mirror of
synced 2024-11-07 20:31:06 -05:00
Merge pull request #661 from sharelatex/mm-external-compiles
Public endpoints for CLSIs
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 378 additions and 27 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ async = require("async")
ClsiFormatChecker = require("./ClsiFormatChecker")
DocumentUpdaterHandler = require "../DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler"
Metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex')
Errors = require ('../Errors/Errors')
module.exports = ClsiManager =
@ -35,24 +36,16 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, "sending compile to CLSI"
ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems req.compile?.resources, (err, validationProblems)->
if err?
logger.err err, project_id, "could not check resources for potential problems before sending to clsi"
return callback(err)
if validationProblems?
logger.log project_id:project_id, validationProblems:validationProblems, "problems with users latex before compile was attempted"
return callback(null, "validation-problems", null, null, validationProblems)
ClsiManager._postToClsi project_id, user_id, req, options.compileGroup, (error, response) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, project_id:project_id, "error sending request to clsi"
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, outputFilesLength: response?.outputFiles?.length, status: response?.status, compile_status: response?.compile?.status, "received compile response from CLSI"
ClsiCookieManager._getServerId project_id, (err, clsiServerId)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting server id"
return callback(err)
outputFiles = ClsiManager._parseOutputFiles(project_id, response?.compile?.outputFiles)
callback(null, response?.compile?.status, outputFiles, clsiServerId)
ClsiManager._sendBuiltRequest project_id, user_id, req, options, (error, status, result...) ->
return callback(error) if error?
callback(error, status, result...)
# for public API requests where there is no project id
sendExternalRequest: (submission_id, clsi_request, options = {}, callback = (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->) ->
logger.log submission_id: submission_id, "sending external compile to CLSI", clsi_request
ClsiManager._sendBuiltRequest submission_id, null, clsi_request, options, (error, status, result...) ->
return callback(error) if error?
callback(error, status, result...)
stopCompile: (project_id, user_id, options, callback = (error) ->) ->
compilerUrl = @_getCompilerUrl(options?.compileGroup, project_id, user_id, "compile/stop")
@ -74,6 +67,26 @@ module.exports = ClsiManager =
return callback(error) if error?
_sendBuiltRequest: (project_id, user_id, req, options = {}, callback = (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->) ->
ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems req.compile?.resources, (err, validationProblems)->
if err?
logger.err err, project_id, "could not check resources for potential problems before sending to clsi"
return callback(err)
if validationProblems?
logger.log project_id:project_id, validationProblems:validationProblems, "problems with users latex before compile was attempted"
return callback(null, "validation-problems", null, null, validationProblems)
ClsiManager._postToClsi project_id, user_id, req, options.compileGroup, (error, response) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, project_id:project_id, "error sending request to clsi"
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, outputFilesLength: response?.outputFiles?.length, status: response?.status, compile_status: response?.compile?.status, "received compile response from CLSI"
ClsiCookieManager._getServerId project_id, (err, clsiServerId)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting server id"
return callback(err)
outputFiles = ClsiManager._parseOutputFiles(project_id, response?.compile?.outputFiles)
callback(null, response?.compile?.status, outputFiles, clsiServerId)
_makeRequest: (project_id, opts, callback)->
ClsiCookieManager.getCookieJar project_id, (err, jar)->
if err?
@ -55,6 +55,33 @@ module.exports = CompileController =
return next(error) if error?
# Used for submissions through the public API
compileSubmission: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
res.setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000)
submission_id = req.params.submission_id
options = {}
if req.body?.rootResourcePath?
options.rootResourcePath = req.body.rootResourcePath
if req.body?.compiler
options.compiler = req.body.compiler
if req.body?.draft
options.draft = req.body.draft
if req.body?.check in ['validate', 'error', 'silent']
options.check = req.body.check
options.compileGroup = req.body?.compileGroup || Settings.defaultFeatures.compileGroup
options.timeout = req.body?.timeout || Settings.defaultFeatures.compileTimeout
logger.log {options:options, submission_id:submission_id}, "got compileSubmission request"
ClsiManager.sendExternalRequest submission_id, req.body, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->
return next(error) if error?
logger.log {submission_id:submission_id, files:outputFiles}, "compileSubmission output files"
res.status(200).send JSON.stringify {
status: status
outputFiles: outputFiles
clsiServerId: clsiServerId
validationProblems: validationProblems
_compileAsUser: (req, callback) ->
# callback with user_id if per-user, undefined otherwise
if not Settings.disablePerUserCompiles
@ -139,6 +166,12 @@ module.exports = CompileController =
url = CompileController._getFileUrl project_id, user_id, req.params.build_id, req.params.file
CompileController.proxyToClsi(project_id, url, req, res, next)
getFileFromClsiWithoutUser: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
submission_id = req.params.submission_id
url = CompileController._getFileUrl submission_id, null, req.params.build_id, req.params.file
limits = { compileGroup: req.body?.compileGroup || Settings.defaultFeatures.compileGroup }
CompileController.proxyToClsiWithLimits(submission_id, url, limits, req, res, next)
# compute a GET file url for a given project, user (optional), build (optional) and file
_getFileUrl: (project_id, user_id, build_id, file) ->
if user_id? and build_id?
