// Creates data for localizedPlanPricing object in settings.overrides.saas.js // and plans object in main/plans.js const csv = require('csv/sync') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const minimist = require('minimist') function readCSVFile(fileName) { // Pick the csv file const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, fileName) const input = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') const rawRecords = csv.parse(input, { columns: true }) return rawRecords } function readJSONFile(fileName) { const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, fileName) const file = fs.readFileSync(filePath) const plans = JSON.parse(file) // convert the plans JSON from recurly to an array of // objects matching the spreadsheet format const result = [] for (const plan of plans) { const newRow = { plan_code: plan.code } for (const price of plan.currencies) { newRow[price.currency] = price.unitAmount } result.push(newRow) } return result } // Mapping of [output_keys]:[actual_keys] const plansMap = { student: 'student', personal: 'paid-personal', collaborator: 'collaborator', professional: 'professional', } const currencies = [ 'AUD', 'BRL', 'CAD', 'CHF', 'CLP', 'COP', 'DKK', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'INR', 'MXN', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'PEN', 'SEK', 'SGD', 'USD', ] function generatePlans(workSheetJSON) { // localizedPlanPricing object for settings.overrides.saas.js const localizedPlanPricing = {} // plans object for main/plans.js for (const currency of currencies) { localizedPlanPricing[currency] = { free: { monthly: 0, annual: 0, }, } for (const [outputKey, actualKey] of Object.entries(plansMap)) { const monthlyPlan = workSheetJSON.find( data => data.plan_code === actualKey ) if (!monthlyPlan) throw new Error(`Missing plan: ${actualKey}`) if (!(currency in monthlyPlan)) throw new Error( `Missing currency "${currency}" for plan "${actualKey}"` ) const actualKeyAnnual = `${actualKey}-annual` const annualPlan = workSheetJSON.find( data => data.plan_code === actualKeyAnnual ) if (!annualPlan) throw new Error(`Missing plan: ${actualKeyAnnual}`) if (!(currency in annualPlan)) throw new Error( `Missing currency "${currency}" for plan "${actualKeyAnnual}"` ) const monthly = Number(monthlyPlan[currency]) const monthlyTimesTwelve = Number(monthlyPlan[currency] * 12) const annual = Number(annualPlan[currency]) localizedPlanPricing[currency] = { ...localizedPlanPricing[currency], [outputKey]: { monthly, monthlyTimesTwelve, annual }, } } } return { localizedPlanPricing } } function generateGroupPlans(workSheetJSON) { const groupPlans = workSheetJSON.filter(data => data.plan_code.startsWith('group') ) const sizes = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '10', '20', '50'] const result = {} for (const type1 of ['educational', 'enterprise']) { result[type1] = {} for (const type2 of ['professional', 'collaborator']) { result[type1][type2] = {} for (const currency of currencies) { result[type1][type2][currency] = {} for (const size of sizes) { const planCode = `group_${type2}_${size}_${type1}` const plan = groupPlans.find(data => data.plan_code === planCode) if (!plan) throw new Error(`Missing plan: ${planCode}`) result[type1][type2][currency][size] = { price_in_cents: plan[currency] * 100, } } } } } return result } const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['output', 'file'], alias: { o: 'output', f: 'file' }, }) let input if (argv.file) { const ext = path.extname(argv.file) switch (ext) { case '.csv': input = readCSVFile(argv.file) break case '.json': input = readJSONFile(argv.file) break default: console.log('Invalid file type: must be csv or json') } } else { console.log('usage: node plans.js -f -o ') process.exit(1) } // removes quotes from object keys const formatJS = obj => JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2).replace(/"([^"]+)":/g, '$1:') const formatJSON = obj => JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) function writeFile(outputFile, data) { console.log(`Writing ${outputFile}`) fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, data) } const { localizedPlanPricing } = generatePlans(input) const groupPlans = generateGroupPlans(input) if (argv.output) { const dir = argv.output // check if output directory exists if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { console.log(`Creating output directory ${dir}`) fs.mkdirSync(dir) } // check if output directory is a directory and report error if not if (!fs.lstatSync(dir).isDirectory()) { console.error(`Error: output dir ${dir} is not a directory`) process.exit(1) } writeFile(`${dir}/localizedPlanPricing.json`, formatJS(localizedPlanPricing)) writeFile(`${dir}/groups.json`, formatJSON(groupPlans)) } else { console.log('LOCALIZED', localizedPlanPricing) console.log('GROUP PLANS', JSON.stringify(groupPlans, null, 2)) } console.log('Completed!')