/* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const http = require('http') http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300 const Settings = { internal: { docstore: { port: 3016, host: process.env.LISTEN_ADDRESS || 'localhost' } }, mongo: {}, docstore: { backend: process.env.BACKEND || 's3', healthCheck: { project_id: process.env.HEALTH_CHECK_PROJECT_ID }, bucket: process.env.BUCKET_NAME || 'bucket', gcs: { unlockBeforeDelete: process.env.GCS_UNLOCK_BEFORE_DELETE === 'true', deletedBucketSuffix: process.env.GCS_DELETED_BUCKET_SUFFIX, deleteConcurrency: parseInt(process.env.GCS_DELETE_CONCURRENCY) || 50 } }, max_doc_length: parseInt(process.env.MAX_DOC_LENGTH) || 2 * 1024 * 1024 // 2mb } if (process.env.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING != null) { Settings.mongo.url = process.env.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING } else if (process.env.MONGO_HOST != null) { Settings.mongo.url = `mongodb://${process.env.MONGO_HOST}/sharelatex` } else { Settings.mongo.url = 'mongodb://' } if ( process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID != null && process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY != null && process.env.AWS_BUCKET != null ) { Settings.docstore.s3 = { key: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET, endpoint: process.env.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT, pathStyle: process.env.AWS_S3_PATH_STYLE, partSize: parseInt(process.env.AWS_S3_PARTSIZE) || 100 * 1024 * 1024 } } if (process.env.GCS_API_ENDPOINT) { Settings.docstore.gcs.endpoint = { apiEndpoint: process.env.GCS_API_ENDPOINT, apiScheme: process.env.GCS_API_SCHEME, projectId: process.env.GCS_PROJECT_ID } } if (process.env.FALLBACK_BACKEND) { Settings.docstore.fallback = { backend: process.env.FALLBACK_BACKEND, // mapping of bucket names on the fallback, to bucket names on the primary. // e.g. { myS3UserFilesBucketName: 'myGoogleUserFilesBucketName' } buckets: JSON.parse(process.env.FALLBACK_BUCKET_MAPPING || '{}'), copyOnMiss: process.env.COPY_ON_MISS === 'true' } } module.exports = Settings