mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 22:53:52 +00:00
big refactor remoing statsd and converting keys to prom keys
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
StatsD = require('lynx')
statsd = new StatsD(process.env["STATSD_HOST"] or "localhost", 8125, {on_error:->})
traceAgent = require('@google-cloud/trace-agent')
debugAgent = require('@google-cloud/debug-agent')
@ -8,7 +5,7 @@ prom = require('prom-client')
Register = require('prom-client').register
collectDefaultMetrics = prom.collectDefaultMetrics
name = "unknown"
appname = "unknown"
hostname = require('os').hostname()
buildKey = (key)-> "#{name}.#{hostname}.#{key}"
@ -24,13 +21,13 @@ require "./uv_threadpool_size"
module.exports = Metrics =
initialize: (_name) ->
name = _name
appname = _name
collectDefaultMetrics({ timeout: 5000, prefix: Metrics.buildPromKey()})
serviceContext: {
allowExpressions: true,
service: name,
service: appname,
version: '0.0.1'
@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
buildPromKey: (key = "")->
Metrics.sanitizeKey "#{name}_#{key}"
Metrics.sanitizeKey key
sanitizeKey: (key) ->
key.replace /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"
@ -54,32 +51,29 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
set : (key, value, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.set buildKey(key), value, sampleRate
inc : (key, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.increment buildKey(key), sampleRate
key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key)
if !promMetrics[key]?
promMetrics[key] = new prom.Counter({
name: key,
help: key,
labelNames: ['name','host']
labelNames: ['app','host']
promMetrics[key].inc({name: name, host: hostname})
console.log("doing inc", key, appname)
promMetrics[key].inc({app: appname, host: hostname})
count : (key, count, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.count buildKey(key), count, sampleRate
key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key)
if !promMetrics[key]?
promMetrics[key] = new prom.Counter({
name: key,
help: key,
labelNames: ['name','host']
labelNames: ['app','host']
promMetrics[key].inc({name: name, host: hostname}, count)
promMetrics[key].inc({app: appname, host: hostname}, count)
timing: (key, timeSpan, sampleRate, opts = {})->
statsd.timing(buildKey(key), timeSpan, sampleRate)
key = Metrics.sanitizeKey("timer_" + key)
if !promMetrics[key]?
promMetrics[key] = new prom.Summary({
@ -89,12 +83,14 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
ageBuckets: 10,
labelNames: ['app', 'path', 'status_code', 'method', 'collection', 'query']
opts.app = name
opts.app = appname
console.log("doing timing", key, opts)
promMetrics[key].observe(opts, timeSpan)
Timer : class
constructor :(key, sampleRate = 1, opts)->
this.start = new Date()
console.log("creating new timer", key)
key = Metrics.sanitizeKey(key)
this.key = key
this.sampleRate = sampleRate
@ -106,7 +102,6 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
return timeSpan
gauge : (key, value, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.gauge buildKey(key), value, sampleRate
key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key)
if !promMetrics[key]?
promMetrics[key] = new prom.Gauge({
@ -114,10 +109,9 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
help: key,
labelNames: ['app','host']
promMetrics[key].set({app: name, host: hostname}, this.sanitizeValue(value))
promMetrics[key].set({app: appname, host: hostname}, this.sanitizeValue(value))
globalGauge: (key, value, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.gauge buildGlobalKey(key), value, sampleRate
key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key)
if !promMetrics[key]?
promMetrics[key] = new prom.Gauge({
@ -125,7 +119,7 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
help: key,
labelNames: ['app','host']
promMetrics[key].set({app: name},this.sanitizeValue(value))
promMetrics[key].set({app: appname},this.sanitizeValue(value))
mongodb: require "./mongodb"
http: require "./http"
@ -138,4 +132,3 @@ module.exports = Metrics =
close: () ->
for func in destructors
@ -6,8 +6,14 @@ module.exports = (obj, methodName, prefix, logger) ->
throw new Error("[Metrics] expected object property '#{methodName}' to be a function")
realMethod = obj[methodName]
key = "#{prefix}.#{methodName}"
keys = prefix.split(".")
key = keys[0].toLowerCase()
if keys[1]?
methodName = "#{keys[1]}_#{methodName}"
console.log "Async method", keys, methodName
obj[methodName] = (originalArgs...) ->
[firstArgs..., callback] = originalArgs
@ -17,7 +23,8 @@ module.exports = (obj, methodName, prefix, logger) ->
logger.log "[Metrics] expected wrapped method '#{methodName}' to be invoked with a callback"
return realMethod.apply this, originalArgs
timer = new metrics.Timer(prefix, null, {method: methodName})
console.log("creating timer for async method")
timer = new metrics.Timer(key, null, {method: methodName})
realMethod.call this, firstArgs..., (callbackArgs...) ->
elapsedTime = timer.done()
Reference in a new issue