Add in diff generating functions

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2014-03-01 13:31:34 +00:00
parent 76cdd5cf98
commit e0402692cf
3 changed files with 408 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
mochaTest: mochaTest:
unit: unit:
src: ['test/unit/js/**/*.js'] src: ["test/unit/js/#{grunt.option("feature") or "**"}/*.js"]
options: options:
reporter: grunt.option('reporter') or 'spec' reporter: grunt.option('reporter') or 'spec'
grep: grunt.option("grep") grep: grunt.option("grep")
acceptance: acceptance:
src: ['test/acceptance/js/**/*.js'] src: ["test/acceptance/js/**/*.js"]
options: options:
reporter: grunt.option('reporter') or 'spec' reporter: grunt.option('reporter') or 'spec'
grep: grunt.option("grep") grep: grunt.option("grep")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
ConsistencyError = (message) ->
error = new Error(message) = "ConsistencyError"
error.__proto__ = ConsistencyError.prototype
return error
ConsistencyError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
module.exports = DiffGenerator =
ConsistencyError: ConsistencyError
rewindUpdate: (content, update) ->
op = update.op
if op.i?
textToBeRemoved = content.slice(op.p, op.p + op.i.length)
if op.i != textToBeRemoved
throw new ConsistencyError(
"Inserted content, '#{op.i}', does not match text to be removed, '#{textToBeRemoved}'"
return content.slice(0, op.p) + content.slice(op.p + op.i.length)
else if op.d?
return content.slice(0, op.p) + op.d + content.slice(op.p)
rewindUpdates: (content, updates) ->
for update in updates.reverse()
content = DiffGenerator.rewindUpdate(content, update)
return content
buildDiff: (initialContent, updates) ->
applyUpdateToDiff: (diff, update) ->
position = 0
op = update.op
remainingDiff = diff.slice()
{consumedDiff, remainingDiff} = DiffGenerator._consumeToOffset(remainingDiff, op.p)
newDiff = consumedDiff
if op.i?
i: op.i
meta: update.meta
else if op.d?
{consumedDiff, remainingDiff} = DiffGenerator._consumeDiffAffectedByDeleteUpdate remainingDiff, update
return newDiff
_consumeToOffset: (remainingDiff, totalOffset) ->
consumedDiff = []
position = 0
while part = remainingDiff.shift()
length = DiffGenerator._getLengthOfDiffPart part
if part.d?
consumedDiff.push part
else if position + length >= totalOffset
partOffset = totalOffset - position
if partOffset > 0
consumedDiff.push DiffGenerator._slicePart part, 0, partOffset
if partOffset < length
remainingDiff.unshift DiffGenerator._slicePart part, partOffset
return {
consumedDiff: consumedDiff
remainingDiff: remainingDiff
position += length
consumedDiff.push part
throw new Error("Ran out of diff to consume. Offset is too small")
_consumeDiffAffectedByDeleteUpdate: (remainingDiff, deleteUpdate) ->
consumedDiff = []
remainingUpdate = deleteUpdate
while remainingUpdate
{newPart, remainingDiff, remainingUpdate} = DiffGenerator._consumeDeletedPart remainingDiff, remainingUpdate
consumedDiff.push newPart if newPart?
return {
consumedDiff: consumedDiff
remainingDiff: remainingDiff
_consumeDeletedPart: (remainingDiff, deleteUpdate) ->
part = remainingDiff.shift()
partLength = DiffGenerator._getLengthOfDiffPart part
op = deleteUpdate.op
if part.d?
# Skip existing deletes
remainingUpdate = deleteUpdate
newPart = part
else if partLength > op.d.length
# Only the first bit of the part has been deleted
remainingPart = DiffGenerator._slicePart part, op.d.length
remainingDiff.unshift remainingPart
deletedContent = DiffGenerator._getContentOfPart(part).slice(0, op.d.length)
if deletedContent != op.d
throw new ConsistencyError("deleted content, '#{deletedContent}', does not match delete op, '#{op.d}'")
if part.u?
newPart =
d: op.d
meta: deleteUpdate.meta
else if part.i?
newPart = null
remainingUpdate = null
else if partLength == op.d.length
# The entire part has been deleted, but it is the last part
deletedContent = DiffGenerator._getContentOfPart(part)
if deletedContent != op.d
throw new ConsistencyError("deleted content, '#{deletedContent}', does not match delete op, '#{op.d}'")
if part.u?
newPart =
d: op.d
meta: deleteUpdate.meta
else if part.i?
newPart = null
remainingUpdate = null
else if partLength < op.d.length
# The entire part has been deleted and there is more
deletedContent = DiffGenerator._getContentOfPart(part)
opContent = op.d.slice(0, deletedContent.length)
if deletedContent != opContent
throw new ConsistencyError("deleted content, '#{deletedContent}', does not match delete op, '#{opContent}'")
if part.u
newPart =
d: part.u
meta: deleteUpdate.meta
else if part.i?
newPart = null
remainingUpdate =
op: { p: op.p, d: op.d.slice(DiffGenerator._getLengthOfDiffPart(part)) }
meta: deleteUpdate.meta
return {
newPart: newPart
remainingDiff: remainingDiff
remainingUpdate: remainingUpdate
_slicePart: (basePart, from, to) ->
if basePart.u?
part = { u: basePart.u.slice(from, to) }
else if basePart.i?
part = { i: basePart.i.slice(from, to) }
if basePart.meta?
