mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 20:47:08 -05:00
Use new redis-sharelatex instead of RedisBackend for cluster abstraction
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 63 additions and 808 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ if Settings.sentry?.dsn?
RedisManager = require('./app/js/RedisManager')
DispatchManager = require('./app/js/DispatchManager')
Keys = require('./app/js/RedisKeyBuilder')
Errors = require "./app/js/Errors"
HttpController = require "./app/js/HttpController"
@ -63,15 +62,18 @@ app.get '/status', (req, res)->
res.send('document updater is alive')
redisCheck = require("redis-sharelatex").activeHealthCheckRedis(Settings.redis.web)
app.get "/health_check/redis", (req, res, next)->
if redisCheck.isAlive()
res.send 200
res.send 500
webRedisClient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.web)
app.get "/health_check/redis", (req, res, next) ->
webRedisClient.healthCheck (error) ->
if error?
logger.err {err: error}, "failed redis health check"
res.send 500
res.send 200
docUpdaterRedisClient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.documentupdater)
app.get "/health_check/redis_cluster", (req, res, next) ->
RedisManager.rclient.healthCheck (error, alive) ->
docUpdaterRedisClient.healthCheck (error) ->
if error?
logger.err {err: error}, "failed redis cluster health check"
res.send 500
@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
async = require "async"
_ = require "underscore"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
Metrics = require "metrics-sharelatex"
class Client
constructor: (@clients) ->
multi: () ->
return new MultiClient(
@clients.map (client) -> {
rclient: client.rclient.multi()
key_schema: client.key_schema
primary: client.primary
driver: client.driver
healthCheck: (callback) ->
jobs = @clients.map (client) =>
(cb) => @_healthCheckClient(client, cb)
async.parallel jobs, callback
_healthCheckClient: (client, callback) ->
if client.driver == "ioredis"
@_healthCheckClusterClient(client, callback)
@_healthCheckNodeRedisClient(client, callback)
_healthCheckNodeRedisClient: (client, callback) ->
client.healthCheck ?= require("redis-sharelatex").activeHealthCheckRedis(Settings.redis.web)
if client.healthCheck.isAlive()
return callback()
return callback(new Error("node-redis client failed health check"))
_healthCheckClusterClient: (client, callback) ->
jobs = client.rclient.nodes("all").map (n) =>
(cb) => @_checkNode(n, cb)
async.parallel jobs, callback
_checkNode: (node, _callback) ->
callback = (args...) ->
_callback = () ->
timer = setTimeout () ->
error = new Error("ioredis node ping check timed out")
logger.error {err: error, key: node.options.key}, "node timed out"
node.ping (err) ->
clearTimeout timer
class MultiClient
constructor: (@clients) ->
exec: (callback) ->
primaryError = null
primaryResult = null
jobs = @clients.map (client) =>
(cb) =>
cb = _.once(cb)
timer = new Metrics.Timer("redis.#{client.driver}.exec")
timeout = null
if !client.primary
timeout = setTimeout () ->
logger.error {err: new Error("#{client.driver} backend timed out")}, "backend timed out"
client.rclient.exec (error, result) =>
if client.driver == "ioredis"
# ioredis returns an results like:
# [ [null, 42], [null, "foo"] ]
# where the first entries in each 2-tuple are
# presumably errors for each individual command,
# and the second entry is the result. We need to transform
# this into the same result as the old redis driver:
# [ 42, "foo" ]
filtered_result = []
for entry in result or []
if entry[0]?
return cb(entry[0])
filtered_result.push entry[1]
result = filtered_result
if client.primary
primaryError = error
primaryResult = result
if timeout?
cb(error, result)
async.parallel jobs, (error, results) ->
if error?