@ -295,6 +295,22 @@ module.exports = class Router
webRouter.post "/confirm-password", AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), SudoModeController.submitPassword
# New "api" endpoints. Started as a way for v1 to call over to v2 (for
# long-term features, as opposed to the nominally temporary ones in the
# overleaf-integration module), but may expand beyond that role.
publicApiRouter.post '/api/clsi/compile/:submission_id', AuthenticationController.httpAuth, CompileController.compileSubmission
publicApiRouter.get /^\/api\/clsi\/compile\/([^\/]*)\/build\/([0-9a-f-]+)\/output\/(.*)$/,
((req, res, next) ->
params =
"submission_id": req.params[0]
"build_id": req.params[1]
"file": req.params[2]
req.params = params
#Admin Stuff
webRouter.get '/admin', AuthorizationMiddlewear.ensureUserIsSiteAdmin, AdminController.index
webRouter.get '/admin/user', AuthorizationMiddlewear.ensureUserIsSiteAdmin, (req, res)-> res.redirect("/admin/register") #this gets removed by admin-panel addon
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
expect = require("chai").expect
request = require './helpers/request'
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
auth = new Buffer('sharelatex:password').toString("base64")
authed_request = request.defaults
Authorization: "Basic #{auth}"
describe 'ApiClsiTests', ->
describe 'compile', ->
before (done) ->
@compileSpec =
compiler: 'pdflatex'
timeout: 60
rootResourcePath: 'main.tex'
resources: [
path: 'main/tex'
content: "\\documentclass{article}\n\\begin{document}\nHello World\n\\end{document}"
path: 'image.png'
url: 'www.example.com/image.png'
modified: 123456789
describe 'valid request', ->
it 'returns success and a list of output files', (done) ->
authed_request.post {
uri: '/api/clsi/compile/abcd'
json: @compileSpec
}, (error, response, body) ->
throw error if error?
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 200
expect(response.body).to.deep.equal {
status: 'success'
outputFiles: [
path: 'project.pdf'
url: '/project/abcd/build/1234/output/project.pdf'
type: 'pdf'
build: 1234
path: 'project.log'
url: '/project/abcd/build/1234/output/project.log'
type: 'log'
build: 1234
describe 'unauthorized', ->
it 'returns 401', (done) ->
request.post {
uri: '/api/clsi/compile/abcd'
json: @compileSpec
}, (error, response, body) ->
throw error if error?
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 401
expect(response.body).to.equal 'Unauthorized'
describe 'get output', ->
describe 'valid file', ->
it 'returns the file', (done) ->
authed_request.get '/api/clsi/compile/abcd/build/1234/output/project.pdf', (error, response, body) ->
throw error if error?
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 200
expect(response.body).to.equal 'mock-pdf'
describe 'invalid file', ->
it 'returns 404', (done) ->
authed_request.get '/api/clsi/compile/abcd/build/1234/output/project.aux', (error, response, body) ->
throw error if error?
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 404
expect(response.body).to.not.equal 'mock-pdf'
describe 'unauthorized', ->
it 'returns 401', (done) ->
request.get '/api/clsi/compile/abcd/build/1234/output/project.pdf', (error, response, body) ->
throw error if error?
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 401
expect(response.body).to.not.equal 'mock-pdf'
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
express = require("express")
app = express()
module.exports = MockClsiApi =
run: () ->
app.post "/project/:project_id/compile", (req, res, next) =>
res.status(200).send {
status: 'success'
error: null
outputFiles: [
url: "/project/#{req.params.project_id}/build/1234/output/project.pdf"
path: 'project.pdf'
type: 'pdf'
build: 1234
url: "/project/#{req.params.project_id}/build/1234/output/project.log"
path: 'project.log'
type: 'log'
build: 1234
app.get "/project/:project_id/build/:build_id/output/*", (req, res, next) ->
filename = req.params[0]
if filename == 'project.pdf'
res.status(200).send 'mock-pdf'
else if filename == 'project.log'
res.status(200).send 'mock-log'
app.listen 3013, (error) ->
throw error if error?
