request = require("request").defaults(jar: false) fs = require("fs") logger = require "logger-sharelatex" settings = require("settings-sharelatex") URL = require('url'); oneMinute = 60 * 1000 module.exports = UrlFetcher = pipeUrlToFile: (url, filePath, _callback = (error) ->) -> callbackOnce = (error) -> clearTimeout timeoutHandler if timeoutHandler? _callback(error) _callback = () -> if settings.filestoreDomainOveride? p = URL.parse(url).path url = "#{settings.filestoreDomainOveride}#{p}" timeoutHandler = setTimeout () -> timeoutHandler = null logger.error url:url, filePath: filePath, "Timed out downloading file to cache" callbackOnce(new Error("Timed out downloading file to cache #{url}")) # FIXME: maybe need to close fileStream here , 3 * oneMinute logger.log url:url, filePath: filePath, "started downloading url to cache" urlStream = request.get({url: url, timeout: oneMinute}) urlStream.pause() # stop data flowing until we are ready # attach handlers before setting up pipes urlStream.on "error", (error) -> logger.error err: error, url:url, filePath: filePath, "error downloading url" callbackOnce(error or new Error("Something went wrong downloading the URL #{url}")) urlStream.on "end", () -> logger.log url:url, filePath: filePath, "finished downloading file into cache" urlStream.on "response", (res) -> console.log if res.statusCode >= 200 and res.statusCode < 300 fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath) # attach handlers before setting up pipes fileStream.on 'error', (error) -> logger.error err: error, url:url, filePath: filePath, "error writing file into cache" fs.unlink filePath, (err) -> if err? logger.err err: err, filePath: filePath, "error deleting file from cache" callbackOnce(error) fileStream.on 'finish', () -> logger.log url:url, filePath: filePath, "finished writing file into cache" callbackOnce() fileStream.on 'pipe', () -> logger.log url:url, filePath: filePath, "piping into filestream" urlStream.pipe(fileStream) urlStream.resume() # now we are ready to handle the data else logger.error statusCode: res.statusCode, url:url, filePath: filePath, "unexpected status code downloading url to cache" # # If you add a 'response' event handler, then you must consume # the data from the response object, either by calling # whenever there is a 'readable' event, or by # adding a 'data' handler, or by calling the .resume() # method. Until the data is consumed, the 'end' event will not # fire. Also, until the data is read it will consume memory # that can eventually lead to a 'process out of memory' error. urlStream.resume() # discard the data callbackOnce(new Error("URL returned non-success status code: #{res.statusCode} #{url}"))