# suppress logging of errors
# logger.error {err: error}, "error in redis backend"
compareResults(results, "exec")
callback(primaryError, primaryResult)
"get": 0,
"smembers": 0,
"set": 0,
"srem": 0,
"sadd": 0,
"del": 0,
"lrange": 0,
"llen": 0,
"rpush": 0,
"expire": 0,
"ltrim": 0,
"incr": 0,
"eval": 2
for command, key_pos of COMMANDS
do (command, key_pos) ->
Client.prototype[command] = (args..., callback) ->
primaryError = null
primaryResult = []
jobs = @clients.map (client) =>
(cb) =>
cb = _.once(cb)
key_builder = args[key_pos]
key = key_builder(client.key_schema)
args_with_key = args.slice(0)
args_with_key[key_pos] = key
timer = new Metrics.Timer("redis.#{client.driver}.#{command}")
timeout = null
if !client.primary
timeout = setTimeout () ->
logger.error {err: new Error("#{client.driver} backend timed out")}, "backend timed out"
client.rclient[command] args_with_key..., (error, result...) =>
if client.primary
primaryError = error
primaryResult = result
if timeout?
cb(error, result...)
async.parallel jobs, (error, results) ->
if error?
logger.error {err: error}, "error in redis backend"
compareResults(results, command)
callback(primaryError, primaryResult...)
MultiClient.prototype[command] = (args...) ->
for client in @clients
key_builder = args[key_pos]
key = key_builder(client.key_schema)
args_with_key = args.slice(0)
args_with_key[key_pos] = key
client.rclient[command] args_with_key...
compareResults = (results, command) ->
return if results.length < 2
first = results[0]
if command == "smembers" and first?
first = first.slice().sort()
for result in results.slice(1)
if command == "smembers" and result?
result = result.slice().sort()
if not _.isEqual(first, result)
logger.error results: results, "redis backend conflict"
Metrics.inc "backend-conflict"
Metrics.inc "backend-match"
module.exports =
createClient: () ->
client_configs = Settings.redis.documentupdater
unless client_configs instanceof Array
client_configs.primary = true
client_configs = [client_configs]
clients = client_configs.map (config) ->
if config.cluster?
Redis = require("ioredis")
rclient = new Redis.Cluster(config.cluster)
driver = "ioredis"
redis_config = {}
for key in ["host", "port", "password", "endpoints", "masterName"]
if config[key]?
redis_config[key] = config[key]
rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(redis_config)
driver = "noderedis"
return {
rclient: rclient
key_schema: config.key_schema
primary: config.primary
driver: driver
return new Client(clients)
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# The default key schema looks like:
# doclines:foo
# DocVersion:foo
# but if we use redis cluster, we want all 'foo' keys to map to the same
# node, so we must use:
# doclines:{foo}
# DocVersion:{foo}
# since redis hashes on the contents of {...}.
# To transparently support different key schemas for different clients
# (potential writing/reading to both a cluster and single instance
# while we migrate), instead of keys, we now pass around functions which
# will build the key when passed a schema.
# E.g.
# key_schema = Settings.redis.keys
# key_schema == { docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:#{doc_id}", ... }
# key_builder = RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: "foo"})
# key_builder == (key_schema) -> key_schema.docLines({doc_id: "foo"})
# key = key_builder(key_schema)
# key == "doclines:foo"
module.exports = RedisKeyBuilder =
blockingKey: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.blockingKey({doc_id})
docLines: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.docLines({doc_id})
docOps: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.docOps({doc_id})
docVersion: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.docVersion({doc_id})
docHash: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.docHash({doc_id})
projectKey: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.projectKey({doc_id})
uncompressedHistoryOp: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.uncompressedHistoryOp({doc_id})
pendingUpdates: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.pendingUpdates({doc_id})
ranges: ({doc_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.ranges({doc_id})
docsInProject: ({project_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.docsInProject({project_id})
docsWithHistoryOps: ({project_id}) ->
return (key_schema) -> key_schema.docsWithHistoryOps({project_id})
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
async = require('async')
rclient = require("./RedisBackend").createClient()
rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.documentupdater)
_ = require('underscore')
keys = require('./RedisKeyBuilder')
logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
metrics = require('./Metrics')
Errors = require "./Errors"
@ -25,6 +24,8 @@ logHashWriteErrors = logHashErrors?.write
MEGABYTES = 1024 * 1024
keys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema
module.exports = RedisManager =
rclient: rclient
@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ module.exports =
documentupdater: [{
primary: true
port: "6379"
host: "localhost"
password: ""
blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:#{doc_id}"
docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:#{doc_id}"
@ -34,20 +33,19 @@ module.exports =
projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:#{doc_id}"
docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:#{project_id}"
ranges: ({doc_id}) -> "Ranges:#{doc_id}"
# }, {
# cluster: [{
# port: "7000"
# host: "localhost"
# }]
# key_schema:
# blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:{#{doc_id}}"
# docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:{#{doc_id}}"
# docOps: ({doc_id}) -> "DocOps:{#{doc_id}}"
# docVersion: ({doc_id}) -> "DocVersion:{#{doc_id}}"
# projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:{#{doc_id}}"
# docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:{#{project_id}}"
# ranges: ({doc_id}) -> "Ranges:{#{doc_id}}"
# cluster: [{
# port: "7000"
# host: "localhost"
# }]
# key_schema:
# blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:{#{doc_id}}"
# docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:{#{doc_id}}"
# docOps: ({doc_id}) -> "DocOps:{#{doc_id}}"
# docVersion: ({doc_id}) -> "DocVersion:{#{doc_id}}"
# docHash: ({doc_id}) -> "DocHash:{#{doc_id}}"
# projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:{#{doc_id}}"
# docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:{#{project_id}}"
# ranges: ({doc_id}) -> "Ranges:{#{doc_id}}"
max_doc_length: 2 * 1024 * 1024 # 2mb
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"logger-sharelatex": "git+https://github.com/sharelatex/logger-sharelatex.git#v1.5.6",
"lynx": "0.0.11",
"metrics-sharelatex": "git+https://github.com/sharelatex/metrics-sharelatex.git#v1.5.0",
"redis-sharelatex": "0.0.9",
"redis-sharelatex": "git+https://github.com/sharelatex/redis-sharelatex.git#v1.0.0",
"request": "2.25.0",
"sandboxed-module": "~0.2.0",
"settings-sharelatex": "git+https://github.com/sharelatex/settings-sharelatex.git#v1.0.0",
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ chai.should()
expect = chai.expect
async = require "async"
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.web)
rclient_web = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.web)
rclient_du = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.documentupdater)
Keys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema
MockTrackChangesApi = require "./helpers/MockTrackChangesApi"
MockWebApi = require "./helpers/MockWebApi"
@ -47,10 +49,10 @@ describe "Applying updates to a doc", ->
it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
rclient_web.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
throw error if error?
JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op
rclient.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
rclient_web.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
throw error if error?
result.should.equal 1
@ -80,9 +82,9 @@ describe "Applying updates to a doc", ->
it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
rclient_web.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op
rclient.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
rclient_web.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
result.should.equal 1
@ -125,17 +127,17 @@ describe "Applying updates to a doc", ->
it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
rclient_web.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
updates = (JSON.parse(u) for u in updates)
for appliedUpdate, i in @updates
appliedUpdate.op.should.deep.equal updates[i].op
rclient.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
rclient_web.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
result.should.equal 1
it "should store the doc ops in the correct order", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "DocOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
rclient_du.lrange Keys.docOps({doc_id: @doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
updates = (JSON.parse(u) for u in updates)
for appliedUpdate, i in @updates
appliedUpdate.op.should.deep.equal updates[i].op
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ chai = require("chai")
expect = require("chai").expect
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.web)
rclient_du = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.documentupdater)
Keys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema
MockTrackChangesApi = require "./helpers/MockTrackChangesApi"
MockWebApi = require "./helpers/MockWebApi"
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ describe "Setting a document", ->
it "should leave the document in redis", (done) ->
rclient.get "doclines:#{@doc_id}", (error, lines) =>
rclient_du.get Keys.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, lines) =>
throw error if error?
expect(JSON.parse(lines)).to.deep.equal @newLines
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ describe "Setting a document", ->
MockTrackChangesApi.flushDoc.calledWith(@doc_id).should.equal true
it "should remove the document from redis", (done) ->
rclient.get "doclines:#{@doc_id}", (error, lines) =>
rclient_du.get Keys.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, lines) =>
throw error if error?
