Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" Errors = require "./Errors" Metrics = require "./Metrics" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" request = (require("requestretry")).defaults({ maxAttempts: 2 retryDelay: 10 }) # We have to be quick with HTTP calls because we're holding a lock that # expires after 30 seconds. We can't let any errors in the rest of the stack # hold us up, and need to bail out quickly if there is a problem. MAX_HTTP_REQUEST_LENGTH = 5000 # 5 seconds module.exports = PersistenceManager = getDoc: (project_id, doc_id, _callback = (error, lines, version, ranges) ->) -> timer = new Metrics.Timer("persistenceManager.getDoc") callback = (args...) -> timer.done() _callback(args...) url = "#{Settings.apis.web.url}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}" request { url: url method: "GET" headers: "accept": "application/json" auth: user: Settings.apis.web.user pass: Settings.apis.web.pass sendImmediately: true jar: false timeout: MAX_HTTP_REQUEST_LENGTH }, (error, res, body) -> return callback(error) if error? if res.statusCode >= 200 and res.statusCode < 300 try body = JSON.parse body catch e return callback(e) if !body.lines? return callback(new Error("web API response had no doc lines")) if !body.version? or not body.version instanceof Number return callback(new Error("web API response had no valid doc version")) return callback null, body.lines, body.version, body.ranges else if res.statusCode == 404 return callback(new Errors.NotFoundError("doc not not found: #{url}")) else return callback(new Error("error accessing web API: #{url} #{res.statusCode}")) setDoc: (project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, _callback = (error) ->) -> timer = new Metrics.Timer("persistenceManager.setDoc") callback = (args...) -> timer.done() _callback(args...) url = "#{Settings.apis.web.url}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}" request { url: url method: "POST" json: lines: lines ranges: ranges version: version auth: user: Settings.apis.web.user pass: Settings.apis.web.pass sendImmediately: true jar: false timeout: MAX_HTTP_REQUEST_LENGTH }, (error, res, body) -> return callback(error) if error? if res.statusCode >= 200 and res.statusCode < 300 return callback null else if res.statusCode == 404 return callback(new Errors.NotFoundError("doc not not found: #{url}")) else return callback(new Error("error accessing web API: #{url} #{res.statusCode}"))