sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/DocumentUpdaterManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "DocumentUpdaterManager", -> beforeEach -> @DocumentUpdaterManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "request": @request = {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() } 'settings-sharelatex': @settings = apis : documentupdater: url : "" @callback = sinon.stub() @lines = ["one", "two", "three"] @version = 42 describe "getDocument", -> describe "successfully", -> beforeEach -> @body = JSON.stringify lines: @lines version: @version ops: [] @request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}, @body) @DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument @project_id, @doc_id, @callback it 'should get the document from the document updater', -> url = "#{@settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{@project_id}/doc/#{@doc_id}" @request.get.calledWith(url).should.equal true it "should call the callback with the content and version", -> @callback.calledWith(null, @lines.join("\n"), @version, @ops).should.equal true describe "when the document updater API returns an error", -> beforeEach -> @request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null) @DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument @project_id, @doc_id, @callback it "should return an error to the callback", -> @callback.calledWith(@error).should.equal true describe "when the document updater returns a failure error code", -> beforeEach -> @request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 500 }, "") @DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument @project_id, @doc_id, @callback it "should return the callback with an error", -> @callback .calledWith(new Error("doc updater returned failure status code: 500")) .should.equal true describe "setDocument", -> beforeEach -> @content = "mock content" @user_id = "user-id-123" describe "successfully", -> beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 200}) @DocumentUpdaterManager.setDocument @project_id, @doc_id, @content, @user_id, @callback it 'should set the document in the document updater', -> url = "#{@settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{@project_id}/doc/#{@doc_id}" .calledWith({ url: url json: lines: @content.split("\n") source: "restore" user_id: @user_id }).should.equal true it "should call the callback", -> @callback.calledWith(null).should.equal true describe "when the document updater API returns an error", -> beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null) @DocumentUpdaterManager.setDocument @project_id, @doc_id, @content, @user_id, @callback it "should return an error to the callback", -> @callback.calledWith(@error).should.equal true describe "when the document updater returns a failure error code", -> beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 500 }, "") @DocumentUpdaterManager.setDocument @project_id, @doc_id, @content, @user_id, @callback it "should return the callback with an error", -> @callback .calledWith(new Error("doc updater returned failure status code: 500")) .should.equal true