/** * Compress changes for projects that have too many text operations. * * Usage: * * node tasks/compress_changes.js CSV_FILE * * where CSV_FILE contains a list of project ids in the first column */ const fs = require('fs') const BPromise = require('bluebird') const { History } = require('overleaf-editor-core') const { historyStore, chunkStore } = require('..') const CONCURRENCY = 10 async function main() { const filename = process.argv[2] const projectIds = await readCsv(filename) const chunks = [] for (const projectId of projectIds) { const chunkIds = await chunkStore.getProjectChunkIds(projectId) chunks.push(...chunkIds.map(id => ({ id, projectId }))) } let totalCompressed = 0 await BPromise.map( chunks, async chunk => { try { const history = await getHistory(chunk) const numCompressed = compressChanges(history) if (numCompressed > 0) { await storeHistory(chunk, history) console.log( `Compressed project ${chunk.projectId}, chunk ${chunk.id}` ) } totalCompressed += numCompressed } catch (err) { console.log(err) } }, { concurrency: CONCURRENCY } ) console.log('CHANGES:', totalCompressed) } async function readCsv(filename) { const csv = await fs.promises.readFile(filename, 'utf-8') const lines = csv.trim().split('\n') const projectIds = lines.map(line => line.split(',')[0]) return projectIds } async function getHistory(chunk) { const rawHistory = await historyStore.loadRaw(chunk.projectId, chunk.id) const history = History.fromRaw(rawHistory) return history } async function storeHistory(chunk, history) { const rawHistory = history.toRaw() await historyStore.storeRaw(chunk.projectId, chunk.id, rawHistory) } function compressChanges(history) { let numCompressed = 0 for (const change of history.getChanges()) { const newOperations = compressOperations(change.operations) if (newOperations.length !== change.operations.length) { numCompressed++ } change.setOperations(newOperations) } return numCompressed } function compressOperations(operations) { if (!operations.length) return [] const newOperations = [] let currentOperation = operations[0] for (let operationId = 1; operationId < operations.length; operationId++) { const nextOperation = operations[operationId] if (currentOperation.canBeComposedWith(nextOperation)) { currentOperation = currentOperation.compose(nextOperation) } else { // currentOperation and nextOperation cannot be composed. Push the // currentOperation and start over with nextOperation. newOperations.push(currentOperation) currentOperation = nextOperation } } newOperations.push(currentOperation) return newOperations } main() .then(() => { process.exit() }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })