use getSessionUser rather than getLoggedInUser

This commit is contained in:
Shane Kilkelly 2016-09-07 10:30:58 +01:00
parent 9758dd77b3
commit cc5ddc92bb
6 changed files with 292 additions and 311 deletions

View file

@ -24,27 +24,26 @@ module.exports = CollaboratorsInviteController =
inviteToProject: (req, res, next) ->
projectId = req.params.Project_id
email =
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, sendingUser) ->
return callback(err) if err?
sendingUserId = sendingUser._id
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "inviting to project"
LimitationsManager.canAddXCollaborators projectId, 1, (error, allowed) =>
return next(error) if error?
if !allowed
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "not allowed to invite more users to project"
return res.json {invite: null}
{email, privileges} = req.body
email = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email)
if !email? or email == ""
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "invalid email address"
return res.sendStatus(400)
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.inviteToProject projectId, sendingUser, email, privileges, (err, invite) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "error creating project invite"
return next(err)
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "invite created"
EditorRealTimeController.emitToRoom(projectId, 'project:membership:changed', {invites: true})
return res.json {invite: invite}
sendingUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
sendingUserId = sendingUser._id
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "inviting to project"
LimitationsManager.canAddXCollaborators projectId, 1, (error, allowed) =>
return next(error) if error?
if !allowed
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "not allowed to invite more users to project"
return res.json {invite: null}
{email, privileges} = req.body
email = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email)
if !email? or email == ""
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "invalid email address"
return res.sendStatus(400)
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.inviteToProject projectId, sendingUser, email, privileges, (err, invite) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "error creating project invite"
return next(err)
logger.log {projectId, email, sendingUserId}, "invite created"
EditorRealTimeController.emitToRoom(projectId, 'project:membership:changed', {invites: true})
return res.json {invite: invite}
revokeInvite: (req, res, next) ->
projectId = req.params.Project_id
@ -61,13 +60,12 @@ module.exports = CollaboratorsInviteController =
projectId = req.params.Project_id
inviteId = req.params.invite_id
logger.log {projectId, inviteId}, "resending invite"
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, sendingUser) ->
return callback(err) if err?
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.resendInvite projectId, sendingUser, inviteId, (err) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, inviteId}, "error resending invite"
return next(err)
sendingUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.resendInvite projectId, sendingUser, inviteId, (err) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, inviteId}, "error resending invite"
return next(err)
viewInvite: (req, res, next) ->
projectId = req.params.Project_id
@ -76,54 +74,52 @@ module.exports = CollaboratorsInviteController =
logger.log {projectId, token}, "invite not valid, rendering not-valid page"
res.render "project/invite/not-valid", {title: "Invalid Invite"}
# check if the user is already a member of the project
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, currentUser) ->
return callback(err) if err?
CollaboratorsHandler.isUserMemberOfProject currentUser._id, projectId, (err, isMember, _privilegeLevel) ->
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
CollaboratorsHandler.isUserMemberOfProject currentUser._id, projectId, (err, isMember, _privilegeLevel) ->
if err?
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error checking if user is member of project"
return next(err)
if isMember
logger.log {projectId, userId: currentUser._id}, "user is already a member of this project, redirecting"
return res.redirect "/project/#{projectId}"
# get the invite
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.getInviteByToken projectId, token, (err, invite) ->
if err?
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error checking if user is member of project"
logger.err {projectId, token}, "error getting invite by token"
return next(err)
if isMember
logger.log {projectId, userId: currentUser._id}, "user is already a member of this project, redirecting"
return res.redirect "/project/#{projectId}"
# get the invite
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.getInviteByToken projectId, token, (err, invite) ->
# check if invite is gone, or otherwise non-existent
if !invite?
logger.log {projectId, token}, "no invite found for this token"
return _renderInvalidPage()
# check the user who sent the invite exists
UserGetter.getUser {_id: invite.sendingUserId}, {email: 1, first_name: 1, last_name: 1}, (err, owner) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, token}, "error getting invite by token"
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error getting project owner"
return next(err)
# check if invite is gone, or otherwise non-existent
if !invite?
logger.log {projectId, token}, "no invite found for this token"
if !owner?
logger.log {projectId}, "no project owner found"
return _renderInvalidPage()
# check the user who sent the invite exists
UserGetter.getUser {_id: invite.sendingUserId}, {email: 1, first_name: 1, last_name: 1}, (err, owner) ->
# fetch the project name
ProjectGetter.getProject projectId, {}, (err, project) ->
if err?
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error getting project owner"
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error getting project"
return next(err)
if !owner?
logger.log {projectId}, "no project owner found"
if !project?
logger.log {projectId}, "no project found"
return _renderInvalidPage()
# fetch the project name
ProjectGetter.getProject projectId, {}, (err, project) ->
if err?
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error getting project"
return next(err)
if !project?
logger.log {projectId}, "no project found"
return _renderInvalidPage()
# finally render the invite
res.render "project/invite/show", {invite, project, owner, title: "Project Invite"}
# finally render the invite
res.render "project/invite/show", {invite, project, owner, title: "Project Invite"}
acceptInvite: (req, res, next) ->
projectId = req.params.Project_id
inviteId = req.params.invite_id
{token} = req.body
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, currentUser) ->
return callback(err) if err?
logger.log {projectId, inviteId, userId: currentUser._id}, "accepting invite"
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.acceptInvite projectId, inviteId, token, currentUser, (err) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, inviteId}, "error accepting invite by token"
return next(err)
EditorRealTimeController.emitToRoom projectId, 'project:membership:changed', {invites: true, members: true}
AnalyticsManger.recordEvent(currentUser._id, "project-invite-accept", {inviteId:inviteId, projectId:projectId})
res.redirect "/project/#{projectId}"
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
logger.log {projectId, inviteId, userId: currentUser._id}, "accepting invite"
CollaboratorsInviteHandler.acceptInvite projectId, inviteId, token, currentUser, (err) ->
if err?
logger.err {projectId, inviteId}, "error accepting invite by token"
return next(err)
EditorRealTimeController.emitToRoom projectId, 'project:membership:changed', {invites: true, members: true}
AnalyticsManger.recordEvent(currentUser._id, "project-invite-accept", {inviteId:inviteId, projectId:projectId})
res.redirect "/project/#{projectId}"

View file

@ -91,13 +91,12 @@ module.exports = ProjectController =
logger.log project_id:project_id, projectName:projectName, "cloning project"
if !AuthenticationController.isUserLoggedIn()?
return res.send redir:"/register"
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, currentUser) ->
return next(err) if err?
projectDuplicator.duplicate currentUser, project_id, projectName, (err, project)->
if err?
logger.error err:err, project_id: project_id, user_id: currentUser._id, "error cloning project"
return next(err)
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
projectDuplicator.duplicate currentUser, project_id, projectName, (err, project)->
if err?
logger.error err:err, project_id: project_id, user_id: currentUser._id, "error cloning project"
return next(err)
newProject: (req, res)->
@ -135,52 +134,51 @@ module.exports = ProjectController =
projectListPage: (req, res, next)->
timer = new metrics.Timer("project-list")
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req)
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, currentUser) ->
return next(err) if err?
async.parallel {
tags: (cb)->
TagsHandler.getAllTags user_id, cb
notifications: (cb)->
NotificationsHandler.getUserNotifications user_id, cb
projects: (cb)->
ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects user_id, 'name lastUpdated publicAccesLevel archived owner_ref', cb
hasSubscription: (cb)->
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscriptionOrIsGroupMember currentUser, cb
user: (cb) ->
User.findById user_id, "featureSwitches", cb
}, (err, results)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error getting data for project list page"
return next(err)
logger.log results:results, user_id:user_id, "rendering project list"
tags = results.tags[0]
notifications = require("underscore").map results.notifications, (notification)->
notification.html = req.i18n.translate(notification.templateKey, notification.messageOpts)
return notification
projects = ProjectController._buildProjectList results.projects[0], results.projects[1], results.projects[2]
user = results.user
ProjectController._injectProjectOwners projects, (error, projects) ->
return next(error) if error?
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
async.parallel {
tags: (cb)->
TagsHandler.getAllTags user_id, cb
notifications: (cb)->
NotificationsHandler.getUserNotifications user_id, cb
projects: (cb)->
ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects user_id, 'name lastUpdated publicAccesLevel archived owner_ref', cb
hasSubscription: (cb)->
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscriptionOrIsGroupMember currentUser, cb
user: (cb) ->
User.findById user_id, "featureSwitches", cb
}, (err, results)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error getting data for project list page"
return next(err)
logger.log results:results, user_id:user_id, "rendering project list"
tags = results.tags[0]
notifications = require("underscore").map results.notifications, (notification)->
notification.html = req.i18n.translate(notification.templateKey, notification.messageOpts)
return notification
projects = ProjectController._buildProjectList results.projects[0], results.projects[1], results.projects[2]
user = results.user
ProjectController._injectProjectOwners projects, (error, projects) ->
return next(error) if error?
viewModel = {
priority_title: true
projects: projects
tags: tags
notifications: notifications or []
user: user
hasSubscription: results.hasSubscription[0]
viewModel = {
priority_title: true
projects: projects
tags: tags
notifications: notifications or []
user: user
hasSubscription: results.hasSubscription[0]
if Settings?.algolia?.app_id? and Settings?.algolia?.read_only_api_key?
viewModel.showUserDetailsArea = true
viewModel.algolia_api_key = Settings.algolia.read_only_api_key
viewModel.algolia_app_id = Settings.algolia.app_id
viewModel.showUserDetailsArea = false
if Settings?.algolia?.app_id? and Settings?.algolia?.read_only_api_key?
viewModel.showUserDetailsArea = true
viewModel.algolia_api_key = Settings.algolia.read_only_api_key
viewModel.algolia_app_id = Settings.algolia.app_id
viewModel.showUserDetailsArea = false
res.render 'project/list', viewModel
res.render 'project/list', viewModel
loadEditor: (req, res, next)->

View file

@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ AuthenticationController = require('../Authentication/AuthenticationController')
module.exports = RefererMiddleware =
getUserReferalId: (req, res, next) ->
if AuthenticationController.isUserLoggedIn()?
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
req.user.referal_id = user.referal_id
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
req.user.referal_id = user.referal_id

View file

@ -32,168 +32,159 @@ module.exports = SubscriptionController =
#get to show the recurly.js page
paymentPage: (req, res, next) ->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) =>
return next(error) if error?
plan = PlansLocator.findLocalPlanInSettings(req.query.planCode)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription)->
return next(err) if err?
if hasSubscription or !plan?
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
currency = req.query.currency?.toUpperCase()
GeoIpLookup.getCurrencyCode req.query?.ip || req.ip, (err, recomendedCurrency, countryCode)->
return next(err) if err?
if recomendedCurrency? and !currency?
currency = recomendedCurrency
RecurlyWrapper.sign {
plan_code : req.query.planCode
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
plan = PlansLocator.findLocalPlanInSettings(req.query.planCode)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription)->
return next(err) if err?
if hasSubscription or !plan?
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
currency = req.query.currency?.toUpperCase()
GeoIpLookup.getCurrencyCode req.query?.ip || req.ip, (err, recomendedCurrency, countryCode)->
return next(err) if err?
if recomendedCurrency? and !currency?
currency = recomendedCurrency
RecurlyWrapper.sign {
plan_code : req.query.planCode
currency: currency
account_code: user._id
}, (error, signature) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.render "subscriptions/new",
title : "subscribe"
plan_code: req.query.planCode
currency: currency
showStudentPlan: req.query.ssp
recurlyConfig: JSON.stringify
currency: currency
account_code: user._id
}, (error, signature) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.render "subscriptions/new",
title : "subscribe"
plan_code: req.query.planCode
currency: currency
showStudentPlan: req.query.ssp
recurlyConfig: JSON.stringify
currency: currency
subdomain: Settings.apis.recurly.subdomain
showCouponField: req.query.scf
showVatField: req.query.svf
couponCode: or ""
subdomain: Settings.apis.recurly.subdomain
showCouponField: req.query.scf
showVatField: req.query.svf
couponCode: or ""
userSubscriptionPage: (req, res, next) ->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) =>
return next(error) if error?
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscriptionOrIsGroupMember user, (err, hasSubOrIsGroupMember, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
groupLicenceInviteUrl = SubscriptionDomainHandler.getDomainLicencePage(user)
if subscription?.customAccount
logger.log user: user, "redirecting to custom account page"
res.redirect "/user/subscription/custom_account"
else if groupLicenceInviteUrl? and !hasSubOrIsGroupMember
logger.log user:user, "redirecting to group subscription invite page"
res.redirect groupLicenceInviteUrl
else if !hasSubOrIsGroupMember
logger.log user: user, "redirecting to plans"
res.redirect "/user/subscription/plans"
SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.buildUsersSubscriptionViewModel user, (error, subscription, groupSubscriptions) ->
return next(error) if error?
logger.log user: user, subscription:subscription, hasSubOrIsGroupMember:hasSubOrIsGroupMember, groupSubscriptions:groupSubscriptions, "showing subscription dashboard"
plans = SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.buildViewModel()
res.render "subscriptions/dashboard",
title: "your_subscription"
recomendedCurrency: subscription?.currency
plans: plans
subscription: subscription || {}
groupSubscriptions: groupSubscriptions
subscriptionTabActive: true
saved_billing_details: req.query.saved_billing_details?
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscriptionOrIsGroupMember user, (err, hasSubOrIsGroupMember, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
groupLicenceInviteUrl = SubscriptionDomainHandler.getDomainLicencePage(user)
if subscription?.customAccount
logger.log user: user, "redirecting to custom account page"
res.redirect "/user/subscription/custom_account"
else if groupLicenceInviteUrl? and !hasSubOrIsGroupMember
logger.log user:user, "redirecting to group subscription invite page"
res.redirect groupLicenceInviteUrl
else if !hasSubOrIsGroupMember
logger.log user: user, "redirecting to plans"
res.redirect "/user/subscription/plans"
SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.buildUsersSubscriptionViewModel user, (error, subscription, groupSubscriptions) ->
return next(error) if error?
logger.log user: user, subscription:subscription, hasSubOrIsGroupMember:hasSubOrIsGroupMember, groupSubscriptions:groupSubscriptions, "showing subscription dashboard"
plans = SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.buildViewModel()
res.render "subscriptions/dashboard",
title: "your_subscription"
recomendedCurrency: subscription?.currency
plans: plans
subscription: subscription || {}
groupSubscriptions: groupSubscriptions
subscriptionTabActive: true
saved_billing_details: req.query.saved_billing_details?
userCustomSubscriptionPage: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscriptionOrIsGroupMember user, (err, hasSubOrIsGroupMember, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
if !subscription?
err = new Error("subscription null for custom account, user:#{user?._id}")
logger.warn err:err, "subscription is null for custom accounts page"
return next(err)
res.render "subscriptions/custom_account",
title: "your_subscription"
subscription: subscription
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscriptionOrIsGroupMember user, (err, hasSubOrIsGroupMember, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
if !subscription?
err = new Error("subscription null for custom account, user:#{user?._id}")
logger.warn err:err, "subscription is null for custom accounts page"
return next(err)
res.render "subscriptions/custom_account",
title: "your_subscription"
subscription: subscription
editBillingDetailsPage: (req, res, next) ->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription)->
return next(err) if err?
if !hasSubscription
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
RecurlyWrapper.sign {
account_code: user._id
}, (error, signature) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.render "subscriptions/edit-billing-details",
title : "update_billing_details"
recurlyConfig: JSON.stringify
currency: "USD"
subdomain: Settings.apis.recurly.subdomain
signature : signature
successURL : "#{Settings.siteUrl}/user/subscription/billing-details/update"
user :
id : user._id
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription)->
return next(err) if err?
if !hasSubscription
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
RecurlyWrapper.sign {
account_code: user._id
}, (error, signature) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.render "subscriptions/edit-billing-details",
title : "update_billing_details"
recurlyConfig: JSON.stringify
currency: "USD"
subdomain: Settings.apis.recurly.subdomain
signature : signature
successURL : "#{Settings.siteUrl}/user/subscription/billing-details/update"
user :
id : user._id
updateBillingDetails: (req, res, next) ->
res.redirect "/user/subscription?saved_billing_details=true"
createSubscription: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return callback(error) if error?
recurly_token_id = req.body.recurly_token_id
subscriptionDetails = req.body.subscriptionDetails
logger.log recurly_token_id: recurly_token_id, user_id:user._id, subscriptionDetails:subscriptionDetails, "creating subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.createSubscription user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong creating subscription"
return res.sendStatus 500
res.sendStatus 201
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
recurly_token_id = req.body.recurly_token_id
subscriptionDetails = req.body.subscriptionDetails
logger.log recurly_token_id: recurly_token_id, user_id:user._id, subscriptionDetails:subscriptionDetails, "creating subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.createSubscription user, subscriptionDetails, recurly_token_id, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong creating subscription"
return res.sendStatus 500
res.sendStatus 201
successful_subscription: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) =>
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.buildUsersSubscriptionViewModel user, (error, subscription) ->
return next(error) if error?
SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.buildUsersSubscriptionViewModel user, (error, subscription) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.render "subscriptions/successful_subscription",
title: "thank_you"
res.render "subscriptions/successful_subscription",
title: "thank_you"
cancelSubscription: (req, res, next) ->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
logger.log user_id:user._id, "canceling subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.cancelSubscription user, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong canceling subscription"
return next(err)
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
logger.log user_id:user._id, "canceling subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.cancelSubscription user, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong canceling subscription"
return next(err)