@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
sinon = require('sinon')
chai = require('chai')
should = chai.should()
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/RedisBackend.js"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
RedisKeyBuilder = require "../../../../app/js/RedisKeyBuilder"
describe "RedisBackend", ->
beforeEach ->
@Settings =
documentupdater: [{
primary: true
port: "6379"
host: "localhost"
password: "single-password"
blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:#{doc_id}"
docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:#{doc_id}"
docOps: ({doc_id}) -> "DocOps:#{doc_id}"
docVersion: ({doc_id}) -> "DocVersion:#{doc_id}"
docHash: ({doc_id}) -> "DocHash:#{doc_id}"
projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:#{doc_id}"
pendingUpdates: ({doc_id}) -> "PendingUpdates:#{doc_id}"
docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:#{project_id}"
}, {
cluster: [{
port: "7000"
host: "localhost"
password: "cluster-password"
blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:{#{doc_id}}"
docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:{#{doc_id}}"
docOps: ({doc_id}) -> "DocOps:{#{doc_id}}"
docVersion: ({doc_id}) -> "DocVersion:{#{doc_id}}"
docHash: ({doc_id}) -> "DocHash:{#{doc_id}}"
projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:{#{doc_id}}"
pendingUpdates: ({doc_id}) -> "PendingUpdates:{#{doc_id}}"
docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:{#{project_id}}"
test_context = @
class Cluster
constructor: (@config) ->
test_context.rclient_ioredis = @
nodes: sinon.stub()
@timer = timer = sinon.stub()
class Timer
constructor: (args...) -> timer(args...)
done: () ->
@RedisBackend = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"settings-sharelatex": @Settings
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { error: sinon.stub(), log: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() }
"redis-sharelatex": @redis =
createClient: sinon.stub().returns @rclient_redis = {}
activeHealthCheck: sinon.stub()
"ioredis": @ioredis =
Cluster: Cluster
@Metrics =
inc: sinon.stub()
Timer: Timer
@client = @RedisBackend.createClient()
@doc_id = "mock-doc-id"
@project_id = "mock-project-id"
it "should create a redis client", ->
port: "6379"
host: "localhost"
password: "single-password"
.should.equal true
it "should create an ioredis cluster client", ->
@rclient_ioredis.config.should.deep.equal [{
port: "7000"
host: "localhost"
describe "individual commands", ->
describe "with the same results", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@content = "bar"
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.get.withArgs("doclines:#{@doc_id}").yields(null, @content)
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.get.withArgs("doclines:{#{@doc_id}}").yields(null, @content)
@client.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () -> # Let all background requests complete
it "should return the result", ->
@result.should.equal @content
it "should have called the redis client with the appropriate key", ->
.should.equal true
it "should have called the ioredis cluster client with the appropriate key", ->
.should.equal true
it "should send a metric", ->
.should.equal true
it "should time the commands", ->
.should.equal true
.should.equal true
describe "with different results", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.get.withArgs("doclines:#{@doc_id}").yields(null, "primary-result")
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.get.withArgs("doclines:{#{@doc_id}}").yields(null, "secondary-result")
@client.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () -> # Let all background requests complete
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.equal "primary-result"
it "should send a metric", ->
.should.equal true
describe "with differently ordered results from smembers", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.smembers = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.smembers.withArgs("DocsIn:#{@project_id}").yields(null, ["one", "two"])
@rclient_ioredis.smembers = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.smembers.withArgs("DocsIn:{#{@project_id}}").yields(null, ["two", "one"])
@client.smembers RedisKeyBuilder.docsInProject({project_id: @project_id}), (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () -> # Let all background requests complete
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.deep.equal ["one", "two"]
it "should send a metric indicating a match", ->
.should.equal true
describe "when the secondary errors", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.get.withArgs("doclines:#{@doc_id}").yields(null, "primary-result")
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.get.withArgs("doclines:{#{@doc_id}}").yields(@error = new Error("oops"))
@client.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () -> # Let all background requests complete
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.equal "primary-result"
it "should log out the secondary error", ->
err: @error
}, "error in redis backend")
.should.equal true
describe "when the primary errors", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.get.withArgs("doclines:#{@doc_id}").yields(@error = new Error("oops"))
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.get.withArgs("doclines:{#{@doc_id}}").yields(null, "secondary-result")
