extends ../layout mixin liSection(feature) | #{feature.text} -if(feature.comingSoon) span.label.label-info coming soon -if(feature.beta) span.label.label-warning beta mixin plan(plan, cssClass, monthly) .pricing-table ul(class=cssClass) li.pricing-header-row-1 .package-title h2.no-bold #{plan.name} li.pricing-header-row-2 .package-price if plan.price == 0 h1.free Free forever else h1.no-bold | $#{plan.price/100} if monthly span.cents /month else span.cents /year - var odd = true -each feature in plan.featureDescription - odd = !odd - if(odd) li.pricing-content-row-odd mixin liSection(feature) - else li.pricing-content-row-even mixin liSection(feature) li.pricing-footer - var href = '/user/subscription/new?planCode='+plan.planCode - planIsPersonal = plan.planCode.indexOf("personal") != -1 - userNotLoggedIn = session && !session.user -if(planIsPersonal) - href = "/register" -else if(userNotLoggedIn) - href = "/register?redir="+href a.btn.btn-success(href='#{href}').sign_up_now | Sign Up Now! block content .container .row .span12.span-box .page-header h1 Choose your plan blockquote.quote.pull-right p | This is one of the most useful resources I have ever found on the Internet. br | Fantastic execution and thoughtful attention to detail make this product shine! small Benjamin Shepherd, Waterloo University .row .span12 .offset3 ul.nav.nav-pills.pricing-pills li.active a(href="#", data-target=".monthly-pricing", data-toggle="tab") Monthly li a(href="#", data-target=".annual-pricing", data-toggle="tab") Annual li a(href="#", data-target=".student-pricing", data-toggle="tab") Half price student plans .row .span12 .page-header h2 Individual Plans .pricing-steelblue.pricing-row .tab-content .tab-pane.active.monthly-pricing .row .span12.tagline p An online LaTeX editor for collaborating on the same LaTeX project and editing together in real-time. You’ll never go out of sync with your collaborators again, or lose track of any changes. .row .span4 mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.individualMonthlyPlans[0], "big", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.individualMonthlyPlans[1], "", true) .tab-pane.annual-pricing .row .span12.tagline p Collaborate on the same LaTeX project and edit together in real-time. You’ll never go out of sync with your collaborators again, or lose track of any changes. .span4 mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.individualAnnualPlans[0], "big", false) .span4 mixin plan(plans.individualAnnualPlans[1], "", false) .tab-pane.student-pricing .row .span8.offset2.tagline p Getting started and working with LaTeX has never been so easy. Start creating beautiful work now. .span4 mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.studentAccounts[0], "big", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.studentAccounts[1], "", false) .row .span12.ab-guarantee-shown(style="text-align: center;") h2 30 day money back guarantee, cancel anytime. .pricing-steelblue.pricing-row .tab-content .tab-pane.active.monthly-pricing .page-header h2 Group Plans .row .span12.tagline p Improve the workflow of your research group by unlocking ShareLaTeX's premium features for everyone on your team .row .span4 mixin plan(plans.groupMonthlyPlans[0], "", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.groupMonthlyPlans[1], "big", true) .span4 mixin plan(plans.groupMonthlyPlans[2], "", true) .tab-pane.annual-pricing .page-header h2 Group Plans .row .span12.tagline p Improve the workflow of your research group by unlocking ShareLaTeX's premium features for everyone on your team .row .span4 mixin plan(plans.groupAnnualPlans[0], "", false) .span4 mixin plan(plans.groupAnnualPlans[1], "big", false) .span4 mixin plan(plans.groupAnnualPlans[2], "", false) .tab-pane.student-pricing include ../general/small-footer link(rel='stylesheet', href='/brand/plans.css?fingerprint='+fingerprint('/brand/mainStyle.css')) script mixpanel.track("Page Viewed", { name: "plans" })