is an error listing the objects', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.listObjectsV2 = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) }) try { await S3Persistor.directorySize(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a ReadError', function () { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the error', function () { expect(error.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) describe('checkIfObjectExists', function () { describe('when the file exists', function () { let exists beforeEach(async function () { exists = await S3Persistor.checkIfObjectExists(bucket, key) }) it('should get the object header', function () { expect(S3Client.headObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) it('should return that the file exists', function () { expect(exists).to.equal(true) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist', function () { let exists beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.headObject = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(S3NotFoundError) }) exists = await S3Persistor.checkIfObjectExists(bucket, key) }) it('should get the object header', function () { expect(S3Client.headObject).to.have.been.calledWith({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }) }) it('should return that the file does not exist', function () { expect(exists).to.equal(false) }) }) describe('when there is an error', function () { let error beforeEach(async function () { S3Client.headObject = sinon .stub() .returns({ promise: sinon.stub().rejects(genericError) }) try { await S3Persistor.checkIfObjectExists(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should generate a ReadError', function () { expect(error) }) it('should wrap the upstream ReadError', function () { expect(error.cause) }) it('should eventually wrap the error', function () { expect(error.cause.cause).to.equal(genericError) }) }) }) })