const { expect } = require('chai') const sinon = require('sinon') const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/src/Features/Project/ProjectDuplicator.js' describe('ProjectDuplicator', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.doc0 = { _id: 'doc0_id', name: 'rootDocHere' } this.doc1 = { _id: 'doc1_id', name: 'level1folderDocName' } this.doc2 = { _id: 'doc2_id', name: 'level2folderDocName' } this.doc0Lines = ['zero'] this.doc1Lines = ['one'] this.doc2Lines = ['two'] this.file0 = { name: 'file0', _id: 'file0' } this.file1 = { name: 'file1', _id: 'file1' } this.file2 = { name: 'file2', _id: 'file2', linkedFileData: { provider: 'url' }, hash: '123456', } this.level2folder = { name: 'level2folderName', _id: 'level2folderId', docs: [this.doc2, undefined], folders: [], fileRefs: [this.file2], } this.level1folder = { name: 'level1folder', _id: 'level1folderId', docs: [this.doc1], folders: [this.level2folder], fileRefs: [this.file1, null], // the null is intentional to test null docs/files } this.rootFolder = { name: 'rootFolder', _id: 'rootFolderId', docs: [this.doc0], folders: [this.level1folder, {}], fileRefs: [this.file0], } this.project = { _id: 'this_is_the_old_project_id', rootDoc_id: this.doc0._id, rootFolder: [this.rootFolder], compiler: 'this_is_a_Compiler', } this.doc0Path = '/rootDocHere' this.doc1Path = '/level1folder/level1folderDocName' this.doc2Path = '/level1folder/level2folderName/level2folderDocName' this.file0Path = '/file0' this.file1Path = '/level1folder/file1' this.file2Path = '/level1folder/level2folderName/file2' this.docContents = [ { _id: this.doc0._id, lines: this.doc0Lines }, { _id: this.doc1._id, lines: this.doc1Lines }, { _id: this.doc2._id, lines: this.doc2Lines }, ] this.rootDoc = this.doc0 this.rootDocPath = '/rootDocHere' this.owner = { _id: 'this_is_the_owner' } this.newBlankProject = { _id: 'new_project_id', overleaf: { history: { id: 339123 } }, readOnly_refs: [], collaberator_refs: [], rootFolder: [{ _id: 'new_root_folder_id' }], } this.newFolder = { _id: 'newFolderId' } this.filestoreUrl = 'filestore-url' this.newProjectVersion = 2 this.newDocId = new ObjectId() this.newFileId = new ObjectId() this.newDoc0 = { ...this.doc0, _id: this.newDocId } this.newDoc1 = { ...this.doc1, _id: this.newDocId } this.newDoc2 = { ...this.doc2, _id: this.newDocId } this.newFile0 = { ...this.file0, _id: this.newFileId } this.newFile1 = { ...this.file1, _id: this.newFileId } this.newFile2 = { ...this.file2, _id: this.newFileId } this.docEntries = [ { path: this.doc0Path, doc: this.newDoc0, docLines: this.doc0Lines.join('\n'), }, { path: this.doc1Path, doc: this.newDoc1, docLines: this.doc1Lines.join('\n'), }, { path: this.doc2Path, doc: this.newDoc2, docLines: this.doc2Lines.join('\n'), }, ] this.fileEntries = [ { path: this.file0Path, file: this.newFile0, url: this.filestoreUrl, }, { path: this.file1Path, file: this.newFile1, url: this.filestoreUrl, }, { path: this.file2Path, file: this.newFile2, url: this.filestoreUrl, }, ] this.Doc = sinon .stub() .callsFake(props => ({ _id: this.newDocId, ...props })) this.File = sinon .stub() .callsFake(props => ({ _id: this.newFileId, ...props })) this.DocstoreManager = { promises: { updateDoc: sinon.stub().resolves(), getAllDocs: sinon.stub().resolves(this.docContents), }, } this.DocumentUpdaterHandler = { promises: { flushProjectToMongo: sinon.stub().resolves(), updateProjectStructure: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.FileStoreHandler = { promises: { copyFile: sinon.stub().resolves(this.filestoreUrl), }, } this.ProjectCreationHandler = { promises: { createBlankProject: sinon.stub().resolves(this.newBlankProject), }, } this.ProjectDeleter = { promises: { deleteProject: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler = { promises: { createNewFolderStructure: sinon.stub().resolves(this.newProjectVersion), }, } this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler = { isPathValidForRootDoc: sinon.stub().returns(true), promises: { setRootDoc: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.ProjectGetter = { promises: { getProject: sinon .stub() .withArgs(this.project._id) .resolves(this.project), }, } this.ProjectLocator = { promises: { findRootDoc: sinon.stub().resolves({ element: this.rootDoc, path: { fileSystem: this.rootDocPath }, }), findElementByPath: sinon .stub() .withArgs({ project_id: this.newBlankProject._id, path: this.rootDocPath, exactCaseMatch: true, }) .resolves({ element: this.doc0 }), }, } this.ProjectOptionsHandler = { promises: { setCompiler: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.TpdsProjectFlusher = { promises: { flushProjectToTpds: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.ProjectDuplicator = SandboxedModule.require(MODULE_PATH, { requires: { '../../models/Doc': { Doc: this.Doc }, '../../models/File': { File: this.File }, '../Docstore/DocstoreManager': this.DocstoreManager, '../DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler': this.DocumentUpdaterHandler, '../FileStore/FileStoreHandler': this.FileStoreHandler, './ProjectCreationHandler': this.ProjectCreationHandler, './ProjectDeleter': this.ProjectDeleter, './ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler': this.ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler, './ProjectEntityUpdateHandler': this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler, './ProjectGetter': this.ProjectGetter, './ProjectLocator': this.ProjectLocator, './ProjectOptionsHandler': this.ProjectOptionsHandler, '../ThirdPartyDataStore/TpdsProjectFlusher': this.TpdsProjectFlusher, }, }) }) describe('when the copy succeeds', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.newProjectName = 'New project name' this.newProject = await this.ProjectDuplicator.promises.duplicate( this.owner, this.project._id, this.newProjectName ) }) it('should flush the original project to mongo', function () { this.DocumentUpdaterHandler.promises.flushProjectToMongo.should.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id ) }) it('should copy docs to docstore', function () { for (const docLines of [this.doc0Lines, this.doc1Lines, this.doc2Lines]) { this.DocstoreManager.promises.updateDoc.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newProject._id.toString(), this.newDocId.toString(), docLines, 0, {} ) } }) it('should copy files to the filestore', function () { for (const file of [this.file0, this.file1, this.file2]) { this.FileStoreHandler.promises.copyFile.should.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id, file._id, this.newProject._id, this.newFileId ) } }) it('should create a blank project', function () { this.ProjectCreationHandler.promises.createBlankProject.should.have.been.calledWith( this.owner._id, this.newProjectName ) this.newProject._id.should.equal(this.newBlankProject._id) }) it('should use the same compiler', function () { this.ProjectOptionsHandler.promises.setCompiler.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newProject._id, this.project.compiler ) }) it('should use the same root doc', function () { this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.promises.setRootDoc.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newProject._id,[0]._id ) }) it('should not copy the collaborators or read only refs', function () { this.newProject.collaberator_refs.length.should.equal(0) this.newProject.readOnly_refs.length.should.equal(0) }) it('should copy all documents and files', function () { this.ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.promises.createNewFolderStructure.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newProject._id, this.docEntries, this.fileEntries ) }) it('should notify document updater of changes', function () { this.DocumentUpdaterHandler.promises.updateProjectStructure.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newProject._id,, this.owner._id, { newDocs: this.docEntries, newFiles: this.fileEntries, newProject: { version: this.newProjectVersion }, }, null ) }) it('should flush the project to TPDS', function () { this.TpdsProjectFlusher.promises.flushProjectToTpds.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newProject._id ) }) }) describe('without a root doc', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.ProjectLocator.promises.findRootDoc.resolves({ element: null, path: null, }) this.newProject = await this.ProjectDuplicator.promises.duplicate( this.owner, this.project._id, 'Copy of project' ) }) it('should not set the root doc on the copy', function () { this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.promises.setRootDoc.should.not.have.been .called }) }) describe('with an invalid root doc', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.isPathValidForRootDoc.returns(false) this.newProject = await this.ProjectDuplicator.promises.duplicate( this.owner, this.project._id, 'Copy of project' ) }) it('should not set the root doc on the copy', function () { this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.promises.setRootDoc.should.not.have.been .called }) }) describe('when there is an error', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler.promises.createNewFolderStructure.rejects() await expect( this.ProjectDuplicator.promises.duplicate( this.owner, this.project._id, '' ) ) }) it('should delete the broken cloned project', function () { this.ProjectDeleter.promises.deleteProject.should.have.been.calledWith( this.newBlankProject._id ) }) it('should not delete the original project', function () { this.ProjectDeleter.promises.deleteProject.should.not.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id ) }) }) })