part.meta = basePart.meta
return part
_getLengthOfDiffPart: (part) ->
(part.u or part.d or part.i).length
_getContentOfPart: (part) ->
part.u or part.d or part.i

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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
sinon = require('sinon')
chai = require('chai')
should = chai.should()
expect = chai.expect
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/DiffGenerator.js"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "DiffGenerator", ->
beforeEach ->
@DiffGenerator = SandboxedModule.require modulePath
@ts =
@user_id = "mock-user-id"
@meta = {
start_ts: @ts, end_ts: @ts, user_id: @user_id
describe "rewindUpdate", ->
describe "rewinding an insert", ->
it "should undo the insert", ->
content = "hello world"
update =
op: { p: 6, i: "wo" }
rewoundContent = @DiffGenerator.rewindUpdate content, update
rewoundContent.should.equal "hello rld"
describe "rewinding a delete", ->
it "should undo the delete", ->
content = "hello rld"
update =
op: { p: 6, d: "wo" }
rewoundContent = @DiffGenerator.rewindUpdate content, update
rewoundContent.should.equal "hello world"
describe "with an inconsistent update", ->
it "should throw an error", ->
content = "hello world"
update =
op: { p: 6, i: "foo" }
expect( () =>
@DiffGenerator.rewindUpdate content, update
describe "rewindUpdates", ->
it "should rewind updates in reverse", ->
content = "aaabbbccc"
updates = [
{ op: { p: 3, i: "bbb" } },
{ op: { p: 6, i: "ccc" } }
rewoundContent = @DiffGenerator.rewindUpdates content, updates
rewoundContent.should.equal "aaa"
describe "applyUpdateToDiff", ->
describe "an insert", ->
it "should insert into the middle of (u)nchanged text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobar" } ],
{ op: { p: 3, i: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "foo" }
{ i: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ u: "bar" }
it "should insert into the start of (u)changed text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobar" } ],
{ op: { p: 0, i: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ i: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ u: "foobar" }
it "should insert into the end of (u)changed text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobar" } ],
{ op: { p: 6, i: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "foobar" }
{ i: "baz", meta: @meta }
it "should insert into the middle of (i)inserted text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { i: "foobar", meta: @meta } ],
{ op: { p: 3, i: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ i: "foo", meta: @meta }
{ i: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ i: "bar", meta: @meta }
it "should not count deletes in the running length total", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
{ d: "deleted", meta: @meta }
{ u: "foobar" }
{ op: { p: 3, i: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ d: "deleted", meta: @meta }
{ u: "foo" }
{ i: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ u: "bar" }
describe "a delete", ->
describe "deleting unchanged text", ->
it "should delete from the middle of (u)nchanged text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobazbar" } ],
{ op: { p: 3, d: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "foo" }
{ d: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ u: "bar" }
it "should delete from the start of (u)nchanged text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobazbar" } ],
{ op: { p: 0, d: "foo" }, meta: @meta }
{ d: "foo", meta: @meta }
{ u: "bazbar" }
it "should delete from the end of (u)nchanged text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobazbar" } ],
{ op: { p: 6, d: "bar" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "foobaz" }
{ d: "bar", meta: @meta }
it "should delete across multiple (u)changed text parts", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foo" }, { u: "baz" }, { u: "bar" } ],
{ op: { p: 2, d: "obazb" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "fo" }
{ d: "o", meta: @meta }
{ d: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ d: "b", meta: @meta }
{ u: "ar" }
describe "deleting inserts", ->
it "should delete from the middle of (i)nserted text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { i: "foobazbar", meta: @meta } ],
{ op: { p: 3, d: "baz" }, meta: @meta }
{ i: "foo", meta: @meta }
{ i: "bar", meta: @meta }
it "should delete from the start of (u)nchanged text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { i: "foobazbar", meta: @meta } ],
{ op: { p: 0, d: "foo" }, meta: @meta }
{ i: "bazbar", meta: @meta }
it "should delete from the end of (u)nchanged text", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { i: "foobazbar", meta: @meta } ],
{ op: { p: 6, d: "bar" }, meta: @meta }
{ i: "foobaz", meta: @meta }
it "should delete across multiple (u)changed and (i)nserted text parts", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foo" }, { i: "baz", meta: @meta }, { u: "bar" } ],
{ op: { p: 2, d: "obazb" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "fo" }
{ d: "o", meta: @meta }
{ d: "b", meta: @meta }
{ u: "ar" }
describe "deleting over existing deletes", ->
it "should delete across multiple (u)changed and (d)deleted text parts", ->
diff = @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foo" }, { d: "baz", meta: @meta }, { u: "bar" } ],
{ op: { p: 2, d: "ob" }, meta: @meta }
{ u: "fo" }
{ d: "o", meta: @meta }
{ d: "baz", meta: @meta }
{ d: "b", meta: @meta }
{ u: "ar" }
describe "deleting when the text doesn't match", ->
it "should throw an error when deleting from the middle of (u)nchanged text", ->
() => @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobazbar" } ],
{ op: { p: 3, d: "xxx" }, meta: @meta }
it "should throw an error when deleting from the start of (u)nchanged text", ->
() => @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobazbar" } ],
{ op: { p: 0, d: "xxx" }, meta: @meta }
it "should throw an error when deleting from the end of (u)nchanged text", ->
() => @DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff(
[ { u: "foobazbar" } ],
{ op: { p: 6, d: "xxx" }, meta: @meta }