Create a RedisWrapper, and use it for rate limiting.

This commit is contained in:
Shane Kilkelly 2016-12-19 12:17:02 +00:00
parent 637fcb5784
commit ef0a5801d5
5 changed files with 98 additions and 4366 deletions

View file

@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
redis = require("redis-sharelatex")
rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.web)
redback = require("redback").use(rclient)
RedisWrapper = require('./RedisWrapper')
rclient = RedisWrapper.client('ratelimiter')
module.exports =
module.exports = RateLimiter =
_buildKey: (endpoint, subject) ->
return "RateLimiter:#{endpoint}:{#{subject}}"
addCount: (opts, callback = (opts, shouldProcess)->)->
ratelimit = redback.createRateLimit(opts.endpointName)
ratelimit.addCount opts.subjectName, opts.timeInterval, (err, callCount)->
shouldProcess = callCount < opts.throttle
callback(err, shouldProcess)
k = RateLimiter._buildKey(opts.endpointName, opts.subjectName)
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.expire(k, opts.timeInterval)
multi.exec (err, results)->
console.log ">> results", results
count = results[1]
# account for the different results from `multi` when using cluster
if count instanceof Object
count = count[1]
allow = count < opts.throttle
callback err, allow
clearRateLimit: (endpointName, subject, callback) ->
rclient.del "#{endpointName}:#{subject}", callback
k = RateLimiter._buildKey(endpointName, subject)
rclient.del k, callback

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex'
redis = require 'redis-sharelatex'
ioredis = require 'ioredis'
logger = require 'logger-sharelatex'
# A per-feature interface to Redis,
# looks up the feature in `settings.redis`
# and returns an appropriate client.
# Necessary because we don't want to migrate web over
# to redis-cluster all at once.
# TODO: consider merging into `redis-sharelatex`
module.exports = Redis =
# feature = 'websessions' | 'ratelimiter' | ...
client: (feature) ->
redisFeatureSettings = Settings.redis[feature] or Settings.redis.web
if redisFeatureSettings?.cluster?
logger.log {feature}, "creating redis-cluster client"
rclient = new ioredis.Cluster(redisFeatureSettings.cluster)
rclient._is_redis_cluster = true
logger.log {feature}, "creating redis client"
rclient = redis.createClient(redisFeatureSettings)
return rclient

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"passport": "^0.3.2",
"passport-ldapauth": "^0.6.0",
"passport-local": "^1.0.0",
"redback": "0.4.0",
"redis": "0.10.1",
"redis-sharelatex": "0.0.9",
"request": "^2.69.0",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ expect = chai.expect
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/infrastructure/RateLimiter.js"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "FileStoreHandler", ->
describe "RateLimiter", ->
beforeEach ->
@settings =
@ -15,23 +15,22 @@ describe "FileStoreHandler", ->
password: "password"
@redbackInstance =
addCount: sinon.stub()
@redback =
createRateLimit: sinon.stub().returns(@redbackInstance)
@redis =
createClient: ->
return auth:->
@rclient =
incr: sinon.stub()
get: sinon.stub()
expire: sinon.stub()
exec: sinon.stub()
@rclient.multi = sinon.stub().returns(@rclient)
@RedisWrapper =
client: sinon.stub().returns(@rclient)
@limiter = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"logger-sharelatex" : @logger = {log:sinon.stub(), err:sinon.stub()}
"redis-sharelatex": @redis
"redback": use: => @redback
"./RedisWrapper": @RedisWrapper
@endpointName = "compiles"
@subject = "some project id"
@subject = "some-project-id"
@timeInterval = 20
@throttleLimit = 5
@ -40,43 +39,47 @@ describe "FileStoreHandler", ->
subjectName: @subject
throttle: @throttleLimit
timeInterval: @timeInterval
@key = "RateLimiter:#{@endpointName}:{#{@subject}}"
for redisType, resultSet of {
normal:[10, '10', 10],
cluster:[[null,10], [null,'10'], [null,10]]
do (redisType, resultSet) ->
describe "addCount", ->
describe "addCount with #{redisType} redis", ->
beforeEach ->
@redbackInstance.addCount.callsArgWith(2, null, 10)
beforeEach ->
@results = resultSet
@rclient.incr = sinon.stub()
@rclient.get = sinon.stub()
@rclient.expire = sinon.stub()
@rclient.exec = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0, null, @results)
it "should use correct namespace", (done)->
@limiter.addCount @details, =>
@redback.createRateLimit.calledWith(@endpointName).should.equal true
it "should use correct key", (done)->
@limiter.addCount @details, =>
@rclient.incr.calledWith(@key).should.equal true
it "should only call it once", (done)->
@limiter.addCount @details, =>
@redbackInstance.addCount.callCount.should.equal 1
it "should only call it once", (done)->
@limiter.addCount @details, =>
@rclient.exec.callCount.should.equal 1
it "should use the subjectName", (done)->
@limiter.addCount @details, =>
@redbackInstance.addCount.calledWith(@details.subjectName, @details.timeInterval).should.equal true
it "should return true if the count is less than throttle", (done)->
@details.throttle = 100
@limiter.addCount @details, (err, canProcess)=>
canProcess.should.equal true
it "should return true if the count is less than throttle", (done)->
@details.throttle = 100
@limiter.addCount @details, (err, canProcess)=>
canProcess.should.equal true
it "should return true if the count is less than throttle", (done)->
@details.throttle = 1
@limiter.addCount @details, (err, canProcess)=>
canProcess.should.equal false
it "should return false if the limit is matched", (done)->
@details.throttle = 10
@limiter.addCount @details, (err, canProcess)=>
canProcess.should.equal false
it "should return true if the count is less than throttle", (done)->
@details.throttle = 1
@limiter.addCount @details, (err, canProcess)=>
canProcess.should.equal false
it "should return false if the limit is matched", (done)->
@details.throttle = 10
@limiter.addCount @details, (err, canProcess)=>
canProcess.should.equal false