.on "error", (error) ->
console.error "error starting MockClsiApi:", error.message
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
@ClsiManager.sendRequest @project_id, @user_id, {}, @callback
it "should call the callback with a failure statue", ->
it "should call the callback with a failure status", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @status).should.equal true
describe "with a sync conflict", ->
@ -137,6 +137,77 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
it "should call the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("failed")).should.equal true
describe "sendExternalRequest", ->
beforeEach ->
@submission_id = "submission-id"
@clsi_request = "mock-request"
@ClsiCookieManager._getServerId.callsArgWith(1, null, "clsi3")
describe "with a successful compile", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiManager._postToClsi = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {
status: @status = "success"
outputFiles: [{
url: "#{@settings.apis.clsi.url}/project/#{@submission_id}/build/1234/output/output.pdf"
path: "output.pdf"
type: "pdf"
build: 1234
url: "#{@settings.apis.clsi.url}/project/#{@submission_id}/build/1234/output/output.log"
path: "output.log"
type: "log"
build: 1234
@ClsiManager.sendExternalRequest @submission_id, @clsi_request, {compileGroup:"standard"}, @callback
it "should send the request to the CLSI", ->
.calledWith(@submission_id, null, @clsi_request, "standard")
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the status and output files", ->
outputFiles = [{
url: "/project/#{@submission_id}/build/1234/output/output.pdf"
path: "output.pdf"
type: "pdf"
build: 1234
url: "/project/#{@submission_id}/build/1234/output/output.log"
path: "output.log"
type: "log"
build: 1234
@callback.calledWith(null, @status, outputFiles).should.equal true
describe "with a failed compile", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiManager._postToClsi = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {
status: @status = "failure"
@ClsiManager.sendExternalRequest @submission_id, @clsi_request, {}, @callback
it "should call the callback with a failure status", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @status).should.equal true
describe "when the resources fail the precompile check", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error("failed"))
@ClsiManager._postToClsi = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {
status: @status = "failure"
@ClsiManager.sendExternalRequest @submission_id, @clsi_request, {}, @callback
it "should call the callback only once", ->
@callback.calledOnce.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("failed")).should.equal true
describe "deleteAuxFiles", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiManager._makeRequest = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ describe "CompileController", ->
url: "clsi.example.com"
url: "clsi-priority.example.com"
compileGroup: 'standard'
compileTimeout: 60
@jar = {cookie:"stuff"}
@ClsiCookieManager =
getCookieJar:sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @jar)
@ -109,6 +112,62 @@ describe "CompileController", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @user_id, { isAutoCompile: false, draft: true })
.should.equal true
describe "compileSubmission", ->
beforeEach ->
@submission_id = 'sub-1234'
@req.params =
submission_id: @submission_id
@req.body = {}
@ClsiManager.sendExternalRequest = sinon.stub()
.callsArgWith(3, null, @status = "success", @outputFiles = ["mock-output-files"], \
@clsiServerId = "mock-server-id", @validationProblems = null)
it "should set the content-type of the response to application/json", ->
@CompileController.compileSubmission @req, @res, @next
.should.equal true
it "should send a successful response reporting the status and files", ->
@CompileController.compileSubmission @req, @res, @next
@res.statusCode.should.equal 200
@res.body.should.equal JSON.stringify({
status: @status
outputFiles: @outputFiles
clsiServerId: 'mock-server-id'
validationProblems: null
describe "with compileGroup and timeout", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.body =
compileGroup: 'special'
timeout: 600
@CompileController.compileSubmission @req, @res, @next
it "should use the supplied values", ->
.calledWith(@submission_id, { compileGroup: 'special', timeout: 600 }, \
{ compileGroup: 'special', timeout: 600 })
.should.equal true
describe "with other supported options but not compileGroup and timeout", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.body =
rootResourcePath: 'main.tex'
compiler: 'lualatex'
draft: true
check: 'validate'
@CompileController.compileSubmission @req, @res, @next
it "should use the other options but default values for compileGroup and timeout", ->
.calledWith(@submission_id, \
{rootResourcePath: 'main.tex', compiler: 'lualatex', draft: true, check: 'validate'}, \
{rootResourcePath: 'main.tex', compiler: 'lualatex', draft: true, check: 'validate', \
compileGroup: 'standard', timeout: 60})
.should.equal true
describe "downloadPdf", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.params =
@ -167,6 +226,38 @@ describe "CompileController", ->
@CompileController.downloadPdf @req, @res
describe "getFileFromClsiWithoutUser", ->
beforeEach ->
@submission_id = 'sub-1234'
@build_id = 123456
@file = 'project.pdf'
@req.params =
submission_id: @submission_id
build_id: @build_id
file: @file
@req.body = {}
@expected_url = "/project/#{@submission_id}/build/#{@build_id}/output/#{@file}"
@CompileController.proxyToClsiWithLimits = sinon.stub()
describe "without limits specified", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileController.getFileFromClsiWithoutUser @req, @res, @next
it "should proxy to CLSI with correct URL and default limits", ->
.calledWith(@submission_id, @expected_url, {compileGroup: 'standard'})
.should.equal true
describe "with limits specified", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.body = {compileTimeout: 600, compileGroup: 'special'}
@CompileController.getFileFromClsiWithoutUser @req, @res, @next
it "should proxy to CLSI with correct URL and specified limits", ->
.calledWith(@submission_id, @expected_url, {compileGroup: 'special'})
.should.equal true
describe "proxyToClsi", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.returns(@proxy = {
Reference in a new issue