@client.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (@returned_error, @result) =>
setTimeout () -> # Let all background requests complete
it "should return the error", ->
@returned_error.should.equal @error
it "should log out the error", ->
err: @error
}, "error in redis backend")
.should.equal true
describe "when the command has the key in a non-zero argument index", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@script = "mock-script"
@key_count = 1
@value = "mock-value"
@rclient_redis.eval = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.eval.withArgs(@script, @key_count, "Blocking:#{@doc_id}", @value).yields(null)
@rclient_ioredis.eval = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.eval.withArgs(@script, @key_count, "Blocking:{#{@doc_id}}", @value).yields(null, @content)
@client.eval @script, @key_count, RedisKeyBuilder.blockingKey({doc_id: @doc_id}), @value, (error) =>
setTimeout () -> # Let all background requests complete
it "should have called the redis client with the appropriate key", ->
.calledWith(@script, @key_count, "Blocking:#{@doc_id}", @value)
.should.equal true
it "should have called the ioredis cluster client with the appropriate key", ->
.calledWith(@script, @key_count, "Blocking:{#{@doc_id}}", @value)
.should.equal true
describe "when the secondary takes longer than SECONDARY_TIMEOUT", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@content = "bar"
@rclient_redis.get = (key, cb) =>
key.should.equal "doclines:#{@doc_id}"
setTimeout () =>
cb(null, @content)
, @client.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * 3 # If the secondary errors first, don't affect the primary result
@rclient_ioredis.get = (key, cb) =>
key.should.equal "doclines:{#{@doc_id}}"
setTimeout () =>
cb(null, @content)
@client.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, @result) =>
it "should log out an error for the backend", ->
.calledWith({err: new Error("backend timed out")}, "backend timed out")
.should.equal true
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.equal @content
describe "when the primary takes longer than SECONDARY_TIMEOUT", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@content = "bar"
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.get.withArgs("doclines:{#{@doc_id}}").yields(null, @content)
@rclient_redis.get = (key, cb) =>
key.should.equal "doclines:#{@doc_id}"
setTimeout () =>
cb(null, @content)
@client.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id}), (error, @result) =>
it "should not consider this an error", ->
.should.equal false
describe "multi commands", ->
beforeEach ->
# We will test with:
# rclient.multi()
# .get("doclines:foo")
# .get("DocVersion:foo")
# .exec (...) ->
@doclines = "mock-doclines"
@version = "42"
@rclient_redis.multi = sinon.stub().returns @rclient_redis
@rclient_ioredis.multi = sinon.stub().returns @rclient_ioredis
describe "with the same results", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(null, [@doclines, @version])
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(null, [ [null, @doclines], [null, @version] ])
multi = @client.multi()
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docVersion({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.exec (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () ->
it "should return the result", ->
@result.should.deep.equal [@doclines, @version]
it "should have called the redis client with the appropriate keys", ->
.should.equal true
.should.equal true
.should.equal true
it "should have called the ioredis cluster client with the appropriate keys", ->
.should.equal true
.should.equal true
.should.equal true
it "should send a metric", ->
.should.equal true
it "should time the exec", ->
.should.equal true
.should.equal true
describe "with different results", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(null, [@doclines, @version])
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(null, [ [null, "different-doc-lines"], [null, @version] ])
multi = @client.multi()
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docVersion({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.exec (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () ->
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.deep.equal [@doclines, @version]
it "should send a metric", ->
.should.equal true
describe "when the secondary errors", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(null, [@doclines, @version])
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(@error = new Error("oops"))
multi = @client.multi()
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docVersion({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.exec (error, @result) =>
setTimeout () ->
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.deep.equal [@doclines, @version]
describe "when the primary errors", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(@error = new Error("oops"))
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.exec = sinon.stub().yields([ [null, @doclines], [null, @version] ])
multi = @client.multi()
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docVersion({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.exec (@returned_error) =>
setTimeout () -> done()
it "should return the error", ->