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
updateSubscription: (req, res, next)->
_origin = req?.query?.origin || null
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
planCode = req.body.plan_code
if !planCode?
err = new Error('plan_code is not defined')
logger.err {user_id: user._id, err, planCode, origin: _origin, body: req.body}, "[Subscription] error in updateSubscription form"
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
planCode = req.body.plan_code
if !planCode?
err = new Error('plan_code is not defined')
logger.err {user_id: user._id, err, planCode, origin: _origin, body: req.body}, "[Subscription] error in updateSubscription form"
return next(err)
logger.log planCode: planCode, user_id:user._id, "updating subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription user, planCode, null, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong updating subscription"
return next(err)
logger.log planCode: planCode, user_id:user._id, "updating subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription user, planCode, null, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong updating subscription"
return next(err)
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
reactivateSubscription: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
logger.log user_id:user._id, "reactivating subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.reactivateSubscription user, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong reactivating subscription"
return next(err)
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
logger.log user_id:user._id, "reactivating subscription"
SubscriptionHandler.reactivateSubscription user, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "something went wrong reactivating subscription"
return next(err)
res.redirect "/user/subscription"
recurlyCallback: (req, res, next)->
logger.log data: req.body, "received recurly callback"
@ -207,47 +198,44 @@ module.exports = SubscriptionController =
res.sendStatus 200
renderUpgradeToAnnualPlanPage: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
planCode = subscription?.planCode.toLowerCase()
if planCode?.indexOf("annual") != -1
planName = "annual"
else if planCode?.indexOf("student") != -1
planName = "student"
else if planCode?.indexOf("collaborator") != -1
planName = "collaborator"
if !hasSubscription
return res.redirect("/user/subscription/plans")
logger.log planName:planName, user_id:user._id, "rendering upgrade to annual page"
res.render "subscriptions/upgradeToAnnual",
title: "Upgrade to annual"
planName: planName
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
planCode = subscription?.planCode.toLowerCase()
if planCode?.indexOf("annual") != -1
planName = "annual"
else if planCode?.indexOf("student") != -1
planName = "student"
else if planCode?.indexOf("collaborator") != -1
planName = "collaborator"
if !hasSubscription
return res.redirect("/user/subscription/plans")
logger.log planName:planName, user_id:user._id, "rendering upgrade to annual page"
res.render "subscriptions/upgradeToAnnual",
title: "Upgrade to annual"
planName: planName
processUpgradeToAnnualPlan: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
{planName} = req.body
coupon_code = Settings.coupon_codes.upgradeToAnnualPromo[planName]
annualPlanName = "#{planName}-annual"
logger.log user_id:user._id, planName:annualPlanName, "user is upgrading to annual billing with discount"
SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription user, annualPlanName, coupon_code, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "error updating subscription"
return next(err)
res.sendStatus 200
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
{planName} = req.body
coupon_code = Settings.coupon_codes.upgradeToAnnualPromo[planName]
annualPlanName = "#{planName}-annual"
logger.log user_id:user._id, planName:annualPlanName, "user is upgrading to annual billing with discount"
SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription user, annualPlanName, coupon_code, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "error updating subscription"
return next(err)
res.sendStatus 200
extendTrial: (req, res, next)->
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (error, user) ->
return next(error) if error?
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
SubscriptionHandler.extendTrial subscription, 14, (err)->
if err?
res.send 500
res.send 200
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription, subscription)->
return next(err) if err?
SubscriptionHandler.extendTrial subscription, 14, (err)->
if err?
res.send 500
res.send 200
recurlyNotificationParser: (req, res, next) ->
xml = ""

