highlights working for moving to position in pdf from source

This commit is contained in:
Brian Gough 2014-11-28 11:57:23 +00:00
parent ea310f0248
commit f914c75712
4 changed files with 51 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ app.factory 'pdfHighlights', [ () ->
class pdfHighlights
constructor: (options) ->
@highlightsLayerDiv = options.highlights
@viewport = options.viewport
@highlightsLayerDiv = options.highlights[0]
@highlightElements = []
addHighlight: (left, top, width, height) ->
rect = @viewport.convertToViewportRectangle([left, top, left + width, top + height])
addHighlight: (viewport, left, top, width, height) ->
rect = viewport.convertToViewportRectangle([left, top, left + width, top + height])
rect = PDFJS.Util.normalizeRect(rect)
element = document.createElement("div")
element.style.left = Math.floor(rect[0]) + 'px'

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@ -102,27 +102,28 @@ define [
scope.$watch "highlights", (areas) ->
console.log 'got HIGHLIGHTS in pdfJS', areas
return if !areas?
highlights = for area in areas or []
page: area.page
left: area.h
top: area.v
height: area.height
width: area.width
# return if !areas?
# highlights = for area in areas or []
# {
# page: area.page
# highlight:
# left: area.h
# top: area.v
# height: area.height
# width: area.width
# }
if highlights.length > 0
first = highlights[0]
position = {
page: first.page
left: first.highlight.left
top: first.highlight.top - 80
console.log 'position is', position, 'in highlights'
scope.pleaseJumpTo = position
# if highlights.length > 0
# first = highlights[0]
# position = {
# page: first.page
# offset:
# left: first.highlight.left
# top: first.highlight.top - 80
# }
# console.log 'position is', position, 'in highlights'
# scope.pleaseJumpTo = position
# pdfListView.clearHighlights()
# pdfListView.setHighlights(highlights, true)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
app = angular.module 'pdfPage', []
app = angular.module 'pdfPage', ['pdfHighlights']
app.directive 'pdfPage', ['$timeout', ($timeout) ->
app.directive 'pdfPage', ['$timeout', 'pdfHighlights', ($timeout, pdfHighlights) ->
require: '^pdfViewer',
template: '''
@ -78,5 +78,22 @@ app.directive 'pdfPage', ['$timeout', ($timeout) ->
else if !newVisible && oldVisible
highlightsLayer = new pdfHighlights({
highlights: highlightsElement
scope.$watch 'highlights', (highlights, oldVal) ->
console.log 'got highlight watch in pdfPage', scope.page
pageHighlights = (h for h in highlights when h.page == scope.page.pageNum)
return unless pageHighlights.length
scope.document.getPdfViewport(scope.page.pageNum).then (viewport) ->
for hl in pageHighlights
console.log 'adding highlight', h, viewport
top = viewport.viewBox[3] - hl.v
highlightsLayer.addHighlight viewport, hl.h, top, hl.width, hl.height
$timeout () ->
, 1000

View file

@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ app.directive 'pdfViewer', ['$q', '$timeout', ($q, $timeout) ->
console.log 'areas are', areas
highlights = for area in areas or []
page: area.page - 1
page: area.page
left: area.h
top: area.v
@ -337,31 +337,16 @@ app.directive 'pdfViewer', ['$q', '$timeout', ($q, $timeout) ->
return if !highlights.length
first = highlights[0]
ctrl.setPdfPosition(scope.pages[first.page], {
page: scope.pages[first.page]
scope.document.getPdfViewport(first.page).then (viewport) ->
position = {
page: first.page
left: first.highlight.left
top: first.highlight.top - 80
top: viewport.viewBox[3] - first.highlight.top + first.highlight.height + 72
ctrl.setPdfPosition(scope.pages[first.page - 1], position)
for h in highlights
console.log 'iterating highlights', h
page = scope.pages[h.page]
element = page.element
viewport = page.viewport
highlightsElement = $(element).find('.highlights-layer')
highlightsLayer = new pdfHighlights({
highlights: highlightsElement
viewport: viewport
#ctrl.setHighlights(highlights, true)
#setTimeout () =>
# pdfListView.clearHighlights()
#, 1000