const config = require('config') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const cleanup = require('../storage/support/cleanup') const expectResponse = require('./support/expect_response') const fixtures = require('../storage/support/fixtures') const HTTPStatus = require('http-status') const testServer = require('./support/test_server') describe('auth', function () { beforeEach(cleanup.everything) beforeEach(fixtures.create) beforeEach('Set up stubs', function () { sinon.stub(config, 'has').callThrough() sinon.stub(config, 'get').callThrough() }) afterEach(sinon.restore) it('renders 401 on swagger docs endpoint without auth', async function () { const response = await fetch(testServer.url('/docs')) expect(response.status).to.equal(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) expect(response.headers.get('www-authenticate')).to.match(/^Basic/) }) it('renders swagger docs endpoint with auth', async function () { const response = await fetch(testServer.url('/docs'), { headers: { Authorization: testServer.basicAuthHeader, }, }) expect(response.ok) }) it('takes an old basic auth password during a password change', async function () { setMockConfig('basicHttpAuth.oldPassword', 'foo') // Primary should still work. const response1 = await fetch(testServer.url('/docs'), { headers: { Authorization: testServer.basicAuthHeader, }, }) expect(response1.ok) // Old password should also work. const response2 = await fetch(testServer.url('/docs'), { headers: { Authorization: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from('staging:foo').toString('base64'), }, }) expect(response2.ok) // Incorrect password should not work. const response3 = await fetch(testServer.url('/docs'), { header: { Authorization: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from('staging:bar').toString('base64'), }, }) expect(response3.status).to.equal(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) }) it('renders 401 on ProjectImport endpoints', async function () { const unauthenticatedClient = testServer.client try { await unauthenticatedClient.apis.ProjectImport.importSnapshot1({ project_id: '1', snapshot: { files: {} }, }) } catch (err) { expectResponse.unauthorized(err) expect(err.response.headers['www-authenticate']).to.match(/^Basic/) } // check that the snapshot was not persisted even if the response was a 401 const projectClient = await testServer.createClientForProject('1') try { await projectClient.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: '1' }) } catch (err) { expectResponse.notFound(err) } }) it('renders 401 for JWT endpoints', function () { return testServer.client.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: '10000', }) .then(() => { }) .catch(err => { expectResponse.unauthorized(err) expect(err.response.headers['www-authenticate']).to.equal('Bearer') }) }) it('accepts basic auth in place of JWT (for now)', function () { const projectId = return testServer.pseudoJwtBasicAuthClient.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: projectId, }).then(response => { expect(response.obj.chunk).to.exist }) }) it('uses JWT', function () { const projectId = return testServer .createClientForProject(projectId) .then(client => { return client.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: projectId, }) }) .then(response => { expect(response.obj.chunk).to.exist }) }) it('checks for project id', function () { return testServer .createClientForProject('1') .then(client => { return client.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: '2', }) }) .then(() => { }) .catch(expectResponse.forbidden) }) it('does not accept jwt for ProjectUpdate endpoints', function () { return testServer.createClientForProject('1').then(client => { return client.apis.ProjectImport.importSnapshot1({ project_id: '1', snapshot: {}, }) .then(() => { }) .catch(expectResponse.unauthorized) }) }) describe('when an old JWT key is defined', function () { beforeEach(function () { setMockConfig('jwtAuth.oldKey', 'old-secret') }) it('accepts the old key', async function () { const projectId = const client = await testServer.createClientForProject(projectId, { jwtKey: 'old-secret', }) const response = await client.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: projectId, }) expect(response.obj.chunk).to.exist }) it('accepts the new key', async function () { const projectId = const client = await testServer.createClientForProject(projectId) const response = await client.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: projectId, }) expect(response.obj.chunk).to.exist }) it('rejects other keys', async function () { const projectId = const client = await testServer.createClientForProject(projectId, { jwtKey: 'bad-secret', }) try { await client.apis.Project.getLatestHistory({ project_id: projectId, }) } catch (err) { expectResponse.unauthorized(err) } }) }) }) function setMockConfig(path, value) { config.has.withArgs(path).returns(true) config.get.withArgs(path).returns(value) }