View file

@ -78,18 +78,18 @@ module.exports =
beginJoinGroup: (req, res)->
subscription_id = req.params.subscription_id
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, currentUser) ->
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
if !currentUser?
logger.err {subscription_id}, "error getting current user"
return res.sendStatus 500
licence = SubscriptionDomainHandler.findDomainLicenceBySubscriptionId(subscription_id)
if !licence?
return ErrorsController.notFound(req, res)
SubscriptionGroupHandler.sendVerificationEmail subscription_id,,, (err)->
if err?
logger.err {subscription_id}, "error getting current user"
return res.sendStatus 500
licence = SubscriptionDomainHandler.findDomainLicenceBySubscriptionId(subscription_id)
if !licence?
return ErrorsController.notFound(req, res)
SubscriptionGroupHandler.sendVerificationEmail subscription_id,,, (err)->
if err?
res.sendStatus 500
res.sendStatus 200
res.sendStatus 500
res.sendStatus 200
completeJoin: (req, res)->
subscription_id = req.params.subscription_id

View file

@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ module.exports = UserController = "user.logout"
logger.log user: req?.session?.user, "logging out"
sessionId = req.sessionID
AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUser req, (err, user) ->
req.logout?() # passport logout
req.session.destroy (err)->
if err
logger.err err: err, 'error destorying session'
UserSessionsManager.untrackSession(user, sessionId)
res.redirect '/login'
user = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
req.logout?() # passport logout
req.session.destroy (err)->
if err
logger.err err: err, 'error destorying session'
UserSessionsManager.untrackSession(user, sessionId)
res.redirect '/login'
register : (req, res, next = (error) ->)->
email =