@returned_error.should.equal @error
describe "when the secondary takes longer than SECONDARY_TIMEOUT", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.exec = (cb) =>
setTimeout () =>
cb(null, [@doclines, @version])
, 30 # If secondary errors first, don't affect the primary result
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.exec = (cb) =>
setTimeout () =>
cb(null, [ [null, @doclines], [null, @version] ])
, 20
multi = @client.multi()
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docVersion({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.exec (error, @result) =>
it "should log out an error for the backend", ->
.calledWith({err: new Error("backend timed out")}, "backend timed out")
.should.equal true
it "should return the primary result", ->
@result.should.deep.equal [@doclines, @version]
describe "when the primary takes longer than SECONDARY_TIMEOUT", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@rclient_redis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_redis.exec = (cb) =>
setTimeout () =>
cb(null, [@doclines, @version])
, 20
@rclient_ioredis.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.exec = sinon.stub().yields(null, [ [null, @doclines], [null, @version] ])
multi = @client.multi()
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docLines({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.get RedisKeyBuilder.docVersion({doc_id: @doc_id})
multi.exec (error, @result) =>
it "should not consider this an error", ->
.should.equal false
describe "_healthCheckNodeRedisClient", ->
beforeEach ->
@redis.activeHealthCheckRedis = sinon.stub().returns @healthCheck = {
isAlive: sinon.stub()
describe "successfully", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@healthCheck.isAlive.returns true
@redis_client = {}
@client._healthCheckNodeRedisClient(@redis_client, done)
it "should check the status of the node redis client", ->
@healthCheck.isAlive.called.should.equal true
it "should only create one health check when called multiple times", (done) ->
@client._healthCheckNodeRedisClient @redis_client, () =>
@redis.activeHealthCheckRedis.calledOnce.should.equal true
@healthCheck.isAlive.calledTwice.should.equal true
describe "when failing", ->
beforeEach ->
@healthCheck.isAlive.returns false
@redis_client = {}
it "should return an error", (done) ->
@client._healthCheckNodeRedisClient @redis_client, (error) ->
error.message.should.equal "node-redis client failed health check"
describe "_healthCheckClusterClient", ->
beforeEach ->
@nodes = [{
options: key: "node-0"
stream: destroy: sinon.stub()
}, {
options: key: "node-1"
stream: destroy: sinon.stub()
@rclient_ioredis.nodes = sinon.stub().returns(@nodes)
describe "when both clients are successful", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@nodes[0].ping = sinon.stub().yields()
@nodes[1].ping = sinon.stub().yields()
@client._healthCheckClusterClient({ rclient: @rclient_ioredis }, done)
it "should get all cluster nodes", ->
.should.equal true
it "should ping each cluster node", ->
for node in @nodes
node.ping.called.should.equal true
describe "when ping fails to a node", ->
beforeEach ->
@nodes[0].ping = (cb) -> cb()
@nodes[1].ping = (cb) -> # Just hang
it "should return an error", (done) ->
@client._healthCheckClusterClient { rclient: @rclient_ioredis }, (error) ->
error.message.should.equal "ioredis node ping check timed out"
@ -14,20 +14,24 @@ describe "RedisManager", ->
@rclient.multi = () => @rclient
@RedisManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath,
createClient: () => @rclient
blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:#{doc_id}"
docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:#{doc_id}"
docOps: ({doc_id}) -> "DocOps:#{doc_id}"
docVersion: ({doc_id}) -> "DocVersion:#{doc_id}"
docHash: ({doc_id}) -> "DocHash:#{doc_id}"
projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:#{doc_id}"
pendingUpdates: ({doc_id}) -> "PendingUpdates:#{doc_id}"
docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:#{project_id}"
ranges: ({doc_id}) -> "Ranges:#{doc_id}"
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { error: sinon.stub(), log: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() }
"settings-sharelatex": {documentupdater: {logHashErrors: {write:true, read:true}}}
"settings-sharelatex": {
documentupdater: {logHashErrors: {write:true, read:true}}
blockingKey: ({doc_id}) -> "Blocking:#{doc_id}"
docLines: ({doc_id}) -> "doclines:#{doc_id}"
docOps: ({doc_id}) -> "DocOps:#{doc_id}"
docVersion: ({doc_id}) -> "DocVersion:#{doc_id}"
docHash: ({doc_id}) -> "DocHash:#{doc_id}"
projectKey: ({doc_id}) -> "ProjectId:#{doc_id}"
pendingUpdates: ({doc_id}) -> "PendingUpdates:#{doc_id}"
docsInProject: ({project_id}) -> "DocsIn:#{project_id}"
ranges: ({doc_id}) -> "Ranges:#{doc_id}"
createClient: () => @rclient
"./Metrics": @metrics =
inc: sinon.stub()
Timer: class Timer
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ describe "WebRedisManager", ->
@WebRedisManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"redis-sharelatex": createClient: () => @rclient
"settings-sharelatex": redis: web: @settings = {"mock": "settings"}
"logger-sharelatex": { log: () -> }
@doc_id = "doc-id-123"
@project_id = "project-id-123"
@callback = sinon.stub()
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