define [ "base" "libs/latex-log-parser" ], (App, LogParser) -> App.controller "PdfController", ["$scope", "$http", "ide", "$modal", "synctex", ($scope, $http, ide, $modal, synctex) -> autoCompile = true $scope.$on "doc:opened", () -> return if !autoCompile autoCompile = false $scope.recompile(isAutoCompile: true) sendCompileRequest = (options = {}) -> url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/compile" if options.isAutoCompile url += "?auto_compile=true" return $ url, { settingsOverride: rootDoc_id: options.rootDocOverride_id or null _csrf: window.csrfToken } parseCompileResponse = (response) -> # Reset everything $scope.pdf.error = false $scope.pdf.timedout = false $scope.pdf.failure = false $scope.pdf.uncompiled = false $scope.pdf.url = null if response.status == "timedout" $scope.pdf.timedout = true else if response.status == "autocompile-backoff" $scope.pdf.uncompiled = true else if response.status == "failure" $scope.pdf.failure = true fetchLogs() else if response.status == "success" $scope.pdf.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.pdf?cache_bust=#{}" fetchLogs() IGNORE_FILES = ["output.fls", "output.fdb_latexmk"] $scope.pdf.outputFiles = [] for file in response.outputFiles if IGNORE_FILES.indexOf(file.path) == -1 # Turn 'output.blg' into 'blg file'. if file.path.match(/^output\./) = "#{file.path.replace(/^output\./, "")} file" else = file.path $scope.pdf.outputFiles.push file fetchLogs = () -> $http.get "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.log" .success (log) -> $scope.pdf.rawLog = log logEntries = LogParser.parse(log, ignoreDuplicates: true) $scope.pdf.logEntries = logEntries $scope.pdf.logEntries.all = logEntries.errors.concat(logEntries.warnings).concat(logEntries.typesetting) $scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations = {} for entry in logEntries.all entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file) entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file) if entity? $scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[] ||= [] $scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[].push { row: entry.line - 1 type: if entry.level == "error" then "error" else "warning" text: entry.message } .error () -> $scope.pdf.logEntries = [] $scope.pdf.rawLog = "" getRootDocOverride_id = () -> doc = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocValue() return null if !doc? for line in doc.split("\n") match = line.match /(.*)\\documentclass/ if match and !match[1].match /%/ return ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId() return null normalizeFilePath = (path) -> path = path.replace(/^(.*)\/compiles\/[0-9a-f]{24}\/(\.\/)?/, "") path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, "") rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname() if rootDocDirname? path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDirname + "/") return path $scope.recompile = (options = {}) -> return if $scope.pdf.compiling $scope.pdf.compiling = true options.rootDocOverride_id = getRootDocOverride_id() sendCompileRequest(options) .success (data) -> $scope.pdf.view = "pdf" $scope.pdf.compiling = false parseCompileResponse(data) .error () -> $scope.pdf.compiling = false $scope.pdf.error = true $scope.clearCache = () -> $http { url: "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output" method: "DELETE" headers: "X-Csrf-Token": window.csrfToken } $scope.toggleLogs = () -> if !$scope.pdf.view? or $scope.pdf.view == "pdf" $scope.pdf.view = "logs" else $scope.pdf.view = "pdf" $scope.showPdf = () -> $scope.pdf.view = "pdf" $scope.toggleRawLog = () -> $scope.pdf.showRawLog = !$scope.pdf.showRawLog $scope.openOutputFile = (file) ->"/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/#{file.path}") $scope.openClearCacheModal = () -> modalInstance = $ templateUrl: "clearCacheModalTemplate" controller: "ClearCacheModalController" scope: $scope ) $scope.syncToCode = (position) -> synctex .syncToCode(position) .then (data) -> {doc, line} = data ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line) ] App.factory "synctex", ["ide", "$http", "$q", (ide, $http, $q) -> synctex = syncToPdf: (cursorPosition) -> deferred = $q.defer() doc_id = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId() if !doc_id? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id) if !doc? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise path = ide.fileTreeManager.getEntityPath(doc) if !path? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise # If the root file is folder/main.tex, then synctex sees the # path as folder/./main.tex rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname() if rootDocDirname? and rootDocDirname != "" path = path.replace(RegExp("^#{rootDocDirname}"), "#{rootDocDirname}/.") {row, column} = cursorPosition $http({ url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/code", method: "GET", params: { file: path line: row + 1 column: column } }) .success (data) -> deferred.resolve(data.pdf or []) .error (error) -> deferred.reject(error) return deferred.promise syncToCode: (position, options = {}) -> deferred = $q.defer() if !position? deferred.reject() return deferred.promise # It's not clear exactly where we should sync to if it wasn't directly # clicked on, but a little bit down from the very top seems best. if options.includeVisualOffset = + 80 $http({ url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/pdf", method: "GET", params: { page: + 1 h: position.offset.left.toFixed(2) v: } }) .success (data) -> if data.code? and data.code.length > 0 doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(data.code[0].file) return if !doc? deferred.resolve({doc: doc, line: data.code[0].line}) .error (error) -> deferred.reject(error) return deferred.promise return synctex ] App.controller "PdfSynctexController", ["$scope", "synctex", "ide", ($scope, synctex, ide) -> $scope.showControls = true $scope.$on "layout:pdf:resize", (event, data) -> if data.east.initClosed $scope.showControls = false else $scope.showControls = true setTimeout () -> $scope.$digest() , 0 $scope.syncToPdf = () -> synctex .syncToPdf($scope.editor.cursorPosition) .then (highlights) -> $scope.pdf.highlights = highlights $scope.syncToCode = () -> synctex .syncToCode($scope.pdf.position, includeVisualOffset: true) .then (data) -> {doc, line} = data ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line) ] App.controller "PdfLogEntryController", ["$scope", "ide", ($scope, ide) -> $scope.openInEditor = (entry) -> entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file) return if !entity? or entity.type != "doc" if entry.line? line = entry.line ide.editorManager.openDoc(entity, gotoLine: line) ] App.controller 'ClearCacheModalController', ["$scope", "$modalInstance", ($scope, $modalInstance) -> $scope.state = inflight: false $scope.clear = () -> $scope.state.inflight = true $scope .clearCache() .then () -> $scope.state.inflight = false $modalInstance.close() $scope.cancel = () -> $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel') ]