define [ "utils/staticLoader" "libs/underscore" "libs/backbone" "libs/" "models/room" "models/user" "views/chatWindowView" ], (staticLoader, _, Backbone, jqueryStorage, Room, User, ChatWindowView) -> staticLoader.appendAssets() _.templateSettings = escape : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g class GlobalNotificationManager constructor: (@chat) -> @focussed = true $(window).on "focus", () => @clearNewMessageNotification() @focussed = true $(window).on "blur", () => @focussed = false @chat.on "joinedRoom", (room) => notifyIfAppropriate = (message) => if message.get("user") != @chat.user and !message.get("preloaded") @notifyAboutNewMessage() room.get("messages").on "add", notifyIfAppropriate room.on "disconnect", () -> room.get("messages").off "add", notifyIfAppropriate notifyAboutNewMessage: () -> if !@focussed and !@newMessageNotificationTimeout? @originalTitle ||= window.document.title do changeTitle = () => if window.document.title == @originalTitle window.document.title = "New Message" else window.document.title = @originalTitle @newMessageNotificationTimeout = setTimeout changeTitle, 800 clearNewMessageNotification: () -> clearTimeout @newMessageNotificationTimeout delete @newMessageNotificationTimeout if @originalTitle? window.document.title = @originalTitle class Chat constructor: (options) -> _.extend(@, Backbone.Events) = @ @rooms = {} project_id = window.location.pathname.split( '/' )[2] @socket = socket = io.connect options.url, { resource: "chat/", "force new connection": true query:"project_id=#{project_id}" } @socket.on "connect", () => @connected = true @getAuthToken (error, auth_token) => return @handleError(error) if error? @socket.emit "auth", {auth_token: auth_token}, (error, user_info) => return @handleError(error) if error? @user = User.findOrCreate(user_info) @joinProjectRoom( @trigger "authed" @socket.on "disconnect", () => @connected = false @trigger "disconnected" @socket.on "messageReceived", (data) => @getRoom( @socket.on "userJoined", (data) => @getRoom( @socket.on "userLeft", (data) => @getRoom( @globalNotificationManager = new GlobalNotificationManager(@) getRoom: (room_id) -> @rooms[room_id] joinProjectRoom: (project_id) -> if !@room? @room = new Room( project_id: project_id chat: @ ) @window = new ChatWindowView({ room: @room chat: @ }) @room.on "joined", => @trigger("joinedRoom", @room) getAuthToken: (callback = (error, auth_token) ->) -> $.ajax "/user/auth_token", { success: (data, status, xhr) -> callback null, data error: (xhr, status, error) -> callback error } handleError: (error) -> console.error error