Test brand variation details.
Rename BrandVariationsController to BrandVariationsHandler.
Use the V1 API helper.
Do not swallow errors when fetching brand details for project load.
Fix indentation.
One call was not returning the v1Id correctly. These tests check for that case. Also added some more generic tests for the v1 API call.
bug: overleaf/sharelatex#1014
Introduces the notion of v1 'grandfathered features', specifically Gihub and Mendeley integration. This allows us to create new v1 accounts for new users without them automatically getting the new features.
Requires a settings change in `settings.web.sl.coffee` to disable these features by default for v1 accounts.
bug: overleaf/sharelatex#1014
Introduces the notion of v1 'grandfathered features', specifically Gihub and Mendeley integration. This allows us to create new v1 accounts for new users without them automatically getting the new features.
Requires a settings change in `settings.web.sl.coffee` to disable these features by default for v1 accounts.
bug: overleaf/sharelatex#1014
Add escape to execute translate() server-side when handling error message for invalid filenames in project on copy.
Signed-off-by: Simon Detheridge <s@sd.ai>
If an autocompile hits a rate limit, it would get into a bad state where
it would continuely loop making compile requests. This is because the
compile response resolving would disable auto compile (because the rate
limit was hit) but also trigger calculation of uncompiled changes, which
would not check if autocompile was disabled. The fix is to just check if
autocompile is disabled.
When invalid filenames are found during project-copy, the somewhat obscure (and non-localised) 'invalid element name' error is returned. Add a special case to handle this particular error and display something more descriptive to the user.
Added a modal error handler for when this error is generated by clicking the 'copy' icon in the project list, instead of using the 'more' dropdown which opens a modal copy dialog
bug: overleaf/sharelatex#908
Signed-off-by: Simon Detheridge <s@sd.ai>